How to Be a Bad Boy: 35 Ways to Channel the Badassery That Girls Fall For
Are you a mysterious loner who wears a leather jacket 24/7? If you’re struggling to get a girl, it’s because you’re not playing to your strengths, bad boy!
Stereotype though it may seem, we’re all aware of the truth behind the saying, “every girl loves a bad boy.” No matter how much women coo over the gentleman and claim they’re looking for someone who will “treat them right,” there’s just something about the uncouth ruffian that calls to them. If you’re curious about how to be a bad boy, it’s essential to understand the appeal that comes with this persona.
You can act like the guy next door all you want, but if deep down you’re a fast-living risk-taker, who may or may not drive a motorcycle, own that! You may think women want someone who can take care of them, but maybe the woman you want is someone who wants to go for a ride. [Read: What do women want in a man – 41 traits that make a guy very desirable]
What is it About the Bad Boy?
If you ask most women why they’re so attracted to a bad boy, you might not get much apart from a few swoons and a couple of blushful giggles. No one can really explain why a bad boy is so hot, except to say they’re hot! So to understand why girls like bad boys, we have to look at psychology.
The ‘dark triad‘ personality traits—narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy—often associated with the bad boy image, can be strangely attractive due to their confidence, charm, and charisma. These traits create a compelling allure, often mistaken for real confidence and strength. [Read: 31 secrets to be charismatic and awe and draw people to you in a snap]
Then there’s the evolutionary perspective. Some theories suggest that risk-taking and rebelliousness, seen in the typical ‘bad boy,’ are interpreted as signs of confidence and strong genetics, which can be subconsciously appealing from a reproductive standpoint.
However, it’s crucial to note that being a nice guy isn’t a disadvantage. The key is balance. Women appreciate kindness and respect, but they also value confidence and assertiveness— traits often misinterpreted as exclusive to bad boys. It’s about finding the middle ground, where you can be both considerate and confident without being a pushover.
So, Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Boys?
Now, let’s answer the question that’s really on your mind: why do girls actually like a bad boy? Like we said, there are SO many different reasons that a good girl would be drawn to a bad boy and not all of them have anything to do with the fact that he dresses in a leather jacket and looks like he walked out of an 80s movie.
If you’re struggling to understand what’s going through the mind of a good girl when she goes for someone who’s her opposite, here are reasons why a good girl likes a bad boy:
1. It Fills a Void
Good girls don’t always want to be good. They might even feel like they’re missing that “bad” element in their lives, and they need some of it. Sure, they could steal something from a store, but only they would know. Or they could just date a bad boy and not break the law. [Read: Cute vs hot guys – what makes a guy sexy rather than sweet?]
2. To Differentiate the Good Guys
The best benefit of dating a bad boy? You’ll know when the good guy comes along. Dating a bad boy is like being put through the wringer. Being with them is exciting, but it is also nerve-racking. They make you giddy, but they can also drive you to the pits of despair.
With a bad boy, there is no mood spectrum. There is cloud nine and hell, and you cycle between the two when you’re dating him. So when the right guy finally comes around, your experience with the bad boy will let you see just how great he is.
3. They Get the Best of Both Worlds
Good girls like bad boys simply because they get the best of both worlds this way. They live their good-girl ways while still indulging in something bad every once in a while. This gives their life balance, and that’s why they like bad boys.
4. They Want to Fix Them
This is probably one of the biggest reasons good girls are drawn to bad boys. They feel a sense of responsibility when it comes to bad boys, like them and only them can fix them.
They find them to be broken, and they’re attracted to the idea of being the one to fix their problems and make them good. [Read: Why do I always attract the wrong guys and repeat the same mistakes with men?]
5. They’re Not Really Good Girls
Some good girls might look and act like they’re all good, but deep down they might be just like the bad boys and that’s why they like them. They like being around someone who thinks and acts like they do even if they don’t look the part.
6. The “Bad Boys” Aren’t Really Bad
Sometimes the “bad boys” in question aren’t actually bad at all. Looks and attitude can be very deceiving.
Good girls may like those bad boys simply because they’re actually good people who are just lost in the world, making them look bad. Really, there’s more good in them than bad. Plus, being misunderstood just adds another mysterious and delicious allure to them!
7. They’re Rebelling
For the girl who always followed what they were told, took the path most traveled, and done things to please everyone, the bad guy represents breaking free and time to be who they want, instead of what everyone else wants them to be. [Read: 25 signs and effects of a bad father-daughter relationship and ways to fix it]
8. She Wants Something New
If a good girl has always been with good guys and the relationships never work out, it only makes sense she’ll want something other than the one thing that keeps failing. This drives her toward the bad boy in hopes that a relationship works out with him.
9. They Bring Excitement Into Her Life
This isn’t to say all people who label themselves as “good” are boring, but it is true that people who are typically “bad” have a lot more exciting things going on in their lives.
If a good girl is bored with the same old routine, she might seek out a bad boy to entertain her and introduce her to a more dangerous and adventurous lifestyle.
