Pussy Selfie: 16 Tips to Take a Good Vagina Selfie on the First Try

We’ve all been curious to know how to take a vagina selfie. Here’s a full guide to prep and snap the best pussy selfies you can ever take, in minutes!
Don’t try to hide it. When you’re alone at home, you probably take a peek down at your vagina, you know, to see how things are. Maybe even snap some pussy selfies. But then again, how do you take a perfect vagina selfie and snap the sexiest parts of you, in the sexiest way possible?
The thing with pussy selfies is that it’s kind of an art. If you haven’t taken a selfie of your vagina, you be wondering, why even try? Well, why not?
You take selfies of your face, why not try taking one of your vagina? We’re not saying to have to send these photos to anyone, they can just be for your own personal collection.
It may be for curiosity, for memory’s sake, or to share it with someone you’re intimate with. But unless a vagina selfie has landed in the wrong hands, there’s probably not a woman who hasn’t spent a few minutes now and then looking down and wondering what it looks like, and how to click the perfect vagina selfie.
Pretty pussy essentials – 14 things you can do to your pussy to make it look sexy and purr with delight
How to take a perfect pussy selfie: The 16 steps you need to follow
Your vagina is a sacred place, it’s sexy, sensual, and come on, it’s where life literally starts. And honestly, a vagina selfie is much sexier than shoving a mirror in between your legs. I mean, I’ve done it and the only thing that comes to mind is why would anyone want to stick their face in that. But, with a pussy selfie, it’s a raw image of your pussy, but it’s feminine.
Pussy selfies are a skill, and one that you’ll be happy you learned. Follow these steps, and by the end of it, you’d be staring happily at a perfectly pretty vagina selfie that’s art-gallery-worthy!
1. You choose what you want to do with your pussy selfie. Taking a selfie of your vagina should only be done if you want to. If you want to feel sexy and empowered by your vagina, then take a photo of it.
If you’re uncomfortable, no one is forcing you. And if someone actually pressures you, then they can find a different vagina. Never click a vagina selfie because someone else asks you for it. Take a picture only if you want to. Remember, anyone who forces or coerces you into sharing vagina selfies is an asshole, and not someone to be trusted. [Read: How to be careful when sending dirty Snapchats]
2. If you’re going to send it, leave any details out of it. If this photo is for someone special, then leave out any identifying details. If you have a tattoo or a rare birthmark, try not to include it in the photo. You remember that dick pic your friend sent you? Well, there may be a chance that your photo will get passed around. If that happens, you don’t want it to be identified as you.
3. Ditch the underwear. Just take the underwear off. Don’t have it dangling around your ankles. You either take a photo of you wearing underwear or without it. Don’t do some in-between shot. Plus, if this photo is for someone, they honestly couldn’t give a shit about your underwear. Take your panties off and feel comfortable, it’ll also help you manoeuvre your legs for freely for the best vagina selfies. [Read: 15 reasons why girls are ditching their panties and going commando these days]
4. Get out of the bathroom. I mean, if this is just for you, who cares where you take the photo, but if not, then change the scenery. Bathroom selfies are overdone.
Now, you don’t have to be extreme, but having a selfie of your vagina with a toilet in the background isn’t what someone would call sexy. It’s cliche, seems rushed, and keeping the cramped space in mind, it’s going to look blurry and unflattering. [Read: How to send sexy nude selfies and not get into trouble]
5. Groom yourself. Look, if you’re happy with it, you shouldn’t care what others would think. BUT if you do feel like the lawn needs a bit of mowing, or if you like it clean shaved, do what you must! You have to like what you see, and that’s what matters more than anything else. Trim the hair, shape it, or shave it. And most importantly, love it before you click that vagina selfie!
6. Get the perfect angle. If you want the perfect angle, you’re going to have to be willing to get yourself in some awkward positions. Now, if you’re sending this to someone, they don’t need to know that you were balancing on a chair with one leg in the air. They’re not supposed to see the behind-the-scenes of the selfie.
