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Attracting Women
The Smoothest Smooth Pick-Up Lines & How to Impress Girls with Them
You want to make a move on a girl you fancy, but you’re not sure how to approach her. What you need are smooth pick-up lines. And I have a few for you.
As a woman, I know all there is to know about smooth pick-up lines and the…
25 Must-Know Romantic Flirty Lines: Pick the Right One to Win Her
You saw the most beautiful girl in the world, and you must talk to her. But what are you going to say? Which of the romantic flirty lines will you use?
I have mixed feelings about pickup lines. But it’s not necessarily the pickup lines I…
What Makes a Man Attractive? 15 Traits Guys Should Focus on Instead
What makes a man attractive may be the million-dollar question, but it’s not that hard to answer. It could be you just need to shift your focus a little.
Many men write to me, asking me about what makes a man attractive to a woman. Now,…
How to Get a Girl to Like You Online So You Can Meet in Person
Putting ourselves out there online can be scary and awkward, but you can learn how to get a girl to like you online so you can meet in person.
As a girl that uses online dating regularly, I have a lot to say if you’re looking to know how to…
How to Sexually Attract a Woman: 15 Steps to Max Your Desirability
Men always assume women are extremely complicated and tough to figure out. But that’s not true. Most men just don’t know how to sexually attract a woman.
I have spoken to many frustrated men who feel lost when it comes to how to sexually…
What Do Girls Look for in a Guy? The Worthy Traits of a Real Catch
Of course, every girl wants something a little bit different but, if you’re asking yourself, what do girls look for in a guy, here are the essentials…
Hey there, gentlemen, I am super glad you came here to find out what do girls look for in…
15 Texting Rules for Guys to Master the Art of Charm & Being Smooth
Texting is an art, an art that most guys struggle with. If you’re texting someone you want to date, then follow these texting rules for guys.
Communication these days is most often in the form of texting. When was the last time you spoke on…
What to Text a Girl You Just Met to Ensure She Texts You Back
Congratulations! She gave you her number, but now you need to know what to text a girl you just met. Lucky for you, I have all the answers.
Before we get into what to text a girl you just met, relax for a second and congratulate yourself.…
How to Seduce a Woman with Words and Leave Her Weak in the Knees
If you’re terrible at speaking to women, you need to learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to how to seduce a woman with words alone.
You would think that speaking to a woman would be an easy task. You’re a human, she’s a human,…