Does He Like Me? 41 Subtle Signs & Body Language Guys Can’t Hide

You like a guy and you’re wondering ‘does he like me?’ It’s a common situation. But, if you look closely, he may be exhibiting signs that give the answer. 

does he like me

When you like someone, it’s easy to start dreaming of a grand future. It’s like your mind runs away with your hopes. But, wondering ‘does he like me?’ will just drive you crazy. Basically, you need an answer to calm the confusion in your mind.

Now, you might think it’s impossible to know unless you ask him, but there’s an easier and less stressful way to find out. Look for the right signs, even if they’re subtle.

Almost always, it’s extremely easy to find out if a guy likes you. If he’s a friend or someone you speak with, all you need to watch out for is the way he behaves around you.

On the other hand, if you’re crushing on a shy guy and want to know if he’s interested in you, you just need to give him the right opportunities to express his mind.

[Read: How to tell if a guy who’s a friend is into you]

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Does he like me? Decoding a guy’s mind through his behavior and words

Reading a guy’s body language and the small signs he throws your way can reveal whether he really likes you, or if he’s just bored and having a bit of fun to pass the time.

The next time you bump into him, sit near him or walk past him, pay close attention to his behavior. In all probability, you’ll have your answer in no time.

If the big ‘does he like me’ question rings in your mind all day and the suspense eats away at you, use these signs to read his mind.

1. He changes instantly

If a guy likes you or is interested in impressing you, his behavior will change almost instantly as soon as he sees that you’re around.

If he’s laughing, he’ll suddenly sober down. Or if he’s sitting quietly, he may get loud or try to be the center of attention among his friends. [Read: 30 facts about guys that can help you read his mind]

2. You catch his eye

When a guy likes you, he’ll always watch you from far away, especially when you’re with your own friends and oblivious to anyone else who’s around.

If you’re laughing at a joke, turn around quickly and catch his eye immediately. You may just find him staring at you with a big smile plastered on his face because he’s probably laughing with you in his mind.

3. The final glance

If you’re wondering, does he like me, watch out for this subtle sign. Does he make eye contact with you just before he steps out of a room, no matter how occupied he is or who he’s with?

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Big chances are, he wants to take one last look at you, and he’s secretly hoping you’re looking at him too so he can lock eyes with you, even if it’s just for one more second. [Read: 20 clear signs of attraction in a first conversation]

4. He faces you

No matter where you sit down at an event or a gathering, you’ll always find him positioning himself in a way that gives him a chance to stare at you directly without craning his neck.

He may sit down facing you, or sit away from you at an angle, but no matter where he sits, you’ll see that he always has a clear view of you.

5. He shows off a lot

He indulges in antics or does something funny when you’re around him. And he always looks at you first to see your reaction. It doesn’t matter if he’s playing a game, pulling a friend’s leg, or just hanging out in the cafeteria.

If he does something eye-catching or worth a look, he’ll look for a sign to know that you noticed him in his moment of glory. [Read: 30 alpha male characteristics that make you a real alpha]

6. He tries to get closer to you

When a guy likes you, he’ll want to be in close proximity to you even if he doesn’t exchange a word with you. Does he stand next to you in an elevator? Does he walk closely past you even if there’s a lot of space around?

He’s probably dying inside and hoping to hold you in his arms one day. [Read: 33 fun and sexy ways to seduce a man who’s not yet yours and hook him hard]

7. It’s not just glancing, you catch him staring a lot

Do you find this guy staring at you constantly? Or does he look away quickly as soon as you turn your head in his direction? These signs are big giveaways that show that a guy is interested in you.

8. He gets annoyed

If you want to know if a guy likes you, try flirting with another guy when this guy is around. If he truly likes you, he may get annoyed watching you talking sweetly with another guy. And at times, he may even walk away. [Read: How to make a guy jealous – 20 wicked ways to win his attention]

9. He loves a surprise

Does the guy’s face light up with a happy grin as soon as he sees you out of the blue?

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If a guy likes you and suddenly sees you when he least expects to see you, he’ll involuntarily smile widely to himself. So if you’re wondering, does he like me, all you need to do is watch his expression to read the signs.

10. He tries to smooth talk you

The way he speaks with you is different from the way he speaks to others. When a guy likes you, he’ll speak more boldly with you or seem more interested in what you have to say.

He uses a deeper voice to show off his masculinity even if he’s only asking you to pass the ketchup! [Read: How to talk to a guy – 34 secrets to sweet talk and and make him like you]

11. He’s being teased by his friends

This is a completely obvious giveaway and an obvious sign to find out if a guy is smitten by you already. When you walk into the same room where he’s hanging out with his friends, keep your eyes peeled and watch the behavior of his friends.

