Ever Wondered Why Men Watch Porn? Prepare to Be Enlightened!

It’s easy to think that all men are obsessed with porn, but it’s actually not the case. If you’ve ever wondered why men watch porn, read on.
Porn is one of those things that most of us are on the fence about; in some ways, it’s exciting, in other ways, it’s kind of gross too. No matter what your preferences, porn gives you an instant hit of titillation, and it’s super-easy to access nowadays, thanks to the online world. So if you’re wondering why men watch porn or are obsessed with it, here’s why.
Now, I’m not going to suggest that all men are obsessed with porn! I know some guys who don’t watch it because they find it totally unrealistic and it does nothing for them. However, I also know guys who literally spend hours glued to their screens watching porn. No judgement here, do whatever makes you happy.
However, have you ever wondered why men watch porn exactly?
It’s not that women don’t watch porn, of course they do, and there are a growing number of adult companies who are making female-friendly content to push towards a growing demand for a spot of X rated fun, but it has always been a world intrinsically linked with men.
So, why do they watch it? What are the underlying reasons? And, if your guy seems to love a spot of online action, should you be worried about it?
[Read: The real feminist porn picks – Unfaking porn and celebrating female sexuality]
Why men watch porn has nothing to do with you
First things first, let’s get this out there. The fact your guy might watch porn regularly, semi-regularly, or occasionally generally has no reflection on his relationship with you or the way he sees you sexually.
It’s very likely that he is extremely satisfied with your sex life, and the fact he likes to watch other people have sex on the TV doesn’t mean he’s not loving what you get up to between the sheets, or wherever you go about doing it! [Read: The dirty secrets about the female porn industry]
Many people worry when they find out that their guy is watching porn. A friend of mine was horrified; she assumed that he was emotionally cheating on her because she was convinced he had some kind of emotional connect to the women he was watching on the screen. I had to try and convince her that he wasn’t really obsessed with one particular woman and it was the actual act that he was interested in. It’s easy to feel that way however, and some women do draw a line and ask their partners not to do it anymore.
Would you go that far?
I guess it depends on whether his porn habit was starting to take over your life or whether he was picking up habits from the content he was watching and you didn’t feel too comfortable with it. [Read: The most popular moves from pron guys try to do in real life and women hate]
Overall, why men watch porn isn’t because he’s not satisfied with his own sex life, it’s something else entirely, or perhaps a few different reasons.
The truth is that men are turned on easily by visual means, whereas women tend to need an emotional connection *not always, however*, a feeling of safety and they need to be relaxed and turned on in a mental way. Men don’t really need this. So, porn gives them the perfect way to get off quickly, and the huge range of different specialties out there means he can choose whatever he wants to get there.
A little bit of what you fancy…
It’s also possible that a guy likes to watch a certain type of porn, but he knows his partner isn’t comfortable doing this in real life. In that case, he’s getting his outlet through watching porn and enjoying different elements of sexual connection with is partner.
In some ways, you could say it’s a positive thing.
Of course, if you’ve ever watched porn of any type, you’ll know that in this world, partners never become tired, they’re always very willing and smiling, and they enjoy it. Real life isn’t always like this, and sometimes an escape from reality is what you need. [Read: Why guys need porn even if they have a woman to have sex with?]
Some guys also watch porn as a way to release *in more ways than one* stress and anxiety in their day to day life. Porn doesn’t judge, it doesn’t demand, and it doesn’t want to know what’s going on in life, it simply delivers the quick hit that someone needs and the instant relief.
When you look at it in this way, the reasons behind why men watch porn suddenly seems pretty understandable.
A word of warning
Despite all the positive reasons about why men watch porn, there are some warnings we have to consider.
Watching porn is normal and in some ways healthy, but there is a line. If your guy is watching porn all the time and he doesn’t seem interested in having actual sex with you, there needs to be an intervention. Also, if a guy is watching a lot of porn and he’s suddenly demanding certain sexual acts from his partner that they don’t feel comfortable with, that’s also a huge problem. [Read: 5 signs you’re addicted to porn and 15 steps to break out of it]
You see, porn isn’t a reflection of reality. The sex you seen in porn films is always clean, tidy, no unattractive sex faces, no weird noises, and no odd sounds.
It’s very easy to get a distorted view of what realistic sex is when you watch too much porn. It’s also possible to get a totally unrealistic view of what male and female bodies should look like.
There is no right and wrong, there is no way to look or way not to look, but it seems that porn films have a ‘one size fits all’ kind of rule and it’s easy to suddenly have your view of reality twisted because of it.
I guess the point I’m trying to make is that a little porn every now and again for healthy reasons is a good thing. It can give you an outlet and release stress, and let’s be honest, it can be fun! However, when it starts to take over your life and you’re watching it whenever you get spare time, you need to start questioning why and looking at the amount of time you’re spending watching other people get their rocks off. [Read: The 25 most common pron myths that people still believe]
The reasons why men watch porn are far-reaching and I can only really give you a few common ones. Every single person is unique and that means a guy’s reason for watching porn is likely to be unique too. A guy who watches porn isn’t dirty, just like a girl who enjoys a bit of porn every now and again is totally normal too. [Read: 10 common reasons why women don’t admit to watching porn]
We tend to demonize the adult film industry and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a little on the fence about it in some ways. However, huge leaps forward have been made in making this a safer and more fulfilling environment for women, and whilst there will always be a certain amount of objectification of women in this type of industry, it doesn’t always have to be the case. I guess it really comes down to the type of porn you watch, as to whether it’s a healthy outlet or not. [Read: Alternatives to porn – 15 ways to get hot and horny without needing porn]
Does your guy watch porn? Be honest. It’s likely that he does, and if he says he doesn’t, then he’s probably stretching the truth a little. Whilst it’s not true that all guys watch porn, most do from time to time. Working out how you feel about it and being clear on the reasons why men watch porn will help you understand that it’s really not a reflection on you.
[Read: Is watching porn cheating? The little things to help you decide if it’s right or wrong]
If you’ve ever wondered why men watch porn, you probably thought it was because all guys love sex, right? Well, not all men actually! Sometimes porn can be an escape to a different world, somewhere away from the stresses and strains of daily life. And other times it’s simply that a guy wants to hit fast-forward and reach the finish line on his own. Whatever the reason, he still loves you and he still wants you.
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