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Understanding Women
Alpha Widow: What It Means, 53 Signs & Ways to Date a Girl Hooked to Her Ex
Ever heard of the Alpha Widow phenomenon? Learn the meaning, signs to recognize this girl, and the must-knows before you consider getting serious with her!
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Ever feel like you’re not just dating her, but also…
Manic Pixie Dream Girl: 21 MPDG Roles & 18 Signs, Pros and Cons of Dating Her
The Manic Pixie Dream Girl isn’t just a stock character limited to romcoms- she exists in real life too! Here’s everything to know about this quirky girl.
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She’s wild, she’s cute, but most importantly, she’s…
Mommy Issues in Women: What It Is, 68 Signs, Causes & its Effects on Love
You might think of women as having daddy issues, but they can have mommy issues too. Here’s how to you know if you have them and how you can heal.
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You have probably heard the term “daddy’s little girl,” but not…
82 Cute, Romantic Things to Do For Your Girlfriend that’ll Make Her Go AWWW!
If you’re looking for cute things to do for your girlfriend, look no further! These romantic deeds will get you in the good books in no time!
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Big romantic gestures are certainly appreciated in a girl’s…
45 Things Women Like Sexually in Bed & Moves Guys Do That Girls Don’t Like
If you’re wondering what women like sexually, you’ve come to the right place. One size doesn’t fit all, but these tips will make her moan!
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Whether you’ve just met a special someone or you’ve been together for a…
25 Reasons She Rejected You But Still Acts Interested & How to Read Her Mind
Dating, flirting, and crushing are complicated. So, what do you do when she rejected you but still acts interested?
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Well, well, well… If dating were a game, it’d be like that final boss battle in Dark Souls…
What is a Thirsty Girl? The Signs to Tell If You Are Desperate & Parched
Do you know what a thirsty girl is? Are you one yourself? Read on to learn what it means to be a thirsty girl and what to do about it.
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So like many slang terms, no one knows exactly where the term *being…
Good Looking Girls: Why Guys Think She’s Mean & 26 Struggles of a Hot Girl
Are good looking girls mean to some guys? Or are they actually nicer than other girls? Here’s a hot girl’s answer, and her struggles.
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There are a lot of misconceptions about good looking girls out there.
Do Women Like Beards? 48 Facial Hair Secrets, Rules & What Girls Want to See
Do women like beards? If you’re thinking of growing your facial hair, there’s a lot to consider. Here are the rules you should follow so it looks good on you. Beards. You’re thinking of growing your facial hair, but you can’t help but…
Why Do Girls Like Tall Guys? The Subtle Reasons Tall Men Are More Desired
Have you ever asked, “why do girls like tall guys?” Is it because of the perfect height ratio, or because they feel protected? Before we say anything else, we need to say this: not all girls like tall guys. There are girls out there who…