Is It Worth the Risk? 35 Insights When You’re Married and Flirting

Are you married and flirting with other people? You might feel guilty, but as we know, flirting is fun. Here’s what you need to remember during those times.

We can’t all be perfect 100% of the time, and our human nature takes over quite often. In fact, we may find ourselves flirting with someone…even though we have a husband or wife sitting at home waiting for us. It’s a natural occurrence to be married and flirting, but there are certain things you should remember during this time.

It’s really easy to bump into a cute person at the store or when you’re out running errands and strike up an innocent conversation.

And it’s even easier to lose control over your body language. Then suddenly, you’re flirting with a complete stranger – or even someone you know! [Read: Body language attraction: 58 male & female signs and how to read & use them]

Why We Can’t Stop Flirting

There’s actually a reason why we find ourselves flirting with someone, even if it’s accidental. The truth is that humans just can’t stop flirting. [Read: Is cheating flirting in a relationship? 30 must-knows to decode your gray area]

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Our bodies were designed to flirt in order to find potential mates in order to continue growing the population. This instinctual behavior, rooted in our evolutionary biology, is often driven by the subconscious desire to assess the suitability of a partner.

Now, while this evolutionary perspective provides a framework for understanding flirting behaviors, it’s crucial to recognize the context and boundaries of current societal norms, especially in the realm of committed relationships.

Flirting, when one is married, might also be psychologically attributed to various factors such as the need for validation, seeking emotional connection, or simply the thrill of novelty and excitement. [Read: Friendly vs. flirty – 34 subtle flirting signs to tell if someone is flirting with you]

These factors, deeply ingrained in our psychological makeup, can often lead to such behaviors even in the absence of any real intention to pursue a relationship outside of marriage.

However, this doesn’t mean that we can’t recognize and then stop ourselves from flirting. Honestly, we could correct our behavior once we realize we’re doing it, but most of us like flirting because it’s fun and gives us a self-esteem boost.

It’s important to note here that understanding these psychological underpinnings is not an excuse for the behavior. [Read: Flirting – what it is, 5 different types, and how to pick a style that works for you]

In the context of marriage, it becomes essential to be aware of the impact that such actions can have on the relationship.

Things to Remember When You’re Married and Flirting

Flirting can be completely innocent and cause no harm to a marriage if you don’t take it too far.

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But sometimes people get carried away, and it may cause them to hurt their spouse in unforgivable ways – as I’m sure you can all imagine. [Read: Is she flirting with me or being friendly? 34 signs to read a girl’s mind]

If you’re someone that is married and flirting, there are certain things you should always be aware of. In order to remain faithful and honest to your spouse, this is what you should always remember, no matter who you’re flirting with.

1. It’s Completely Natural

Like I mentioned above, flirting with a random person – or even someone you know – is completely natural. We all do it, and it’s a part of being human.

This is important to remember if you’re someone who really punishes themselves for innocently flirting with someone other than your spouse. [Read: Workplace flirting – 28 subtle signs a coworker is flirting and hitting on you]

2. It Should Never be Taken Too Far

There is a fine line between innocent flirting and harmful flirting.

It’s okay to flirt every now and then with someone when it’s completely innocent, but you should never take it to a point that you would be ashamed if your spouse found out. [Read: 18 emotional affair signs you probably didn’t notice]

3. No Actions Can be Taken During or After the Flirting

Flirting should always remain in your words and body language if you’re married and flirting. You should never take any action that would suggest that the flirting is being taken more seriously or to another level. Only say, never do.

4. If You Would be Uncomfortable With Your Spouse Doing it, Then Stop

Not a whole lot of people think about it in this way. Put yourselves in your spouse’s shoes for a moment when you’re flirting.

Would they be upset if they saw how you were flirting, or the level the flirting is at? If so, then stop what you’re doing because you’re hurting your marriage. [Read: Guilty conscience – what it is and 21 emotional signs of guilt people feel]

5. You Married Your Spouse for a Reason

Never forget why you married the person you did. You’re with them because you love them, and you love flirting with them too.

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Always remember that there is a real person beneath all of your flirtations and that person is not even close to who your spouse is.

6. It’s Never OK to Hide it From Your Spouse

If you feel the need to hide something from your spouse, then things have gone too far. [Read: Emotional cheating and 10 bad things it can do to you]

Being married and flirting with someone other than your spouse should never be leave you feeling ashamed, nor should it upset your lifetime lover. Just remember that it’s not okay to hide things from them.

7. It Can Help Raise Your Self-Esteem

Truth be told, flirting is one hell of a great way to boost your self-esteem. When you’re married to the same person for a long time, it can be easy to forget just how great of a person you are because they don’t always tell you that.

So you resort to flirting as a means to boost your self-esteem. And it does work! But if you’re not careful, it can be addicting – and you may end up hurting your spouse. [Read: High self-esteem – 30 low signs, what hurts self-worth, and secrets to pump it]

8. But Raising Your Self-Esteem Should Never Be Your Sole Purpose for Flirting

If you’re just going around flirting with random strangers just to boost your self-esteem, then there are deeper problems at hand.

