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Understanding Men
Why Do Men Hate Talking on the Phone?
You may love a long telephone conversation. But you should remember that your man may not always like it. So why do men hate talking on the phone?
You love speaking over the phone, but the man in your life can’t dream of doing the same.…
25 Sad Signs He Doesn’t Love You Anymore & Is Just Messing with You
If you’re getting a vibe something isn’t right in your relationship, look for the signs he doesn’t love you. Better to know than to prolong the heartache.
You know you are worthy of powerful and unconditional love, don’t you? You…
33 Sweet Signs a Guy Really Likes You But Is Scared & Afraid of Rejection
Is he blowing hot and cold, confusing the life out of you? Look for signs a guy likes you but is scared – they could give you the answer you need.
Trying to figure out if a guy likes you can be a frustrating experience. They may do…
A Guy Likes You But Doesn’t Want a Relationship: Will He Ever Be Ready?
What do you do if you’ve fallen in love with someone and he likes you but doesn’t want a relationship? Do you stick around or call it quits?
It’s safe to say that almost all of us have heard a guy say he’s not ready for a relationship.…
35 Signs to Tell If a Guy is Gay & What to Do If Your Boyfriend is Bisexual
Have you ever wondered how to tell if a guy is gay? Is your gaydar working, or are you unsure? Here are all the signs your boyfriend is gay or bisexual.
How many times in the past have you decided that you really liked a guy, only to find…
30 Weird Facts about Guys, their Deviant Mind, Crushes & Love Life
Don’t you wish you could read a man’s mind? Well, if you read these 30 facts about guys you will be that much closer to making it a reality.
For girls, understanding a guy may need more than just experience. That’s why you’re here…
Guys & Casual Relationships: Why They Like It & What They Want From It
Dating covers a huge range of different definitions. The key is understanding so you’re not left confused. So, what does casual dating mean to a guy?
What does a casual relationship mean to a guy? Most women ask this question when they’re…
23 Signs & Why He Is Afraid to Fall for You and Scared to Commit to Love
You’re getting mixed signals from him, and you don’t really know how he feels. So, you should be looking at the signs he is afraid to fall for you.
Men are exhausting. Honestly, they think women are the complicated ones. But when it comes…
30 Mean Ways Your Boyfriend Could Hurt You Emotionally & How to React
Relationships aren’t easy for a lot of people. So, here are the deal-breakers when your boyfriend hurts you emotionally, and what to do about it.
What do you do when your boyfriend hurts you emotionally? Do you cry? Do you ignore him for…
40 Things Guys Say When They Like You & Actions that Mean a Lot More
You think that he’s flirting with you, but you’re not sure if he is. So, here are all the things guys say and do when they like you. The mystery is solved!
“He loves me, he loves me not…” Gone are the days when we used a daisy’s petals to…