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How To
How to Get a Shy Guy to Like You & Ask You Out By Reading His Mind
You like a guy, but he is timid and won’t ask you out. Don’t worry. You can use these tips for how to get a shy guy to like you and take control!
Shy guys can be a pain in the backside and it’s difficult to know how to get a shy guy to…
How to Get a Guy to Stop Texting You: The Perfect Excuses & Examples
Buzz buzz, it’s the guy who won’t stop texting again. Here’s what you can do to get a guy to stop texting you without ruining the relationship.
It’s easy to harshly judge an over-texter, especially if you aren’t into them the way they are…
Overprotective Boyfriend: 26 Dominating Signs & What to Do to Fix Him
If you have an overprotective and dominating boyfriend, you might want to rethink the relationship. Here are the signs and what to do about it.
An overprotective boyfriend may be deeply in love with you, and he may even care a lot about…
30 Fun, Flirty Ways to Encourage a Guy to Make a Move & Ask You Out
You like this guy and desperately want to go out with him. But it hasn’t happened yet, so you need to learn how to encourage him to make the first move.
So why hasn’t he made the first move? Well, maybe he isn’t interested. There is…
28 Hot Ways to Be Sexier For Your Boyfriend & Make Him Lust for You
If you want to know how to be sexy for your boyfriend and put the spark back in your relationship, then we have all the answers you need right here.
So you’re over courtship and now have settled into the routine of a serious relationship.…
FWB to Relationship: 15 Ways to Get a Friend With Benefits to Fall in Love
You want to move your FWB to a relationship, but you don’t know how to do it. Here’s how you can make him fall in love and want to get serious with you.
The friends with benefits arrangement is usually a mutually beneficial scenario for…
25 Hot Ways to Make a Guy Go Down On You & Signs to Tell If He Likes It
You love oral sex, but you don’t know how to get a guy to go down on you. Use these tips and you’ll know how to encourage him to do it the right way.
Ah, knowing how to make a guy go down on you should be a breeze, right? Every guy likes…
How to Make Him Regret Hurting You: 17 Right Ways & What NOT to Do
If you have been betrayed by him, you’re angry and feeling a lot of pain. So, here is how to make him regret hurting you the right way.
There is satisfaction in knowing that the person who hurt you deeply regrets it. When he hurts you,…
26 Pros, Cons & Ways to Pick and Ask a Guy to Be Friends with Benefits
You want to know how to ask a guy to be friends with benefits, but you don’t know how. Here is what to think about before you do it and how to do it right.
The actual act of knowing how to ask a guy to be friends with benefits is not the…
20 Subtle Signs to Tell if an Older Guy Likes You & Is Flirting with You
Maybe you’re used to dating younger men, but do you really know how to tell if an older guy likes you? Keep reading to find the answer.
Although younger and older men are all men, they actually are different. For the most part, older men…