10. Bad Boys are Confident
There’s really no arguing this point. Bad boys all have the same attitude; the self-assured attitude that comes when you’re confident in yourself. Confidence is something all girls find attractive, no matter what your type is. Bad boys are just known to have a bit more of it. [Read: What girls find attractive – 49 traits that make a guy irresistible to women]
11. It Makes Her Feel Special
When a bad boy takes a liking to you, it’s just so much different than when anyone else does. It’s like you are granted his seal of approval that you think you need when they decide you’re worthy of their time. This makes good girls feel special, and this feeling draws them in.
12. They’re Off Limits
Which only makes good girls want them that much more. Have you ever been told you couldn’t have something? It just made you want it more! It’s the same thing for good girls. Bad boys walk around like no one can have them, and it makes all the good girls adamant about catching them.
13. They’re Envious of Their Outlook on Life
The attitude bad boys have is so relaxed and carefree; they do whatever they want. Good girls usually play by the rules—someone else’s rules—and this can be frustrating.
So they get jealous of the way a bad boy lives his life, and it makes them want to be a part of that chaos. This is why they’re so attracted to them and so intent on having a bad boy.
14. Women Feel Safer With Them
Bad boys seem dangerous. This may sound like a bad thing but to a good girl, it sounds safe. For a bad boy to live such a seemingly dangerous life, they have to learn a thing or two about taking care of themselves. Every girl wants to be able to feel safe in the arms of someone they’re with, and who else is better qualified to do that than bad boys? [Read: 20 signs and reasons women find men in uniform so irresistible and attractive]
15. They’re Sexy
We don’t think you can argue that bad boys are just downright sexy. Their confidence, attire, and attitude ooze sexy, and even good girls can’t help but recognize that and want it.
16. Expectations are Low, and Therefore, Disappointment is Low
In comparison to “good guys,” bad boys have almost no expectations—which means a good girl won’t be disappointed when they end up heartbroken. Good girls like bad boys because they know what they’re getting. [Read: I dated a bad boy – why I pursued him and why you shouldn’t ever do that]
17. They’re Mysterious
Girls like a little intrigue. Boys, please don’t take this personally, but you don’t usually have much depth—what you see is what you get. When a guy has a bad guy persona, it makes us think there is something they hold onto that we just have to unravel.
We don’t like secrets unless they are shared, so we crave to know it all. For the mysterious man, about a hundred girls look to win their way to his confidante. [Read: How to be mysterious & leave everyone smitten and craving for more]
18. They Appear Powerful
What is more powerful than someone who doesn’t obey authority and doesn’t think the rules apply to them?
The bad boy takes on anyone who f*cks with them, takes down the bully, and anyone who stands in their way. If that doesn’t exude testosterone, we don’t know what does.
A man who is ready, willing, and looking forward to fighting for you, is very attractive.
19. Bad Boys Aren’t Out to Impress
Women are always judged by the way that they look rather than what is on the inside. So, they spend a lot of time worrying about how they appear or what people think of them.
Bad boys are an anomaly that women don’t understand but admire at the same time. They are baffled by their ability to brush off norms, expectations, and any type of criticism.
Wow, what a freeing feeling. Just being with them makes them feel just a little free to be more themselves. [Read: Nice guy syndrome – 42 “fake” things nice guys do and how to stop being one]
20. Women Like a Challenge
Why do girls like bad boys? Honestly, because they are such a challenge. Sure, being married to a bad guy isn’t much fun and something to be avoided.
But dating a bad boy challenges a girl. The bad boy makes her question why they do what they do and which side of the tracks they want to walk.
In the end, we all almost always choose our natural path. A bad guy makes a good girl think about whether she does what she is because she wants to or because someone else wants her to. [Read: How to be a man – 25 traits to define manliness the way it should be]
Badassery and How To Channel It
We could sit here all day discussing the reasons behind this—the socio-historical associations that incline women toward the more ill-mannered and macho of the male population, but it wouldn’t help us get the girl.
So, if you’re looking to embody some of the traits of a bad boy—the one who walks into a bar with a sneer on his lip and a swagger in his gait—and have all the local lovelies flocking to your side for a change, read these 20 tips on how to become the badass bad boy of every girl’s dreams.
1. Your Body is NOT a Temple
Women don’t want to date a guy whose eating habits are so strict they can’t enjoy food with them. Real men eat meat, drink without shame, and don’t really care about the ill effects of what they’re putting into their bodies.
Bad boys act on impulse and don’t care about the consequences, so you’ll never hear one say, “sure, we can go on a date, but we can only go to a restaurant that does a killer salad!”
2. Walk Around Like You’re All That
Confidence is a major turn-on for women, so letting them see how self-assured you are is bound to reel them in. Draw in the girls, and scare off the guys, with an unashamed display of confidence.
