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Wild Secrets
37 Secrets to Have More Sex as a Couple & How Often is Totally Normal
Feeling like you’re not having enough sex? How often is actually normal? Forget the “shoulds”—let’s explore how to have more sex tailored to you.
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Remember those early days in your relationship when your passion…
How I Lost My Virginity: 24 Must-Knows & 15 True Stories That Aren’t So Sexy
Are you thinking about losing your virginity? Or do you want to know what it was like for other people? We have all the tips and stories you want to hear.
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When you were younger, you likely imagined that your…
Nude Photos Got Leaked?! A Guide on Damage Control & the Next Sane Steps
So your nudes have been leaked. It’s a nightmare, but you can still bounce back. Here’s how to recover when your privates become public.
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It seems like a new celebrity sexting scandal pops up every week, with racy…
Revenge Sex: My Own Experience and Everything I Learned from It
When your partner breaks your trust, revenge sex may cross your mind. But before you seek out your perfect payback, there are a few things to consider.
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How did you feel the last time you caught your partner…
Erotophobia: What It Is, Types, 25 Causes & Signs You Have a Fear of Sex
Are you scared of sexual intimacy? Believe it or not, some people are. Erotophobia is the fear of anything associated with sex. Here’s everything to know.
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There are a few labels out there for people who are…
15 Stages & Sensual Tricks to Know If You’re Being Seduced By Someone
Seduction is a game of smoke and mirrors. But there are ways to see through the magic tricks. Here’s how you can tell if someone is subtly seducing you.
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Seduction employs discreet and unassuming tricks. That’s…
How to Confess to Cheating: Should You? The Must-Knows & Steps to Do It
You’ve made a mistake—a big one—and it’s weighing heavily on your conscious. You want to confess to your partner that you cheated on them. But should you?
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You’re here for one reason—you’ve cheated on your…
Snooping in a Relationship: What It Is, Why We Snoop & How to Get Through It
Are you always snooping in a relationship? Here’s why you’re feeling insecure about your partner, and why it’s so hard to stop.
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Snooping in a relationship is extremely tempting. Can you not resist reading your…
Is Flirting Cheating In a Relationship? 30 Must-Knows to Decode Your Gray Area
Have you ever wondered if flirting is cheating when you’re in a relationship? Here are some guidelines and how to define it in your own partnership.
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Do you flirt with an attractive friend when your partner isn’t…
Wedding Fever: What It Is & 25 Signs You Can’t Stop Thinking About It
Obsessing over your wedding even before your partner has proposed? Check out these signs you have wedding fever, and use these ways to get over it! Whether you’re in a serious relationship or not, it is not uncommon for many of us to get…