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Understanding Men
Misogynistic Men: What It Is, 48 Signs & Psychology of a Sexist Women Hater
When you encounter a misogynist, he will leave you furious and with a bitter taste in your mouth. Misogynistic men are a species of their own, for sure. Misogyny is a loaded word. Though by definition, it means, “the dislike or prejudice…
25 Common Male Insecurities Men Have that Women Have No Idea About
If you want to tease your man about his bald head or beer belly, think about how he feels first. To avoid accidentally upsetting your man’s feelings, here are some common male insecurities you need to know. Everyone knows that women feel…
42 Special & Unique Christmas Gifts For Your Boyfriend He Will Absolutely Love!
If you’re struggling to find the perfect gift for your guy this holiday season, we have the best gift ideas that will make his Christmas merry and bright! Christmas is hands down the best and most stressful holiday. If you find yourself…
Grower vs Shower: How It’s Different & Ways to Tell Which Penis is Better
Which is better when it comes to the length of a penis… a grower or a shower? Learn all about the differences and everything else you wanted to know. When it comes to the size of the thing they’ve got packing between their legs, men seem…
Selfish Boyfriend: 23 Signs He’s Totally Self-Centered & How to Deal with It
If you’re wondering if you have a selfish boyfriend, then you probably do. Here are the signs and what to do in order to deal with him and make it better. When you have a selfish boyfriend, you start feeling like you’re a slave to their…
18 Sneaky, Charming Ways to Get a Guy to Ask You Out & Make Him Date You
You’re texting and talking, but it doesn’t seem to be going any further. Frustration! Learn how to get a guy to ask you out and stop the wondering. There are many ways to ask a guy out, but if you want to make sure that you end up…
Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Make Time for You? The Signs & What You MUST Do
When your boyfriend doesn’t make time for you, it’s a sign that you need to shake things up, or wave goodbye. You deserve to be a priority! In relationships, it’s all about priorities. If your boyfriend doesn’t make time for you, the…
21 Ways to Stroke a Guy’s Ego & Make Him Feel Like a Man When He’s Down
If you want to know how to make him feel like a man when he’s down, you need to learn how to stroke your man’s ego. It’s easier than you think! Ah, the famous male ego. Easily damaged yet extremely powerful. Learning how to stroke…
20 Flirty, Wicked Ways to Make a Guy Really Jealous & Win His Attention ASAP
Trying to make a guy green with jealousy often doesn’t work out well, but it will grab attention. Learn how to make a guy jealous, but proceed carefully! Now and then, there will come a time when you get pissed off with a guy. It…
23 Signs He’s Falling for You Hard and Is Really Serious About You
Love is a confusing subject. But, when a guy likes you, he’ll show it. You just need to know the signs he’s falling for you hard and enjoy the moment. When it comes to men, we always say they’re so hard to figure out. But they’re actually…