How to Have a Wet Dream: A Real Guide to Experience Sleep Orgasms

While some men try to stop having wet dreams, other men want to know how to have a wet dream. Can you force yourself to have wet dreams?
Wet dreams. Everyone has heard about them, but not everyone has experienced them. They’ve been talked about in coming-of-age movies and 90s teen flicks, but other than that, not much is spoken about them, certainly not the answer for how to have a wet dream.
They’re kind of a topic that doesn’t get much attention, even though many people experience wet dreams. There’s a lot to learn about sleep orgasms, especially if you’re someone who’s interested in having a wet dream.
What is a wet dream?
Okay, before we dive into things, you need to know what a wet dream is. A wet dream is also known as a “sleep orgasm” and “nocturnal emission.” In the simplest of descriptions, a wet dream is when a man ejaculates during his sleep.
A wet dream can also happen to women, and they would secrete vaginal fluids. Most of the time, people who have wet dreams don’t even realize it until they’ve woken up, and, um, well, see the evidence in their underwear.
[Read: Accidental orgasms! How to make the unexpected happen]
How to have a wet dream
If you’re wondering how to have a wet dream, try these tips for sexy dreaming and wake up after a good night’s sleep too!
#1 Wet dreams are most common during the teenage years. If you’re an adult who’s trying to have a wet dream, I’m sorry to tell you, but this is usually more common among teenagers. They’re going through hormonal changes. These changes can result in erotic dreams, leading these dreams to become wet dreams.
#2 You can’t control your dreams. You may be trying to find a way to control your dreams, but that’s impossible. When you’re sleeping, you’re not in control of what your brain is thinking. So, though you’ll be able to try some of these tips, remember, you cannot control what happens when you sleep. Maybe some of these tips will help, but there’s a chance they won’t. [Read: Healthy balls – 7 easy tests to keep your testicles in great shape]
#3 It’s normal to never have a wet dream. Maybe you’re thinking it’s weird that you haven’t had one and want to experience it. I understand the desire. But, if you haven’t had a wet dream, don’t worry, nothing is abnormal. Some people suffer from having too many wet dreams, and others never have them at all. It’s different for everyone.
#4 Put your head in the right space before bed. If you want to try to have a wet dream, you should put yourself in the right headspace. This means, read an erotic novel or look at erotic photos before bed. Of course, don’t masturbate while doing so. Go to bed sexually aroused and see if something happens that night.
#5 You can try to have a sex dream, but it doesn’t mean it’ll be a wet dream. Here’s the thing, if you’re trying to have a wet dream, you’re probably focusing on something arousing before going to bed. And this can help, but just because you have a sexual dream doesn’t mean it’s going to end up as a wet one.
#6 Wear comfortable underwear or nothing. When we’re sleeping, our genitals are very sensitive. So, go to bed wearing comfortable underwear or sleeping nude. Physical stimulation plays a major role in wet dreams. So, you want to keep as comfortable as possible. [Read: 14 sexy benefits of sleeping in the nude you had no idea about]
#7 How’s your bedding? Remember how I said physical stimulation is crucial for wet dreams? Well, your bedding plays a part in that. If you’re sleeping on rough sheets, the odds are it’s doing more harm than good. Get yourself soft sheets and see what happens. [Read: Sexy bedroom essentials – Get your room to scream sex]
#8 Your sleep position may matter. With dreams, your sleeping position may determine whether or not it’ll be a wet or dry one. If you’re not sleeping on your stomach, try it out. There has been very little research on wet dreams, but all the research out there says that sleeping on your stomach is an important factor in achieving a wet dream.
#9 Don’t masturbate before bed. If you want to have a wet dream, it’s best to avoid touching yourself before bed. Oh, and this means sex as well. The research says that the longer you abstain from having orgasms, the higher the chance you have of experiencing wet dreams. [Read: The surprising unknown benefits of not masturbating]
#10 Nothing may work. You can do everything on this list and still not have a wet dream. Listen, it’s extremely difficult to control our bodies when we’re not conscious. This isn’t something you should see as a fault. It just is what it is. Not everyone is wired the same way. Outside things such as depression, frustration, and stress can stop you from having a wet dream.
#11 Relax. When want to experience a wet dream, the most important thing you can do is relax. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If it doesn’t work, don’t blame yourself. Feeling sad and stressed won’t help you get any closer to having one.
[Read: A guide to tricking your mind into having a wet dream]
If you want to know how to have a wet dream, follow these tips. Of course, there are no guarantees it’ll happen. And if it doesn’t, well, just know not everyone can have a wet dream.
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