Dating a Gamer: 42 Tips, Perks, Pros & Cons of Being in a Relationship with One

Have you wondered what it might be like to date a cute, nerdy gamer? These reasons to date a gamer will make you realize what you’ve been missing!

Dating a Gamer

If you met a really cute gamer guy or girl and want to know if you should get into a relationship with them, there are quite a few reasons to convince you that dating a gamer is where it’s at.

Real die-hard gamers are the type to invest in their gaming. Many will attend gaming conventions and comic cons, and spend time watching podcasts and scanning online forums for new hacks and cheats. But that level of commitment is evident in their relationships too.

Every gamer is different, some can spend serious lengths of time playing all different types of games on their PC, while others just like to order pizza and play on their Xbox or PlayStation in their free time. But the one thing they all have in common? Great qualities for a relationship.

Give them a chance, and you’ll soon find that serious gamers make for some of the best boyfriends and girlfriends around. [Read: Reasons your ideal man wish list isn’t working for you]

How to get a gamer to like you

Like all people, gamers have interests. And if you’re trying to attract the attention of a guy or girl who loves video games, the best way to do so is to show enthusiasm for their interests.

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Now, we aren’t saying to buy their favorite video game and beat it front to back *although that is sure to woo them*, there are other ways you can show enthusiasm and interest for the games they like.

Ask them questions about their favorite games or types of games, and ask why, and about their favorite battles or sequences. Even if you don’t know anything about video games, you can still hold an engaging conversation about them to let your gamer crush know you find them (and their hobby) appealing.

And if you do happen to also be a video game fanatic, that’s great! Talk about your favorite games, suggest playing with them sometime, and have meaningful discussions about your shared interest.

[Read: 31 secrets to get a girl to like you & desire you]

How to know if a gamer likes you

Knowing if a gamer likes you is a lot easier than it may seem. If you’re interested in someone who is a diehard gamer, chances are they spend most of their time playing games or talking about them. So, we understand how it may be confusing to tell if they like you.

For a gamer, video games take priority. If you’ve been talking to this guy or girl for a while and you see a shift in their priorities, take this as a great sign. If you find that they put aside their games to spend time with you, they definitely like you!

Maybe this gamer you’re interested in isn’t too obsessed with video games so the last example doesn’t work for you. Well, if your gamer suggests sharing their interest with you, it is another great sign they like you.

Video games are very intimate and personal to someone who is a gamer. So, whether they invite you to conventions with them, suggest playing games together, open up about their interests, or even sets aside games to talk to you, it is a sign that a gamer likes you!

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[Read: 75 HUGE signs to tell if a guy likes you & ways to make him like you more]

Tips for dating a gamer

If you’re someone who doesn’t play many video games and you’re looking for tips to connect with your gamer, we’ve got you covered.

1. Play games with them

This may seem intimidating, but we promise it isn’t. You don’t have to be a master at gaming, in fact, your gamer will probably find it more enjoyable if they get to teach you the ropes of their favorite game. Playing video games together is a fun way for couples to connect.

2. Lose the stereotype

Look, we all know there is a stereotype for gamers. People think they are overweight, introverts, and that they’re lonely. Well, lose these misconceptions if you’re looking to date a gamer.

Not only are these stereotypes subjective and in most cases wrong, but they are also hurtful.

3. Gaming does not define their entire personality

Your gamer’s favorite interest may be video games, but keep in mind that they are more than a machine that plays video games. There are other aspects in their life you can engage in with them, or else they might think you are only interested in them because they play video games. [Read: 55 cheeky personal questions to ask to get to know someone you like]

4. Don’t be careless around their equipment

Even if you don’t understand the gamer lifestyle or equipment, you should still respect it. Avoid being careless with their equipment, whether it be their keyboard, monitor, console, controllers, or headset.

Gamer parts and equipment are very expensive and hard to come by. You just might end up breaking something very rare to find! Ask your gamer for help if you want to use their equipment unless you are a gamer yourself.

5. They might have an online persona

If your gamer plays online or multiplayer games, chances are they might have an online persona. This means, they may present themselves differently online than they do in real life. Don’t worry, this is completely normal! [Read: Annoyingly common misconceptions about online dating]

The internet allows us to be comfortable with strangers in a way we are unable to in real life. So, your gamer might seem more eccentric when playing games online with other people. This doesn’t reflect who they are in real life.

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6. Care for them when they play games

Just because the person you’re with is playing video games, this doesn’t mean they have disappeared off the face of the earth. Some gamers enjoy the company of others when they play video games. You might even find yourself making snacks for them or cheering them on.

