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Understanding Women
19 Types of Hugs From a Girl & How to Read What She Feels For You
Can you decipher what a woman feels about you by the way she hugs you? What do these 19 types of hugs from a girl really mean?
Hugging is a standard greeting and expression of warmth and a meaningful sign showing you care about someone.…
26 Signs a Woman is Secretly Attracted to You Even If She’s Hiding It
Are you a little unsure if the apple of your eye is crushing back in your direction? Learn the signs a woman is secretly attracted to you and find out.
When you want to ask someone out, you have a world of nerves inside of you. It’s…
Body Language of a Girl: 37 Signs to Instantly Tell If She Likes You
Can you use the body language of a girl to work out whether she’s into you or not? Yes, you can! Learning to read body language is a valuable skill.
The age-old question of determining whether a woman likes a man is one that has…
How to Make a Woman Happy: 28 Simple Things that Matter Most to Her
Many men think that learning how to make a woman happy is a huge, complicated deal. It’s actually not. It’s far more simple than you think.
As much as you like to think us ladies are complicated, foreign beings, we’re really not. In…
23 Signs She’s Using You, Walking All Over You & Playing You For Fun
If you’ve wondered ‘is she using me’ even once, there’s something not quite right. Learn the signs she’s using you and work out the truth once and for all.
Men tend to think the more they invest in the girl, the more she’ll…
31 Secrets to Get a Girl to Like You & Desire You Without Asking Her Out
Attraction isn’t as complex as you think it is. If you like a girl, you can do your best to attract her your way. Learn how to get a girl to like you!
Usually, when a guy likes a girl, he wears his heart on his sleeves and asks her out.…
20 Subtle Signs A Woman Wants Your Attention & Wants You to Notice Her
If a girl is showing you the signs she wants you to notice her, it’s time to sit up and do something about it. She won’t warn you twice!
You may really like a girl, but you don’t know how she feels about you. She may be acting a…
Do Girls Like Shy Guys: Is Shyness an Attractive Trait or a Turn Off?
You aren’t an outgoing person, so you are wondering, “do girls like shy guys?” Here is all you need to know about what girls like and how to be less shy.
Shy guys are loveable. But do girls like shy guys?
Almost all girls feel safe, and…
27 Clear Signs She’s Not Interested in You Anymore & Getting Bored
Sometimes women can be difficult to figure out. She might blow hot and cold, and it confuses you. So, here are the signs she’s not interested in you.
So, you think you’re in love! Or at least crushing on a hot girl. Either way, you just…
22 Signs She Wants to Be Exclusive with You & Wants Your Commitment
You’ve been dating for a while, but you aren’t sure how she feels. Does she want a commitment with you? Here are the big signs she wants to be exclusive.
So you’ve probably been dating a girl for a while, or you two have been casual for…