How to Get a Blowjob: 14 Tips to Get a Girl to Enjoy Giving You Head

We all know that guys like sex a lot. But not all of them really know how to get what they want. So, here are some tips for how to get a blowjob.

how to get a blowjob

Anyone who knows guys, and grew up with many guys as friends, knows from their time spent surrounded by them that all guys want a blowjob. It’s like that extra special thing they can get from a woman that makes them feel on top of the world. But you might not know how to ask for one or how to get a blowjob the right way.

Another thing you’ve probably learned, however, is that they have no idea how to make it happen. They think that by whipping out their man piece, the girl will just magically want to put it in her mouth.

Well, guys, it just doesn’t work like that.

[Read: The top reasons why girls would refuse to give you a blowjob]

Why girls don’t like giving blowjobs

Now, it’s not all girls that don’t like giving blowjobs. Some actually enjoy going down on their man and giving them a good time.

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But it’s common for most girls to avoid it because they just don’t really enjoy it much. They don’t find it to be fun or rewarding in any way.

They don’t like it for a variety of reasons. Mostly, they dislike it because it doesn’t give them anything.

They usually aren’t turned on by it, so they don’t see it as a means to get something themselves. And some other girls don’t like them because they don’t want their mouth on something that is less than sanitary! [Read: What do women really think of your penis and what kind do they prefer?]

How to get a blowjob and get a girl to enjoy giving it

All of that being said, girls will obviously still do it. Just because they don’t like it doesn’t mean they’ll refuse to do it forever. There just has to be a reason for them to. They won’t just do it on their own – most of the time.

That means you need to know what to do or say in order to make it happen. If you have horrible luck getting your girl to go down on you, these are some tips to help convince her to give you a little something extra.

1. Make it a trade

Sadly, a lot of guys can be selfish in general. And a lot of them are also selfish in bed. They think it’s all about them and their orgasm. Whether it’s getting a blowjob or whether it’s skipping foreplay and going straight into sex, they just don’t understand that women need to get something in return.

It’s not all about you, guys. Sorry about your luck. But you will get a blowjob a lot easier if you understand this right off the bat.

Don’t just ask her to give you a blowjob if you won’t be doing anything in return. Make it sort of a trade deal.

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You can use anything as a trade. Tell her you’ll take her out somewhere nice, or even go down on her – which is the best idea if you really want to know how to get a blow job. [Read: How to eat a girl out – 16 secrets to make her scream and squirt with pleasure]

2. Be well-behaved

This isn’t just in the bedroom. You have to behave outside of the bedroom in the relationship as a whole if you want your girl to give you a good blowjob… if any at all.

You see, for women, sex isn’t just about the physical part. We know you probably don’t quite get that, because it is for you. But girls really have a big emotional and mental component to sexual activity. They would probably be more likely to give a blowjob to a guy who isn’t as attractive, but he treats her right.

If she’s always mad at you, or thinks you’re being a bad boyfriend, there’s no way she’s going to reward you for it.

So be a great boyfriend/husband/friend with benefits. Whatever it is you two have going on, be good.  [Read: The perfect boyfriend material – 33 traits that make you the best ever in a girl’s eyes]

3. Show her it can be a good time

She probably doesn’t want to do it because it seems boring. Not only can it be boring, sometimes it can physically make her gag. Think about it. Wouldn’t you if you had something stuck in your mouth and even maybe down your throat? [Read: A girl’s guide to swallow cum without gagging and go from spitter to swallower]

Make her realize that blowjobs could be fun for her too. Get in a position where you can stimulate her at the same time, and in fact, make a game of it.

If she does something that feels great on you, show her just how great it is by making her feel the same. This will not only make it more interesting, but she’ll learn what you like best for the next time. It’s a win-win really. [Read: Girls who swallow – 10 reasons why they’re the best girlfriends ever]

4. Make sure to please her equally

If you want to know how to get a blowjob, don’t ever forget this one. There is no way a girl will continue to go down on you if you can’t make her finish. This goes back to what we said earlier. Don’t be selfish! Women like pleasure too.

This doesn’t even have to be by you going down on her. You can pleasure her in a lot of different ways, so you should ask her what she likes. Ask her what parts of her body make her the most stimulated, and then follow her directions for getting her off.

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If she’s going to give you a blowjob, the least you can do is work hard to make her finish. [Read: How to make a girl orgasm every single time – 15 secrets to master the art]

5. Talk about how amazing it was the last time she gave you one

If your girlfriend was a trooper and has given you one before, the best way to make her do it again is by talking about how amazing and fantastic it was.

By telling her how good she was at it, she’ll want to make you see her in that light again, and she’ll most likely go down on you.

