Super Fun Bachelor Party Ideas That Don’t Involve Strippers

Did you make a pact not to have strippers at your bachelor party? Good for you. Here are some bachelor party ideas that don’t involve naked ladies.

Planning the perfect bachelor party is hard. This is especially true when you’re straddling the line between an over-the-top stripper rave and a dull round of golf between you and your buddies. Bachelor parties have turned into a ritual. Strippers, nightclubs, and over-the-top drinking are thought of as the norm when it comes to bachelor party ideas. In reality, your bachelor party should consist of you and your buddies doing something that you love.

While the bride-to-be has probably planned the entire wedding out on her Pinterest board, for the groom, the only planning he will have to do for this event is probably going to be his bachelor party. Finding the right bachelor party ideas can be a difficult task, especially without the fallback of strippers.

Just because your bachelor party will be breast-free doesn’t mean it’s going to be lame. In fact, the new trend of bachelor parties ranges anywhere from pulling over-the-top stunts to sitting around at a LAN party. The world is your last-day-as-a-single-person oyster – so make it count! [Read: 20 questions to ask each other before getting married]

Why you’d ever want a stripper-free bachelor party

For some men, the bachelor party represents the last hurrah. For others, it’s just a reason to get together with friends before you’re too busy having racy sex to hang out anymore. Stripper-free bachelor party ideas may seem like the exact opposite of what a bachelor party represents. But, there are plenty of reasons why a couple may decide to do away with a naked night out. [ How couples deal with strippers at bachelor parties can predict their marriage success]

Here are just some reasons the groom may be opting out.

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#1 He says no strippers. Girls are no strangers to strip clubs, come the bachelorette party. If the groom is jealous, or simply doesn’t want his wife-to-be grinding against another man’s hard-on during her “last night as a single woman,” they may have agreed mutually to abstain from strippers.

#2 She says no strippers. If his fiancée is the jealous type, she may put the boot on another girl’s booty in her groom’s face the day before they exchange vows of fidelity and forevers. This may seem like a downer to you boys, but remember this: at the end of the day, he has to go home with her… not with you guys. Happy wife, happy life! [Read: 15 qualities of good friends that set them apart]

#3 Underage groomsmen. Ah, the joys of being 18 or younger. If a member of your group is underage, this can make sneaking into a strip club an unnecessary hassle. Even if he can get in, if he is under 21 he still won’t be allowed to get hammered with the rest of you.

#4 It’s predictable. If the groom is an inner-daredevil who spends his time on great adventures or who prefers party-chats on Xbox Live, why would they waste time on something as predictable as a strip club? Believe or not, some men find this wedding ritual awkward, and maybe less enticing than spending the night at a hockey game. [ 10 rules for the perfect bachelor party]

Bachelor party ideas for the Best. Night. Ever.

Without further ado, here are some of the best bachelor party ideas that don’t involve you tipping a G-string with a dollar bill. [Read: 10 Super fun drinking card games to get the party started]

#1 A road trip. Not all bachelor party ideas that involve a road trip have to arrive in Las Vegas. A getaway weekend is a perfect way to celebrate the last of the groom’s singlehood. Here are some awesome getaways from your bachelor weekend:

– Explore underwater caves, swim in crystal blue waters, zip-line, or explore ancient ruins. Mexico has it all and is an affordable destination.

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– You don’t have to speak French to visit. Montreal is known for its amazing food, gothic architecture, the biosphere, museums, and plenty-o-booze.

– Motorcycle weekend. Friday the 13th coming up in your area? Get the boys out on their bikes and head out for a day or a weekend of biker antics.

– Book a weekend at a Dude Ranch. Grab your cowboy hats and buckle up for an experience in the wild, wild, west! A “guest,” or dude ranch, is a cattle ranch that is converted to a tourist “resort.” Here you’ll be able to ride horses, hunt, and view nature at its finest. Oh, and did we mention drink?

– New Orleans. New Orleans is a classic weekend getaway. Head out to Bourbon Street where you can party and drink out on the street or explore the French Quarter when you can check out the architecture, jazz music, and alcohol.

– Canada’s largest city, Toronto, is full of bachelor party ideas. Head out to pubs and breweries, check out the street performers in the distillery district, visit the CN tower, Hockey Hall of Fame, or Casaloma.

#2 Guy’s night in. Just because your night is low-key doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Have a kickass guy’s night in by doing a Local Area Network party and hooking your computers up together or use your Xbox/Playstation for an epic gaming night.

If you’re not into gaming, try a movie night. Choose dude sagas like Rocky, Star Wars, or the National Lampoon movies to make your night seem extra grand. Guy’s night in must-haves include chips, pizza, beer, and wings. [Read: 13 outrageous, fun, and spunky party themes for adults]

#3 Tickets, tickets, tickets. Really, bachelor party ideas don’t have to be complicated. Buying tickets to an upcoming event is a great way to spend your last night as a bachelor and can accommodate a large or small group of your buddies. Here are just some ideas of tickets you can buy:

– Magic show/Cirque De Sole

– Theme park

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– Concert

– Medieval Times

– Murder Mystery

– Flying a mini-plane

– Riding shotgun in a race car

– Head to a shooting range

– Escape Room

#4 Sports in three ways. A: If the groom likes sports, why not have a viewing event to be remembered? Get your favorite junk food, loads of alcohol, plenty of snacks, and gather round the biggest TV you can find and get your game on. [ 20 ways bachelorette parties are worse than bachelor parties]

B: If watching sports doesn’t hold a big enough wow factor for a bachelor party, why not get box seats to the groom’s favorite sports team? Be sure to do your fill of tailgating, and get your drink on beforehand to ensure you have a wild, competitive night.

C: If watching sports isn’t up the groom’s alley, why not get a group of buddies together and play them yourselves? Put together a baseball/hockey/football/soccer team and get ready to kick some ass.

#5 Camping trip. A guy’s camping weekend is the ultimate macho experience. Camp tent-style under the stars and engage in all the activities that go along with it. This includes swimming, hunting, kayaking, fishing, water sports, white water rafting, building fires, and drinking plenty of beer. [Read: 13 questions to ask yourself before getting married]

Make this activity a winter edition by renting a cabin and hitting the slopes for snowboarding and skiing.

#6 Paintball. As long as health and body allow, paintballing is always a good idea. This activity brings out your competitive side and gets your adrenaline pumping! Just make sure if it’s the day before the wedding, don’t hit the groom in the face.

#7 Do something dangerous. Preform death-defying stunts in front of your closest friends. If you’ve ever wanted to jump out of a plane, bungee jump, rent an ATV, scuba dive, or do anything else that may risk your life in the process – the night before your wedding is definitely the time to get it done. Hey, at least someone will be witness to your madness and be able to explain to your wife what happened when she’s visiting you at the hospital!

[Read: Marriage advice – 11 tips for happily ever after]

Just because your bachelor party ideas don’t involve naked ladies doesn’t mean your pre-marriage celebration isn’t going to kick ass. Set the standard and give your friends a night they’ll never forget on your last night as a single guy.

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