When you walk into a room, hold your head up high with your chest puffed. When you speak, do so in a clear and loud voice. And if you face rejection, take it on the chin like a champ. Even if you don’t feel confident, pretending for long enough will eventually make you feel genuinely more self-assured. [Read: 17 confident ways to be more assertive and speak your mind loud and clear]
3. Do What You Want
Do you go out of your way for others just for them to shrug off your efforts? Are you a massive people pleaser turned doormat? Well, in the name of all things good *and bad*, stop it now!
Bad boys live their lives for themselves, and women respect that. Now, you don’t have to be mean or overtly selfish. It’s all about establishing boundaries and not letting people disrespect them.
4. Know Your Own Mind
Bad boys follow the beat of their own drums, living their lives in ways that other people might not understand. But they do that because they do everything with intent. They know who they are, what matters to them, and what they’re willing to do to attain/protect those things.
So, to be your best bad-boy self, you need to know your own mind and follow your own rules.
5. Be Passionate
A bad boy’s passion is their driving force; a passion to live their life on their own terms, a passion to dismantle the systems that try to hold them down, and a passion for women.
Maybe that’s why so many women swoon for bad boys!
6. Get the Girl You Want
You’re at a bar and you lock eyes with a girl. She catches your eye like no one else has and you can hear her radiant laugh from where you are. Now your usual tactic might be to keep making eye contact, maybe smile at her, but does that ever work for you? Probably not.
You know what a bad boy would do in this scenario? He’d walk up to the girl, start a conversation, and get her number. [Read: How to approach a girl – 36 secrets to lose the fear and make women want you]
7. Don’t be the Class Clown
Jokers can elicit a certain amount of attention from women, but it’s the smoking hot, sardonic mystery men who walk away with them. The best way to grab a girl’s attention and keep it is to play up your mysterious charm while not neglecting the flirtatious banter that jokers are so good at.
8. Don’t be the Confidant
While you’re getting close to a girl, there’s a fatal mistake you can accidentally make: falling into the friend territory. You may end up with most of her attention for the evening, but it will very much be in a platonic, no-hope-in-hell of getting laid kind of way.
You want that sexual tension, that ‘is-there-something-here’ energy, to always lie just below the surface of your interactions. [Read: 25 ways to avoid the friend zone and build sexual tension from the start]
9. Do Everything Unapologetically
We’ve gone on and on about how bad boys have their own conduct for life, their own path they’ve carved out. Well, what good is establishing your own morals and codes if you just backtrack on them?
Don’t be a dick for the sake of it, that should be obvious. But if someone tries to make you apologize for who you are, stick it to them. The charm of the bad boy is that he’s too self-aware to let others dictate him.
10. Be Spontaneous
Maybe it’s because of their proclivity to live dangerous lives, either way, bad boys know that life is to be lived. They don’t care if they’re going to work in the morning or if they have a family function to attend. If they want to do something, they do it, no matter how crazy or impractical it may be.
That’s part of the allure that draws in so many women, so embrace spontaneity in your life. [Read: 18 ways to become more spontaneous in life]
11. Don’t Preen
Looking in mirrors, constantly brushing your hair, straightening creases in trousers—these are all preening behaviors that tell the world you’re feeling shy and insecure. A bad boy is happy with who he is and doesn’t feel the need to improve.
12. Break the Rules
No smoking areas, do not walk on the grass signs—all negotiable. To the bad boy, this is his planet, and the only rules worth obeying are the ones he makes. If anyone pitches up, berating you for your lack of compliance, then let them know very vocally what you think of their silly little regulations. Women love a man who won’t back down. [Read: Confident or cocky? 16 subtle signs that split an arrogant or modest man]
13. Don’t Reveal All Your Cards at Once
Confessions about feelings, family histories, worries, and concerns on the first date are a big no-no in the bad-boy book of conduct. Remember, bad boys are renowned for their mystery. If you spill the beans immediately, you’ll break the illusion.
14. Live Life on the Edge
Live dangerously, on the edge, and without regret. Danger is such an exciting thing for women to see men experiencing, and it really puts you above the rest of the competition. [Read: Good guys vs. bad guys: 30 traits why girls date nice guys & crave bad boys]
15. Take Up Some Room
Want to be a bad boy? Use your body to express yourself and take up all the room around you. Don’t hide in a corner somewhere, and perch on the edge of a seat. That screams to the world that you’re insecure, shy, and even a little bit scared.
But when you’re naturally confident, inside and out, you can’t help but take up the space around you, and other people notice that.
It’s Not About Changing Who You Are
You don’t need to steal a car to be a bad boy. Instead, follow these tips on how to be a bad boy, and you’ll find yourself on a path to the wild side. Remember, it’s about confidence, not arrogance; assertiveness, not aggression.
[Read: How to understand women – the truths behind how they think and behave]
In the end, knowing how to be a bad boy is about being true to yourself while also presenting the exciting, adventurous side that makes the bad boy so appealing. Remember, it’s not about changing who you are but enhancing the qualities that make you uniquely attractive.
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