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Understanding Women
The Cock Tease: How to Recognize the Flirty Games She Plays
If you happen to encounter a cock tease, prepared to be frustrated. The trick is to work out the signs before the situation worsens!
We’re always quick to label guys as players. It’s easy to do considering many actually show this type of…
Resting Bitch Face: 15 Signs It’s Her RBF & She’s Not a Real Bitch
If you’re crushing on someone with a resting bitch face, you might be confused about whether she likes you or not. Decode the signs and find out!
If you’ve ever encountered someone with a resting bitch face, you probably simply assumed…
24 Scary Signs of a Controlling Girlfriend & Ways to Take a Stand
Does your girlfriend make your life a little uncomfortable at times? Check these signs of a controlling girlfriend and see if she is one!
Often, we place the idea of controlling firmly in the camp of guys. Girls are just as able to…
How to Understand Women: 12 Truths Behind How They Think & Behave
Think you know how to understand women? Think again. Women are complex and if you want to understand the lady in your life, you need to think like a woman.
We hear it all the time, “women are so complicated.” But, we actually think…
48 Cute & Romantic Things to Do with Your Girlfriend She’ll Love
Are you on the hunt for cute things to do with your girlfriend to make her feel special and loved? We’ve got you covered.
When you’re in love, there just aren’t enough fun or romantic things to do with each other, and for each other,…
Big vs Small Dick: 21 Best & Worst Qualities to Pick the Best Penis
Let’s settle the debate – big vs small dick, which is better? Or, are both equally as good in their own right as long as the man knows how to use it?
Be honest, which side are you on in the big vs small dick debate? Does size really…
The Best Compliments for Girls: 25 Genuine Lines She’ll Love to Hear
These compliments for girls will make her blush, but just remember, when you compliment her to be sincere and respectful.
Nowadays, the best compliments for girls mean more than telling her that you think she is pretty. And in case you…
14 Subtle Signs Your Girlfriend’s Not Over Her Ex & Still Misses Him
How can you tell if your girlfriend’s not over her ex? She talks about him a lot, or it’s more subtle? Find out if she’s not over her ex with these signs.
Do you ever wonder if your girlfriend’s not over her ex? It’s possible she…
15 Subtle, Flirty Signs She Wants You to Make a Move & Ask Her Out
Not sure if she’s flirting or being friendly? Check out the signs she wants you to make a move and look forward to a fun-filled first date!
You think she’s into you, you flirt up a storm, only to be slapped around the face or called a…
How to Treat a Woman Right: 21 Ways to Make Her Want to Stay With You
If your girl keeps walking away, maybe there’s something you’re not doing right in the relationship. Read this to know how to treat a woman the right way.
Girls really aren’t one to settle for less. When you don’t know how to treat a…