You should always find other ways to feel good about yourself. Remember that being married and flirting with someone other than your spouse isn’t a permanent fix.

9. You Shouldn’t be Initiating It

Another thing to always remember is that you shouldn’t be the one going around seeking out people to flirt with. You have a spouse, and they are important to you. You shouldn’t be striking up a conversation with someone in such a flirty manner. [Read: Is your partner having an emotional affair?]

Now, it’s okay if someone initiates it and you respond by flirting back, but you can’t be the one always initiating those flirtations or it will give them the wrong idea.

10. You Can Control It

Some people use the excuse that they can’t control flirting with someone else. Their bodies just do it and they can’t make it stop. While it is true that you may do it without noticing it, you actually ARE able to control it and stop.

11. You Should Avoid People Who Won’t Stop Flirting With You

Not everyone respects a marriage as they should, and you may run into those people in your flirtations. You have to remember to avoid people who chronically flirt with you – and flirt heavily. [Read: 15 obvious flirting signs between a guy and a girl]

These people usually don’t respect your marriage and are looking to make a move on you – something that should never happen when you’re married. Steer clear of these toxic flirters.

12. Flirting Won’t Ruin Your Marriage

Flirting doesn’t inherently spell doom for a marriage, but it’s a topic that requires careful consideration.

When individuals realize they’ve been flirting with someone other than their spouse, it’s common to worry about what this means for their relationship. [Read: 37 Online flirting secrets to read nonverbal cues, emojis, and text boundaries]

It’s important to understand that sometimes, light-hearted, casual flirting can happen spontaneously without any deeper intent or emotional connection. In these instances, such ‘innocent’ flirting may not necessarily harm your marriage.

However, context and intention are key. Flirting becomes a concern when it crosses the boundaries of respect and trust within a marriage.

If it’s secretive, emotionally charged, or if it fulfills needs that aren’t being met in the marriage, then it’s not just innocent flirting anymore. [Read: Emotional affair – 76 signs & steps, 7 infidelity stages, and what to do]

13. Your Need to Flirt Could Mean There’s an Underlying Problem

However, if you’re flirting a LOT and you feel that you need flirting just to be happy in your marriage, then this is a definite sign that you could have trouble in your marriage.

You should always be careful when you realize that you’re using flirting as a means to be happy, because it almost always means that something is off in your marriage and you might need to reevaluate it.

14. If You Want to Flirt, Flirt With Your Spouse!

Another thing that a lot of people need to remember when they’re married and flirting is that your spouse loves to flirt with you too! [Read: How to flirt with touch without being obvious]

That’s why you two connected and fell in love. If you feel really flirty, start flirting with them!

15. Remember How Your Spouse Would Feel About Your Flirting

The absolute most important thing for you to remember about being married and flirting is how your spouse would feel about what you’re doing.

Always think of them and their feelings and how you’re affecting them. [Read: Subtle eye contact flirting moves that always work]

When You’re on the Receiving End of Married Flirting

What happens when the flirtatious spotlight unexpectedly turns on you, and it’s coming from someone who’s already taken – married, in fact?

It’s a situation that can catch you off guard, stirring a mix of emotions and questions. Are they just being friendly, or is there something more? And more importantly, how should you navigate this delicate terrain?

1. Caught in the Crosshairs of Flirtation

Sometimes, you find yourself unexpectedly on the receiving end of flirtatious attention from someone who’s married. [Read: 22 Truths and mistakes of being the other woman in love with a married man]

It’s like being a character in a drama you never auditioned for. Understanding why this happens is key.

Often, a married person might flirt due to unfulfilled emotional needs or a desire for excitement missing in their marriage. This doesn’t excuse the behavior, but it sheds light on the psychological underpinnings behind it.

2. Navigating the Ethical Maze

When you’re faced with flirtation from someone married, it’s like standing at a crossroads. Your personal values become your compass. [Read: 20 Sly signs a married man is in love with you and wants to seduce you]

Reflect on the ethical implications: is engaging in this flirtation in alignment with your values? Remember, every action has a ripple effect, not just on your life but potentially on others involved, especially the spouse of the person flirting with you.

3. Drawing the Line

Setting boundaries is like putting up a ‘no trespassing’ sign. It’s about being clear on what you’re comfortable with and communicating that effectively.

This might mean having an upfront conversation or tactfully steering interactions to more neutral territory. [Read: 23 Secrets to set personal boundaries and guide others to respect them]

Remember, it’s okay to be firm in your boundaries; it’s about respecting yourself and the dynamics of the existing marriage.

4. Seeing the Bigger Picture

Being part of a scenario where you’re being flirted with by someone married isn’t just about the two of you. It’s like being a piece in a larger puzzle. Consider the broader impact of these interactions.

How does it affect you, the person flirting with you, and their spouse? Understanding this can guide you in making choices that are considerate and conscientious. [Read: 26 Signs a married man is attracted to you and why he’s pursuing you]

5. Understanding Your Feelings

It’s normal to feel flattered or even confused when someone who’s married shows you flirtatious attention.

Dive into why you might feel this way—psychologically, it’s about recognition and validation. Understanding your own emotional response can help you navigate these interactions more mindfully.