Everyone wants to know that they make other people happy, especially women. If she knows that she is making you feel amazing by giving you a blowjob, she will be more willing to do it. And then thank her and show appreciation. Just don’t overkill it or she’ll suspect you’re lying just to get some. [Read: The perfect cock – The female opinion on how your dick measures up in their eyes]

6. Be gentle with her

When she’s actually down on you, don’t be really rough – especially if she’s not into that or she’s not thrilled about it.

Be gentle with her and be patient. If she feels like you actually value the blowjob, she’ll be more likely to do it.

Not all women like rough sex. And when she is giving you a blowjob, she is in a very vulnerable position down there. Then again, so are you! So, if you are gentle with her, she will be gentle with you. [Read: How to get a girl to give you head and enjoy it as much as you do]

7. Be sweet to her out of the bedroom

You can’t just be nice when the topic is about sex and expect her to give you what you want. You have to be sweet and giving to her in other aspects of the relationship. Take her out to a nice dinner, let her pick the movie, and just be a sweet person in general.

Put down the video games, get your nose out of your phone. Ask her how her day was and actually listen to her. Girls love that. And when you do that, then she’ll be more willing to do something nice for you.

8. Give a warning when you… uh… finish

This may or may not shock you, but not all girls like to swallow. Let’s face it – it doesn’t really taste very good. Sure, some might like it. But a lot of them don’t. So, don’t be mad at her if she doesn’t want you to finish in her mouth. Give her a big warning so she can pull off.

This ensures your girl will be down to get down again in the future. Nobody likes to be surprised, and this is especially true if she’s not the type to go down on you regularly. [Read: What does cum taste like? The honest truth from women’s mouths and science]

How NOT to get a blowjob from a girl

Even though we just gave you a whole list of ways to actually get a blowjob, we know a few of you will try your other methods, and we would advise that you not do that.

Here are a few ways to ruin your chances of ever getting head again.

1. Push her head down there silently

This is the WORST way of trying to get a blowjob!

As a head pusher, it says that you are selfish and practically degrading her. She has to give you a blowjob of her own free will. So, when you push her head down you, it’s almost borderline rape. Especially if she resists. This is a big no-no.

Ultimately, it’ll probably result in her leaving or refusing to even have sex. It’s annoying, degrading, and just a total turn off. Avoid doing it at all costs. [Read: Do women like to swallow? And 20 other sex questions answered]

2. Expect it

If you remember nothing else about how to get a blowjob, remember this one. Never expect that she’s going to do it. Again, this all goes back to your selfish attitude.

Being selfish is never an attractive thing. You need to be humble and grateful if she decides to give you a blowjob.

When you drop your pants and stand there with your hands on your hips waiting, she’ll be annoyed. She’ll also be appalled that you just expect her to do something like that for you with nothing in return. [Read: The complete guide to saggy balls and what women think of them]

3. Ask her why she never does

Don’t just sit there badgering her about why she won’t do give you a blowjob.

Maybe she has her own reasons for disliking it. Maybe her gag reflex is horrific and she can barely even brush her teeth without an issue. And maybe she is just grossed out by it. She may really like you and be attracted to you, but that’s different than giving a blowjob. Everyone has their preferences.

Bottom line, if you want to know how to get a blowjob from your girl, don’t ask her why she won’t if she refuses. Just let it go and try again in a while *not the next day*. [Read: How to talk about sex without sounding like a pervert]

4. Talk about an ex who “always did”

If you want to not get a blowjob AND end up single, this is the way to do it. No girl ever wants to hear about past girls you’ve hooked up with, ESPECIALLY if they did something you liked *and she isn’t*.

Most girls don’t like hearing anything about your exes, especially something like this. Comparing her to other girlfriends is just quite mean, actually. So, remember, even if you’re thinking it, don’t say it.

This will make her furious if you do, and chances are, she’ll never give you a blowjob again if you complain like this.

Who cares what your ex did? Your new girl hasn’t, but she will if you use the methods mentioned above. Not this one. [Read: The 13 types of penises women love… and laugh at!]

5. Expecting it from someone new

Sure, there are people who meet and hook up at parties. But a lot of girls want to reserve blowjobs for their boyfriends.

Think about it. A blowjob is a very intimate act, so a lot of them just don’t want to do it for a mere stranger. So if you just met someone, don’t ask for or expect a blowjob.

6. Ignore her and move on

Yes, guys love blowjobs. And they might just want to get it and then move on to playing video games. But you can’t expect a woman to be your sex slave.

You can’t have her perform on demand without paying some attention to her. So, when you want a blowjob, you better sure expect to pay her some attention and reciprocate, even if you don’t want to![Read: 30 ways to please a woman and get her addicted sexually and emotionally]

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Ultimately, girls make their own decisions, and if she really doesn’t want to go down on you, that’s up to her. But if you’re sly enough and nice enough, use these techniques for how to get a blowjob, and chances are, she’ll be more than happy to blow you.

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