If his friends glance towards him, punch him in the arm, or even smile at him, he’s probably getting teased by his friends because you’re around.

12. He stands tall

When a guy likes a girl, he’ll want to show off his best side to the girl. Does the guy stand up straight or stiffen up when you walk past him?

He’s probably instinctively trying to show off his best physical assets to you with the hope of impressing you. [Read: The male body language and 48 subtle clues to read what he’s thinking]

13. He subconsciously copies your movements

If you’re sitting across from a guy you like, you’ll instinctively copy his behavior without even realizing it. So, if he sits back, you sit back. If he takes a sip of water, so will you.

It’s the same way with guys too. When a guy likes you, he’ll start to copy your behavior, and he won’t even realize he’s doing it.

14. The sexy grimace

When a guy stares at you and likes you, his intention isn’t just to get an eyeful of you. He also wants to impress you with his intense, sexual gaze. When the guy stares at you, take a quick glance at him to read his body language.

If he rubs his chin or his face slowly, or if he clenches his jaws and stares at you with a macho expression, the chances are, he’s trying to *look cool* for you! [Read: 13 subtle eye contact flirting moves that always work]

15. He’s constantly groomed

Does this guy look like he’s groomed himself just moments before you walk into the room?

If a guy’s constantly worried about his appearance or tries to be on his best behavior each time you’re around, he’s definitely trying to make a good impression on you.

16. He asks about you

When a guy likes a girl, he can’t help but try to find out more about her by asking around. Have any of your friends told you that a guy was asking about you or trying to know more about you? You’ve hit the nail here.

This guy is surely smitten by you, and wants to get to know you in a more-than-just-friends kind of way. [Read: 30 subtle, obvious and sexy flirting tips to make any guy like you]

17. You bump into him often

Bumping into someone you know now and then could be a matter of sheer coincidence. But what would you feel if you keep bumping into the same guy in different places all the time?

It could be fate arm twisting you into getting to know him. Or the timid guy is keeping an eye on you and waiting for the perfect opportunity to walk up to you and say ‘hello.’

18. He comes out and tells you

If you’re wondering, does he like me, well, this is the easiest way to find out how he feels about you. He’ll just tell you. If you’re blessed with this, well, then the rest is easy from there.

Of course, many guys are scared of rejection, so you’ll probably need to continue reading. [Read: How to tell if a guy is into you – 22 hints he just can’t hide]

19. He stares at your mouth

There’s something called the ‘flirting triangle.’ No, it’s not where ships disappear but rather where the guy looks at you.

If you notice his eyes staring at your eyes, and then your mouth, and repeats the cycle, well, he’s doing the flirting triangle. He’s interested in more than what you’re blabbing about. He wants to kiss you. [Read: 23 signs he wants to kiss you and how to tell when he’s going to try it]

20. The full body scan

Usually, one of the clearest signs he likes you is when he scans you from the bottom up. Men are very visual and by scanning you, they’re checking you out. If they continue to scan you, they can’t get enough of your body.

21. He peacocks when you’re around

When they’re interested in a woman, men always try to act like the alpha male. We like to call it ‘peacocking.’

They have to show you that they’re the better option than the rest of the guys out there. So, if he’s trying to show you that he’s a “man,” then he’s into you. [Read: What is peacocking? The many types and why guys show off around girls]

22. He listens

There are guys that will just say, “yes” to everything you say, but if he remembers small details of stories you’ve told, he’s been listening. And what does that mean, ladies? He likes you.

Men don’t like to waste their time listening to people they’re not interested in.

23. He asks questions

He wants to know everything about you. Where you went to school, how many siblings you have, and he’s not asking you these questions because he has to. He’s asking you because he wants to know more about you.

If he’s taking the time to get to know you on a personal level, he likes you. [Read: 60 get to know you questions for a new romance]

24. He’s different around you

If he’s completely different around you and his friends, that may be the answer to your question, does he like me. He could be more talkative or quiet around you, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s not acting 100% natural around you because he’s trying to impress you.

25. He leans in

Maybe your story is really interesting. It probably isn’t, but never mind, the guy is leaning into you like everything you say is fascinating.

If he’s leaning in, he’s trying to show you he’s attentive and interested. If he’s leaning back, it doesn’t mean he dislikes you – maybe you ate garlic.