6. The Power of Body Language

Often, actions speak louder than words. Observing the non-verbal cues of the married person flirting with you can offer insights into their intentions. [Read: 37 Secrets to read people by their body language and expressions instantly]

Are they just being friendly, or do their actions suggest something more? Understanding these signals helps in making informed decisions about how to respond.

7. The Friendship Facade

Sometimes, married individuals mask their flirtatious intentions under the guise of friendship.

It’s essential to recognize when friendly banter might be crossing into flirtatious territory. This awareness helps maintain clear boundaries and prevents misunderstandings. [Read: 25 Types of hugs and subtle secrets to tell if it’s a friendly, flirty, or romantic one]

8. Reflect on the Consequences

Consider the potential consequences before responding to a married person’s advances. It’s like choosing a path in a dense forest—you need to think about where it leads. Will engaging in flirtation lead to complicated emotional entanglements or hurt feelings?

9. Seek Advice

When in doubt, it can be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or a counselor. They can offer a fresh perspective on the situation and help you consider angles you might not have thought of. Sometimes, an outside view can clarify your own thoughts and feelings.

10. Trust Your Instincts

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of your gut feeling. [Read: Gut instinct – what it is, how it works, and 30 tips to follow and listen to your gut]

If something doesn’t feel right about the way a married person is interacting with you, it’s okay to trust that instinct. Your intuition is a powerful tool, informed by both emotional intelligence and subconscious observations.

Consequences of Being Married and Still Flirting

It might seem harmless at that instant, a casual exchange of smiles or a playful conversation.

However, when you’re married and engaging in flirting, these fleeting moments can send ripples through your life and the lives of others involved. [Read: How do affairs start? The ways they play out in real life]

Far from being just innocent banter, this behavior can have lasting repercussions.

1. Guilt and Internal Conflict for the Flirter

The person who’s married and flirting might experience guilt, especially if they value their marriage. Psychologically, this internal conflict arises from cognitive dissonance, where their actions don’t align with their beliefs.

2. Confusion for the Recipient

The person on the receiving end of the flirtation might feel confused, especially if they’re unaware of the flirter’s marital status. This can lead to mixed emotions and a sense of betrayal once the truth is revealed. [Read: 30 Infidelity signs of a cheating partner and must-knows to tell if they’re lying]

3. Trust Issues in the Marriage

The spouse of the person flirting may experience trust issues, leading to emotional distress and a strain in the marital relationship. Trust is a cornerstone of any relationship, and once it’s compromised, it can take significant effort to rebuild.

4. Risk of Emotional Affair

Continuous flirting can escalate into an emotional affair, where the married individual forms a deep emotional connection with someone outside their marriage. This can be as damaging as a physical affair, affecting the emotional intimacy within the marriage.

5. Impact on Self-Esteem

All parties involved might experience fluctuations in self-esteem. [Read: 55 Secrets and self-love habits to build confidence and realize your worth]

The person flirting might feel a temporary boost, while the spouse and the recipient might feel devalued or disrespected, leading to lowered self-esteem.

6. Social and Familial Consequences

The behavior can have social ramifications, affecting not just the individuals involved but also their wider social and familial circles, leading to judgments, gossip, and strained relationships.

7. Conflicting Loyalties

The person being flirted with might feel a sense of loyalty conflict, especially if they are friends with both the flirter and their spouse. [Read: Loyalty in a relationship – what it is, 49 traits, and secrets to be loyal in love]

This can lead to a difficult situation where they feel torn between maintaining a friendship and respecting the marriage.

8. Creating False Hopes

For the person being flirted with, there’s a risk of developing feelings based on the attention, leading to false hopes for a relationship that may never materialize, resulting in emotional hurt.

9. Compromised Professional Reputation

If flirting occurs in a workplace or professional setting, it could compromise the reputation and credibility of the individuals involved, affecting their career and professional relationships. [Read: Dating your boss – 21 must-knows, pros, cons, and mistakes many people make]

10. Long-Term Relationship Damage

Repeated incidents of flirting can cause long-term damage to the marriage, eroding the foundation of the relationship and potentially leading to separation or divorce.

Don’t Risk Throwing Away Something Truly Valuable

Navigating the complexities of human emotions and relationships is no small feat, especially when it comes to the delicate balance of marriage and the temptations of flirting.

The key to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship lies in self-awareness and open communication. [Read: 31 Communication exercises and games for couples and secrets to feel closer]

It’s about understanding not just your own feelings and actions but also being empathetic and responsive to those of your partner.

Remember, marriage is a journey of partnership, where each step taken should be in unison and with mutual respect. Flirting, while seemingly innocuous, can potentially derail this journey if not approached with caution and consideration.

It’s crucial to recognize that the thrill of a momentary flirtation is no match for the enduring warmth of a committed, trusting relationship.

[Read: 38 Signs and traits of a happy, healthy relationship and what it should look like]

Don’t risk throwing away something truly valuable for the fleeting thrill of a moment. When it comes to being married and flirting, it’s important to weigh the fleeting excitement against the lasting value of your committed relationship.

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