How to Keep a Text Conversation Going When You Have Nothing to Say

If you learn how to keep a text conversation going, and have a fun conversation, you can get close to anyone you like and impress anyone you want. Try this!
There are some people I literally cringe at when I see their name pop up on my phone. Oh god, not them again. Now, why would I say that? Sure, I may generally find them annoying, but in all honesty, they’re terrible at knowing how to keep a text conversation going.
How can a conversation progress when you ask me, “what’s up?” or say “I’m bored.” Like, come on people, I’d rather watch paint dry. Now, they could be brilliant conversationalists in person, but to be honest, I don’t want to waste my time to find out.
If you’re going to text someone, you really do have to make the effort. Well, at last make an even effort. Don’t just slide into their messages, and what for them to do all the work. It’s not cool. Maybe it’s lazy, but it also reflects on you and just how boring and annoying you are as a person.
Here’s the thing, learning to start an interesting conversation while texting is very different from know how to keep a text conversation going. So if you’re looking for exciting ways to start conversations and the right topics to pick, check out how to make conversation over text so you always keep things exciting first. You can always get back here to learn how to keep the conversation fun once you know how to start it right!
How to keep a text conversation going and make sure it stays fun and exciting
That’s the thing. If we go on first impressions, you want your conversation on text message to be solid. If your goal is to get this person to ask you out or you to ask them out, make sure that you excite them and create curiosity about seeing you. They should feel a flirty tingle rush up their spine and a grin on their face when they see your name pop up on their phone screen. You don’t want them rolling their eyes or sighing heavily when they receive a text from you.
Now, if you only use one word answers or ask job interview questions, you’re not going to get as far as you think. In fact, if you get a date out of it, even I’ll be surprised. Keep the text conversation going with these easy-to-do tips!
[Read: How to not be a boring, dry texter and keep your crush interested while texting]
#1 Relax. Listen, when nervous or tense, we say stupid things or act like someone we’re actually not. You don’t want to pretend to be “extra” cool. You don’t have to morph into someone you’re not. You don’t want that, you want the opposite. You want this person to see who you actually are.
So, if this means you take a couple minutes to think of a reply or put your phone away and just take a breath, then do it. It’s a text, not a wedding proposal. You don’t need to be sarcastic or witty in every reply of yours because someone told you it’s cool to do that. No, just relax, be yourself, but be interested in the conversation. [Read: How to keep a text conversation going with a guy and keep him hooked]
#2 Make sure it goes both ways. People like to talk about themselves. It’s always me, me, me, me, me. Now, this isn’t a bad thing. In fact, if you’re nervous, ask a question and let them ramble on. It gives you some time to relax. Plus, you find out a lot about them.
But on the other hand, if you want to know how to keep a text conversation going, limit the number of texts you use to talk about yourself. Yes, talk about yourself, but don’t make it all about you. Try to keep it even, and always remember to ask them more questions too. [Read: Do you love talking and hate listening?]
#3 Be yourself. If you’re used to texting sarcastically, then that’s your style and you shouldn’t change it. This person will learn and get used to the way you text if they like you. Though, I do want to tell you to write with proper words, don’t text like you’re in grade eight. I mean, “brb” and “lol” are outdated.
#4 Know when to pull out. If you feel the conversation is dying, end it. Just end it before the flame goes out. This doesn’t mean you lost your chance with this person, this just means the conversation ended. Tell them you should get to work or that you have something to do. Then, text them later. But, if you end the conversation, let them know instead of just disappearing. [Read: How to know when to stop texting a guy – Did you text too much already?]
#5 Bring up details from past conversations. If they spoke to you about the shirt they bought yesterday or the exam they had last week, ask them how it went or how the new shirt looks. I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal. But it is. You remembered a small and somewhat insignificant detail about them. But that detail shows you pay attention, and it keeps them interested. [Read: 18 casual things to text a girl and leave her addicted to you!]
#6 Be light. Isn’t life hard enough as it is? If you want to know how to keep a conversation going over text and keep it fun, give them a reason to stay in it. So, if they feel good talking to you, they want to continue the conversation. If you make them feel bad or negative when they’re texting you, they’ll pull out. It’s that simple. People stick to things that make them feel happy. [Read: 20 flirty ways to text your crush and get them interested]
#7 Don’t multi-text them. Sending twenty texts messages in a row isn’t cute, especially if they’re not texting a lot back in return. If anything, it looks needy and that’s a huge red flag for most people. If you send a text, send one or two in a row and leave them the opportunity to reply. If you want to keep the conversation going, it needs to be a two-way street.
But on the other hand, everyone has their own ways of texting. If they send you several texts explaining their day one after the other, don’t assume they’re being needy. Maybe they’re trying to get you to open up and talk about your day too. So as long as everything is in moderation, and mutual, that’s a good sign they’re enjoying texting you.
#8 Be patient. People work, they go to school, they have friends and family, so if they don’t message you right away, don’t assume they’re not interested in you. Instead, be cool. They’ll reply to you, don’t worry. And if they don’t reply, well, then you found out that they’re not the one for you. So, either way, it works out. [Read: What does it mean when someone’s ignoring your texts on purpose?]
#9 Use memes. Memes are actually a great way to build a connection and keep the conversation going. Memes are light and meant to make people laugh. If you want them to giggle, send them a meme you find funny and see how they react. Maybe they’ll send you one back. It’s a good way to just talk without a reason. And it’s also a great way to start a conversation after the earlier conversation died out. [Read: Text conversation starters for the shy and socially awkward]
#10 Be flirty. If you’re wondering how to keep a text conversation going, throw in some playful and flirty texts here and there. If you received a flirty text before, then you know how exciting it is to reply back. It’s fun, light, and you build the sexual chemistry. You don’t have to go all R rated, but cute and innocent texts never hurt anyone. [Read: How to flirt over text like a pro and intrigue anyone with your words]
#11 If it’s too long of a text, call. We’re in this era where it’s weird to call people, but it’s actually not. Plus, since no one calls each other anymore, it actually shows the person how much you like them. It’s a pretty big move. And if you need to write an essay to them, it’s easier to call them.
#12 No one-worded answers. If you’re actually interested in someone, why would you reply with just one word? Drop that habit. If someone gives you a proper text message with a question, then answer it. If you think a one-word answer is playing hard to get, it’s not. In reality, it’s annoying. [Read: How to hold your end of a conversation and keep the fun talk going]
#13 Talk about life. No, I don’t mean you need to get all philosophical, but talking about each other’s day and things that happened throughout is a great way to build a connection. This allows both of you to see how you live your lives and that brings out curiosity.
[Read: 15 unwritten texting rules you must remember to be a fun and flirty texter]
Now that you know how to keep a text conversation going, you have no excuse to not put these pointers into use. Try some of these out to keep the conversation lively and fun.
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