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Dating Tips for Women
How to Ask a Guy If He’s Seeing Someone Else & the Signs To Look For
You’ve been dating him for a while, but now you’re wondering how to ask a guy if he’s seeing someone else. Here are the signs and how to talk about it.
Relationships aren’t exactly easy. Confusion abounds no matter what stage of the game…
How to Attract an Older Man: 18 Things to Do & Know Before Dating Him
A man who is 20 years older than you can seem very exciting. So, if you’re wondering how you can attract an older man, here are some things to think about.
There is just something about the appeal of older men that makes them irresistible…
42 Flirty First Date Tips for Girls to Leave a Guy Smitten & Wanting More
First date on the horizon? Don’t be nervous, simply follow these first date tips for girls and wow him with your natural wonder and brilliance!
A first date can be many things. But most importantly, every single first date you go on could…
Your Boyfriend Still Talks to Your Ex? 21 Warning Signs You MUST Know
It’s never a fun situation to be in when your boyfriend talks to his ex often. Why does he do it and what can you do? Here is everything you need to know.
Almost all the time, exes have a way of squirming into a new relationship and…
Why Do Guys Ghost? 23 Real Reasons Guys Turn Into Cowardly A-Holes
A guy you were seeing just disappeared into nowhere. So, you are wondering, why do guys ghost? It’s not nice, but here are the reasons you’re looking for.
Ghosting is pretty much the act of ceasing all communication with someone out of…
24 Ways to Be a Strong Independent Woman All Men Love and Desire
Learning how to be a strong independent woman might sound difficult, but it’s not. Here are 24 ways you can be proud of yourself and stand on your own.
A strong, independent woman is sexy, in charge, and knows exactly what she wants.…
Is He Afraid of Commitment? 30 Signs He’s Scared of a Real Relationship
You are might be wondering if your man is afraid of commitment. Here are the 20 signs that he is, and the 10 reasons why he won’t commit to you.
It’s hard to straight out ask a person if they’re afraid of commitment. Firstly, you have no…
25 Casual Conversation Starters to Use With a Guy to Get Him Talking
Starting a conversation with anyone can be tough, but someone you like? Harder! Learn a few conversation starters with a guy you like and make it easier.
As a girl, it’s pretty easy to get any guy’s attention; all you need to do is…
Why Is He Ignoring Me? 37 Honest Reasons to Decode a Guy’s Mind
Is a guy giving you the cold shoulder? You’re asking ‘why is he ignoring me’ and it’s driving you crazy. Here’s a few reasons why he’s acting this way.
Is a guy ignoring you or giving you the cold shoulder all of a sudden? We get it, it…
Do Guys Like Shy Girls? 32 Reasons & Things That Make You Attractive
You’re not very outgoing, and you’re wondering, “do guys like shy girls and find them attractive?” Absolutely! Read on to find out exactly why that is.
You probably find yourself asking, do guys like shy girls. After all, when you’re a…