7. Accept that they spend their time gaming

If you’re seeking out a gamer, you can’t be shocked that they spend a lot of their time gaming! Gaming is a time-consuming interest and hobby that many people love to indulge in. If your partner has been upfront about their time management, you need to respect it.

All relationships take compromise. If you run into any problems in regard to how your gamer spends their time, communicate clearly with them. Forcing them to choose you or the games is not a position you should have to put them in! [Read: ultimatums in a relationship & why they don’t work]

The perks of dating a gamer

Don’t take our word for it, though. Keep reading for more than enough reasons to let go of your doubts, and find out why you should be dating a gamer.

1. You’ll know where to find them

If you have ever had to deal with a partner who sometimes disappears for hours at a time, that’s not something you’ll have to worry about when dating a gamer.

Gamer guys and girls are usually right where you left them: in front of a screen. This can make for a strong sense of security in your relationship, and you will always have someone to spend time with for a night in.

2. They want to win

This means that your gamer boyfriend or girlfriend will do anything to win your heart, and they make sure they keep it once they’ve got it. They aren’t going to take losing very lightly, and so they will treat you like a queen or king in order to make sure you’re happy. They want a win-win.

3. They will fight for you

Gamers are used to some level of fighting or challenge in a game, and this fighter mentality will translate to your relationship. They aren’t afraid of fights or conflict, and will always fight to keep the relationship alive.

4. They’re kids at heart

Gamers are all really just big kids at heart, and this means that they’ll be playful and down to earth. They’ll enjoy joking around and doing fun things together. Needless to say, your relationship will never get too stuffy or boring. [Read: Immature Men – 27 man-child signs]

5. They’re driven to succeed

When dating a gamer, you will soon realize that anything they invest their time or money in is something they hope to succeed at. This includes their relationship with you. They will want to make everything work, and won’t be the first to let go of a great thing while they have it.

6. They follow instructions

If you think you can just jump into video games without instructions or a tutorial, you’re wrong. Gamers follow directions and instructions all of the time in video games, so expect them to use this ability in the real world.

7. They’re not quitters

Gamers are used to putting in hour after hour of game time to level up, finish a raid successfully, or beat a tough part of their game.

What this means for you is that they are not quitters. They will rarely let your relationship suffer if they can do anything about it, so they won’t give up on you very easily.

8. They’re tech-savvy

If you aren’t the brightest tool in the box when it comes to technology, your gamer guy or girl will usually know a thing or two about tech stuff.

This means that when it comes to installing a new TV or fixing a problem on a PC, they can usually figure it out with little effort. [Read: The pros and cons of being attached to our gadgets]

9. They have good communication skills

If your gamer plays co-op or online games, chances are they have perfected their communication skills. Your gamer will understand the importance of communication and how effective it is, in games and in real life! [Read: communication exercises for couples]

10. They’re patient

Gamers are used to spending hours alone on a game, so they aren’t the type to get impatient when waiting for you. They have so much entertainment to occupy themselves, that they usually don’t even realize any time has passed at all since you were gone.

11. They understand your need for space

A gamer will understand their partner’s need for space, simply because they need space, too. When they spend countless hours with you, they need time to catch up on the time they’ve missed in their game of choice. They won’t mind you taking a few hours or days for yourself.

12. They’re good with kids

Gamers are kids at heart, so you should expect yours to be good with kids too. Not only might they share the same interest as kids, but they have patience, enthusiasm, and creativity. These are all traits that are perfect for interacting with kiddos. [Dating a man with kids – things you need to be prepared for]

13. They’re multi-taskers

Multi-tasking is a great trait to have, and most gamers have it down to a science.

14. They know how to use their hands

Like multi-tasking, this is also a great trait to have *for in and out of the bedroom.* Gamers spend the majority of their time on their keyboards or controllers, so they are well-equipped with their hands. This can definitely be to your advantage.

15. They’re intelligent

Gamers are incredibly smart because they have to solve problems all day, and they do it for fun! Because of this, they are equipped with great mental abilities and a mind for strategy.

Another plus is that they can spew all sorts of fun facts that they’ve learned in-game! [Read: The highs and lows of dating someone smarter than you]

16. They’re low maintenance

Gamers don’t really need much to sustain them, just some food, drinks, and a washroom close by. You won’t go broke on these folks, except when it comes to buying them any new technology.

17. They can make the most of what they’ve got

If you want to date a gamer, know that they are expertly resourceful and know how to use what they’ve got to get the job done. This can translate to fixing a piece of furniture, or making sure you are taken care of in the bedroom.

18. They know how to call the shots

Gamers really know the perfect balance between when to be in control, and when to loosen the reins and be laid back. This makes for a really flexible partner who can be calm and passionate in the right ways when provoked.

