The 17 Sexiest Male Jobs That Women Find Extremely Desirable
Do you have certain standards when it comes to a man’s job? Turns out the sexiest male jobs that impress women aren’t what you think!
Dating is hard. Whether it’s the color of a man’s hair, his overall attitude, sexual abilities, or his job, women are after a certain thing. *Funny enough, it seems like women are either at one end of the spectrum or the complete opposite when it comes to standards with men. Either they’re notoriously picky, or anything goes!* And when it comes to a working man, turns out women are attracted to a certain type of job and recent studies show it’s definitely not what you think it’s going to be! Interestingly, the allure of the sexiest male jobs reveals a fascinating pattern that might surprise many.
Men, get your thinking caps on because we’re looking at the jobs as of this year that are most likely to impress your lady-love.
It seems a new survey done by auction dating website *they have something for everything now, don’t they?* has revealed the most appealing men’s jobs in the eyes of women and the results have people up in arms. [Read: What girls find attractive: 49 traits that make a guy irresistible to women]
What Does “Sexy Jobs” Even Mean?
Have you ever wondered when we started putting labels like ‘sexy’ on certain professions? It’s an intriguing thought, right? When we talk about the sexiest male jobs, we’re delving into a world where professions aren’t just about paychecks and job descriptions, but also about allure and appeal.
So, what does it mean for a job to be branded as one of the sexiest male jobs? Well, it’s not just about looking good in a uniform or having a charming office persona. It’s more about how societal perceptions, media portrayals, and our personal preferences mix together to paint some professions in a particularly glamorous light.
For instance, why do some of us swoon over a guy in a firefighter’s outfit or admire a man who can masterfully navigate the corporate world? Part of it might be the stories and characters we’ve seen in movies and TV shows, shaping our views about what makes a job irresistibly attractive.
But here’s the catch: the idea of a sexy job isn’t universal. What’s considered a top contender in the list of sexiest male jobs in one part of the world might not hold the same appeal in another. Cultural, personal, and societal factors play a huge role in shaping these perceptions. [Read: Cross culture romance: 40 secrets to have a happy intercultural relationship]
The Sexiest Male Jobs That Impress Women Easily
The survey was done by polling the men using the website’s service, and polling which job descriptions got the men the most dates. Hmm… Wonder if they took their pictures into consideration? We digress. In no particular order, here is the list of some of the most desirable male jobs.
1. Engineer
There is nothing sexier than a man who designs, creates, innovates, and explores for a living. Put simply, engineers are downright sexy. Um, hello? Engineers created the rovers that landed on Mars. Do you want to go to Mars? Date an engineer!
Okay, okay, it probably doesn’t work like that. But hey, he’ll always be able to fix your computer, phone, and tablet. When it comes to millennial dating, that’s called a keeper.
Oh yeah, and the $80+ grand a year salary doesn’t hurt either. Right, ladies? [Read: 60 perfect traits to be a good boyfriend that’ll make you better than the best!]
2. Architect
Put simply, architects design buildings and they’re pretty much better at math than you could ever hope or wish to be. So what makes architects so sexy? Again, it’s the brain usage we women love to see.
A male architect means not only is he creative and stylish, he’s also completely committed to his project. Architects make anywhere from $40-100+ grand a year, coming in with an average of $79,000 yearly. Not too shabby.
3. Marketer
With their jobs literally involving finding ways to attract people to their product, it’s no wonder marketers are in with the ladies! Not to mention with the rise of online marketing, there has literally never been a better time to work in some form of PR!
While you definitely won’t be bumping shoes with Don Draper in this decade, you’re sure to make a pretty penny. It’s estimated that the average salary of a marketer is $133,000+ yearly. [Read: Type A & Type B Personality: 69 traits, the good, bad & who’s a better date]
4. Financial Advisor
Financial planners are little helpers, aren’t they? The literal job of financial planners is to help people decide what they want from life, and then go after it.
Well, in a nutshell that’s what they do. There’s also all of that money business to get into, but… details, details. The average salary of a financial advisor comes in at $50,000 a year.
5. Real Estate Developers
Real estate developers buy up land and then create real estate deals to fill said land with pretty buildings! This job involves plenty of creativity, control, and development. All things ladies like in relationships, and real estate developers can make anywhere from $50-80,000 yearly.
6. Doctor
Alright, finally this list is starting to make some sense. Doctors are sexy because they help people, they are literally trained to have good bedside manners *Read: Charming!* and make a fantastic living at $120-200,000+ a year. Score!
The only downside to your fantasy hubby doctor’s career? You’ll rarely have him home! Indeed, physicians are rarely found at home, and depending on their specialty, they may be on the job anywhere from 60-70+ hours a week.
