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Understanding Women
19 Wily Signs She Only Wants Your Attention But Not a Relationship
You like her, but you’re not sure if she likes you back. So, how do you know for sure? One way is to look for the signs she only wants attention from you.
It’s time you figured out if this girl is really interested in you or if you’re…
20 Signs of a Slutty Girlfriend & the Hot and Bad of Dating Her
Does your girlfriend have an insatiable appetite for sex? Sounds great! But at some point, it may make you wonder if you have a slutty girlfriend.
When men have a string of women littered behind them or been with countless girlfriends…
Why Women Talk So Much: 21 Reasons & How to Make Her Feel Heard
Most of us know that women talk more than men. But have you ever really wondered why women talk so much? Here are the reasons and what you can do.
For the most part, women are way more talkative than guys. Sure, you’ll get the occasional…
Does My Wife Love Me? 23 Signs You’re Still the Man of Her Dreams
If you are wondering, does my wife love me, then you’re probably worried. Here are some signs you can look for to figure out whether she’s still in love.
Most people around the world already know this, but relationships suck. They can be…
Nipple Play: 26 Ways to Focus on a Girl’s Breasts & Make Her Orgasm
Did you know that some women are capable of reaching a nipple orgasm? Yes, by stimulating the breasts properly with nipple play you can send her into orbit!
“What’s with men and breasts?” people tend to ask. But think about it, the nipple…
Do Girls Fart? This & 16 Other Womanly Secret Mysteries Demystified
There are many mysteries in the world that we often ponder about. What’s the meaning of life? Do girls fart? You know the type. Let’s debunk a few!
There’s a lot of truth to the idea that mysteries are sexy. The whole ‘don’t reveal…
How Girls Flirt: 22 Signs She’s Flirting More Than Just Being Nice
Flirting is always fun when you meet a girl, but how do you know if she really likes you? Don’t worry, here is the low-down on how girls flirt.
Ah, girls. They are such curious, confusing creatures. One moment they’ll melt your heart with…
Girlfriend Wants a Break? What It Means, Her Reasons & Expectations
If your girlfriend wants a break from you, what does that mean? If you are confused, don’t worry. Here is what you need to know.
It’s hard to figure out what you need to do when your girlfriend wants a break. You’re probably not prepared…
How to Treat Your Girlfriend Right & Make Her Feel Like a Queen
Girls can be complicated sometimes, so you may be wondering how to treat your girlfriend right? Here are some insights so you can wow her every day.
They say that women are a mystery. Maybe you agree, and maybe you don’t. But think about…
16 Well-Hidden Signs You’re Not the Only One She’s Sleeping With
If you’re looking for signs you’re not the only one she’s sleeping with, maybe your gut instinct is all you need. Check out these signs she sleeps around.
We all know that some guys have side chicks, but most of us forget that women can…