26. He pays

Friends don’t pay for friends. If a guy likes you, he’ll pay for your drink or dinner. It’s more of a pride thing, he wants to show you that he can take care of you. So, if the guy pays–he likes you. [Read: 25 surefire signs a guy really likes you]

27. He can’t stop his smile

Is he always smiling around you? Even when you’re not talking? The guy is literally glowing from the inside out. Maybe it’s the shot of vodka you two just had, but we bet it’s because you’re beside him.

28. He completely ignores you

Okay, this one is annoying, but sometimes, guys think it’s a good idea to ignore the girl so that she comes to him instead. He could also be ignoring you because he doesn’t actually like you, but if there are other signs with this one, then probably not.

But seriously, if he’s doing this because he likes you, he’s immature. [Read: How guys flirt – 25 subtle things guys do to impress a girl]

29. He’s protective of you

He walks you to your front door or asks you to text him that you’re safe. He could just be a gentleman, however, usually, friends wouldn’t take it to that level. If he’s protective over you, it’s because he cares about you.

30. Jealousy

Other guys are checking you out, and you see him seething with jealousy. If he didn’t like you, he wouldn’t care if a guy was hitting on you or asking you out for dinner. Why be jealous? He would be happy.

So, if he’s jealous, he has feelings for you. [Read: How to deal with jealousy in a relationship and learn to overcome it]

31. He teases you

You know the old saying, if a boy teases you, he likes you. Well, it’s kinda true. If a boy teases you, it’s most likely that he’s trying to cover his feelings for you. Try to turn this teasing into flirting if you want to move things forward.

32. He starts the conversation

He has no problem coming up to you to talk or sending you a good morning text. By him taking initiative, he’s showing that he’s interested in you.

If you’re the one starting every conversation, it’s probably a one-sided relationship. [Read: Dumb things we do in the name of that four letter word: LOVE]

33. He often compliments you

It’s normal if men compliment women. However, in this case, he notices the small changes you make. Maybe you colored your hair a shade darker – if he likes you, he notices.

34. He doesn’t look at his phone

You may be wondering if he even has any friends. He does and his phone probably has a list of missed calls and texts. But it doesn’t matter, those things can wait, because he’s with you.

If he’s not pulling his phone out every five minutes, he’s interested in spending time with you. [Read: How to be present – The guide to find your zone of calm perfection]

35. He’s planning ahead

“Oh, we have to go there” or “ Let’s try this out sometime,” yeah, he’s not saying those things to lead you on. He’s using these lines because he’s planning ahead of time.

He sees you in his future. [Read: Is he attracted to you? 16 giveaways to watch out for]

36. You’re number one

He should be studying for an exam, but instead, he’s out for coffee with you. He could have gone to the bar with his friends but wanted to watch a movie with you instead. He’s making you a priority.

He has other things to do, believe us, but you’re more important.

37. He touches you

Unless you’re really good friends, men don’t usually go out of their way to touch a woman, especially if they don’t like her. So, if he’s into you, he may hug you frequently or put his arm around you casually.

But, don’t take that so lightly, he wouldn’t lay a hand on you unless he liked you. [Read: When a guy touches you on a body part – How to decode his intentions]

38. He does what you like

If he finds out you’re into jazz or you like watching figure skating, he may suggest that he keeps you company.

He may hate jazz, but if you’re going he’ll sit through whatever he has to, just as long as you’re there.

39. He texts a lot

If you just hung out with him and he’s texting you right after you left, he’s into you. Though you may have gone home, he’s not done having a good time with you. If you’re staying up till 3am texting, he’s into you.

40. He doesn’t mention other women

If he wanted you to get the hint that he doesn’t like you, he would talk about other women. However, if he never mentions another girl, that’s because he doesn’t want you to think there’s anyone else. [Read: Does my guy friend like me? 15 signs he’s crushing on you]

41. He suggests a one-on-one

If he only wants to hang out with you in a group, he’s avoiding one-on-one contact which is not a good sign. But, if he’s asking to hang out with only you, well, this is a no-brainer and gives you the answer to your question – does he like me!

No guy would spend one-on-one time with a girl they’re not interested in.

Look for the rule of four

Okay, so you’re probably wondering do all of these signs mean he likes you? No. You’re going to need more evidence. So, go with the rule of four.

You need four of these signs to confirm that he’s into you. Anything less is too much of a risk. So, four or more, and the odds he likes you only get bigger from there!

[Read: 15 sneaky ways to get a guy to ask you out]

If you see these ‘does he like me’ signs, you don’t need to wait for a guy to ask you out to know that he likes you. Sometimes, all you need to do is watch his body language and read the signs when he’s around you.

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