Practice a bit, walk around the room, spread your legs apart in different locations so you get a good view, and see if you like something you see. Angles are everything in a selfie, so why would a pussy selfie be any different? Spend a while finding the perfect angles before you start clicking. [Read: The art of taking sexy pictures and looking great no matter where you are]
7. Use a selfie stick. Who would have thought a selfie stick would be so useful in private spaces?! But a selfie stick can be your best friend while clicking those awkward poses where you need awkwardly long hands. Sit back, spread your legs and get clicking. Your vagina selfie isn’t going to click itself!
8. Work those poses. Try new poses. Yes, you may have got one perfect pose, but that’s not enough, is it? Now that you clicked a vagina selfie that makes you beam, don’t stop there. With your newfound confidence, walk around the house and see if there are any other poses you can try.
Remember, each girl is different and a pose that makes one girl’s girly parts look great may not work for you. Try a few different poses, and click away until you’ve got a few spectacular pussy selfies that make you proud of the masterpiece down there! [Read: Lingerie selfies and the art of perfecting sensuous photos in the nude]
9. Stay comfortable. Dangling your legs around, and lifting them high up in the air while you lie on your back is not going to be the easiest thing to do, if you’re going to do it for more than a few minutes. So take occasionally breaks, especially if it’s starting to tire you or you feel the sweat beads building up! Relax, a vagina selfie is fun!
Just enjoy clicking away, listen to great music, drink something fun, and make a fun evening or afternoon out of this whole vagina selfie experience! You know you’ll always look back at this and be happy with the end result for years to come.
10. Know that an ugly vagina doesn’t exist. If you think your vagina isn’t attractive, just shut up. Your vagina is beautiful. There is literally no such thing as an ugly pussy. How can it be ugly if everyone has a different one? There is no standard for a beautiful pussy, so get that notion out of your head. [Read: Why you shouldn’t be ashamed of what you do for beauty]
11. Clean up your set. If you’re going to be taking a pussy selfie in your bedroom, it would be a good idea to clean up the dirty clothes from your floor. I mean, if this is a personal photo, then who cares, but if you’re sending it to someone, just tidy up. They want to see your pussy, not the war zone behind it.
12. Incorporate sex toys. If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t worry, none of us really know what we’re doing. So, don’t be shy by bringing in dildos and vibrators into your pussy selfies. You have full creative control, so experiment with different toys and see what you think makes your selfie hot and steamy. [Read: 15 common types of sex toys all singles and couples must know about]
13. Use props to make your vagina selfies sexier. You use clothes and props for every other kind of selfie, so why should your vagina selfie not have the advantage of accessories and props? Have you ever tried taking a vagina selfie with bunch of flowers? With a book? Or a little ball? Or just sexy silk sheets? There are so many props you could use, just look around, and use them all!
14. It’s all about lighting. You already know this because you’ve taken selfies before. Okay, so they may not have been of your vagina, but this rule still applies. Lighting is extremely important while clicking a sexy vagina selfie. Choose lighting that works for your vagina and makes you feel sexy. [Read: How to take good nudes and look really sexy in your pics]
15. Click lots of pictures. Don’t just take a few, take a lot! Snap away, and take a look at them as you take a break in between your selfies. Taking a picture of your lady parts may feel awkward, and trying to speed through the photoshoot, especially the first few times, won’t help you feel great about yourself. Set aside an hour or more if you want, and just take lots of pictures until you have a few that you’re proud of seeing *and sharing, if you want to!*.
16. Use what you got. Literally, every vagina is different. Some women have bigger lips while others have smaller lips. It really all depends on the woman. [Read: The 5 types of vaginas that make up all the vaginas in the world]
Now, having smaller or larger lips doesn’t matter because neither is good or bad, it’s just what you have. It’s your responsibility to use these features in your selfie. If you like the way your lips look, show them.
[Read: How to take a sexy thirst trap without looking too slutty or thirsty]
Now that you know how to take the perfect pussy selfie, it’s time you wiggled off your underwear and tested it out. Think of it like taking a selfie, it takes practice and time, so be patient. Your pussy is going to look fabulous.
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