19. They have a sense of humor

It’s common for gamers to have crazy quick wits and a great sense of humor. This will make every day with them different from the next. Your relationship will be full of laughs and fun together. [Read: Why girls love funny guys & lines to say to make her wanna talk more]

20. They’re cautious in love

It is safe to say that a gamer boyfriend or girlfriend is usually careful not to hurt the person they are with. They know that relationships don’t have a reset button, so they’ll do what they can to make things right the first time around.

21. They can stay up all night

This is helpful if you’re pulling an all-nighter before a test and want company. Or, if you work odd shifts and need someone who can work around it. Gamers are masters at staying up when they need to.

22. It’s easy to get them gifts

Shopping for someone who loves video games is easy because you already know they’ll love anything related to their game of choice. If a new game is coming out and they can’t wait to get it, it’s the perfect gift idea. You won’t have to fuss over clothes or jewelry.

23. They pay attention to detail

Gamers know that the details are super important in a game. Not paying attention or missing a valuable piece of information can be the difference between succeeding or failing at a mission or quest. This will make them attentive and observant when it comes to your moods and your needs in a relationship.

24. They’ll work for what they want

Overcoming challenges and reaping the rewards is a common part of video games. Gamers know that to get what they want, they have to put in the necessary effort. There are no slackers in this group! [Read: Sure signs you’re dating a real keeper]

25. Their mistakes make them stronger

If you’re dating a gamer, they know that mistakes are part of learning. Because of this, they will aim not to make the same mistake twice.

26. They’re extremely loyal

They’d much rather play their games than play around in the dating game. And if someone does happen to flirt with them online, they’ll only reciprocate if the other player has a rare item that they want. Outside of the game, however, that flirtation nature towards others disappears.

27. They love to explore

Gamers love leveling up and moving on to new aspects of their game. This hunger to explore is great when it comes to sex – or just exploring new places together. [Read: Is he the one? 32 signs to know If he’s the one who’s perfect for you]

28. They can be surprisingly social

While you may think that gamers only ever spend time at home with their games, you may be surprised that a lot of them are keen on attending conventions too!

When you go to a convention for one of your dates, expect to be blown away by how interesting and fun the gaming community is.

29. Playing a game together can be a great couple activity

This is a great way to spend time with your gamer boyfriend or gamer girlfriend. There are so many types of games to choose from that can set the mood for the day. Feeling competitive? Cooperative? You can find games to play with your gamer that fit any category.

The best part is, you don’t have to be a gamer to indulge in games. Your gamer won’t judge your skillset, and if anything, they will be more than happy to teach you the ropes. [Read: 25 couples activities that make you feel loved & closer than ever]

Cons of dating a gamer

Just like everyone, gamers can have cons too. Below are some of the reasons you might not find yourself compatible with a gamer guy or girl.

1. Not always the healthiest lifestyle

Some gamers tend to be hermits. You might find that they are so focused on gaming that they forget to cook proper meals, get enough sleep, or care for their appearance. Their lifestyle is unhealthy and they don’t seem bothered by it.

2. Poor money management

There is nothing wrong with spending money on a video game here and there. However, your gamer might have a spending problem when it comes to in-game currencies and new video game releases.

Because their video games take priority in their life, they may have no problem emptying their wallet to buy cool character skins or the latest gaming console. [Read: How to talk about money with your partner without fighting about it]

3. You might pick up some of their bad habits

If your gamer is indulging in bad habits, you might pick up the same ones. We know, this may not be entirely your fault, it’s hard to stay away from bad habits when they are normalized by the people around you. However, this is a con you need to be cautious about!

4. They could be insular

If this gamer has an obsession or addiction, they could be insular. If all they truly care about is their video games, they will be uninterested in other people, ideas, or cultures outside of their own experience. Basically, they won’t care to do anything or listen to anyone if it doesn’t involve their games.

5. “One last game” means another hour

Your gamer might care more about their game than they do following through on a task they said they would do. If you hear your gamer shout “just one last level”, know that it will, in fact, not be one last level. And that this is their excuse to put off their responsibilities.

6. Addiction is highly probable

Addiction to video games is real, and it is highly probable your partner may become addicted. If you find that your gamer has the cons we’ve listed above, it is likely. [Read: Boyfriend addicted to video games – why he is, 16 signs & how to help]

You can spot if someone has an addiction to video games based on how much they prioritize them above all other aspects of their life. If you find yourself sitting lower on your gamer’s priority list than video games, chances are they might have an addiction.

Although gamers can be fun partners, remember that your partner should always prioritize you above their interests, just as you do for them.

[Read: Reasons you should date the nerdy guy]

Think gamers are losers with no social life? Think again! You may be surprised at how much fun it is to date a gamer!

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