In fact, a study by CBS News polled physicians asking if they would choose their same medical specialty if they knew the hours and work involved, and only 44% said yes! [Read: Dating a workaholic: 20 signs and tips to maintain a happy relationship]
7. Lawyers
Think about lawyers and you’ve got a picture of sharp minds wrapped in sleek suits. These guys are like mental gymnasts, always ready to think on their feet. There’s something about how they master the art of argument and negotiation that’s just, well, kind of hot.
Their knack for navigating those complex legal mazes? Super impressive. And hey, that touch of courtroom drama we see on TV adds a bit of spice to their image, doesn’t it?
8. Carpenters
Carpenters are the real deal with their hands-on work. It’s not just about hammering nails; these guys create magic from mere wood!
They’ve got this mix of brawn and brain that turns raw materials into beautiful, living art. There’s a sense of old-world charm mixed with ruggedness in their work. Plus, a man who’s handy? Always a win in my book. [Read: The pros & cons of dating a guy who is handy]
9. Construction Workers
Picture construction workers, and you’re thinking strength and endurance. They’re the backbone of our cities, shaping our living spaces.
These guys are out there, come rain or shine, turning blueprints into reality. They’ve got this straightforward, no-nonsense vibe that’s really grounding. And let’s be honest, their fit and robust look? Definitely a bonus.
10. Web Designers
Web designers? They’re the artists of the digital realm. These guys blend creativity and tech to make the internet a cooler place.
They’ve got a grip on the latest trends, and there’s something about their ability to craft visual stories that’s really intriguing. They’re shaping how we see and interact with the digital world, which is pretty rad. Also, their laid-back work style? Quite appealing.
11. Software Developers
Software developers are like the wizards of the tech world. They’re behind the apps and systems we can’t live without. Their job is this cool mix of creativity and logic.
Plus, they’re always ahead of the curve, solving problems we didn’t even know we had. Their role in driving the tech wave is seriously awesome. And the way they can code something into existence? That’s next level. [Read: Dating someone smarter than you? 40 highs, lows & must-knows to keep up]
12. Mechanics
Mechanics have this down-to-earth sexiness, you know? They’re the go-to guys when something breaks, and there’s something super attractive about that. Their job is all about understanding the beast under the hood, making things run smoothly.
It’s hands-on, it’s gritty, and it’s kinda cool seeing them work their magic on a car or bike. Plus, a guy who can fix things? That’s always a plus in my book.
13. Accountants
Accountants might not scream ‘sexy’ at first glance, but hear us out. These are the brainy guys who make sense of numbers like nobody’s business.
They’re all about detail and precision, and there’s a kind of quiet confidence in that. They’re the unsung heroes keeping finances in check. Think stability, reliability, and smarts – all wrapped up in one. Understated, sure, but definitely appealing in their own way.
14. CEO
Above doctor and lawyer, the #1 sexiest job that impresses women came in at a CEO. Why? Undeniably, it all comes back to the sexy quality that comes from a man in power who wears a suit.
Plus, there is something especially sexy about an entrepreneur who is so passionate about his job that he went and conquered a company. On average, a CEO can make anywhere from $50 thousand a year, to several million a year! [Read: 30 characteristics in a man that make him a true Alpha]
Notable Mentions
So, with utter outrage for some of the sexy fellahs left out of this list, we decided to pull a “notable mentions” section with one final thought.
Based on this new list, it is clear that some women may find men in power to be a sexy thing, but in the end, what is sexy about a man’s job is the amount of passion he has for it. Now… onto the honorable mentions.
1. Human Rights Workers
Isn’t the very idea behind marching for human rights the reason that women find “men in uniform” so sexy? Putting one’s needs above your own? Men fighting for others and striving to save the world little by little is a definite “YES” in our books.
Forgive that capitals, but many women were shocked and appalled by the lack of sexy men in uniform that made their way onto this list, especially the risk-taking, damsel and kitty saving firemen!
It could be argued that women may not be as into dating men who put their lives in danger on the daily, but isn’t that what makes it so sexy? A man helping others at the expense of himself is exactly what classifies as brave and sexy.
3. Veterinarian
This option actually made the list for what profession men found sexy in women, but strangely, didn’t make the man’s list. What is sexier than a man who’s devoted his professional career to helping adorable, helpless animals? [Read: Dating stereotypes: Types of women through the eyes of a typical man]
Some of the sexiest male jobs that impress women that we left out of the list? Software developer, lawyer, and business consultant.
It Isn’t Just the Job
These jobs may sound pretty sexy, but remember one important thing: It isn’t the job that makes a man sexy, it’s his attitude towards the woman he loves.
[Read: 3 BIG traits of a sophisticated man and 30 secrets to be charming & classy]
So, while the idea of the sexiest male jobs might intrigue us, it’s essential to remember that the real magnetism of a man is in his character, not just his career. If you would turn down the man of your dreams just because he didn’t have a dream job, you’d be crazy!
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