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Understanding Men
Dating a Jerk: 37 Signs, the Psychology & the Best Ways to Deal with Assholes
Once the first-date jitters calm down, people show off their true colors. When that happens, you need to know the signs you’re dating a jerk. Just in case.
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You’re sipping on a coffee, and your date is already 20…
Backburner Relationship: What It Means & 25 Signs You’re Just a Backup Lover
Sometimes, we date people with cruel intentions. If you think you’re in a backburner relationship, here are all the signs you need to figure out the truth.
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If you’re a smart person, then you probably know about…
18 Secrets to Manipulate Men & Signs to Read a Guy Who’s Easy to Manipulate
If you have a stubborn guy in your life, learning the art of how to subtly manipulate men can help push him in the right direction. Here’s everything to know!
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Manipulation, particularly the question of how to…
44 Signs of Low Self-Esteem in a Man, Causes & How It Feels Dating Him
Do you suspect that you are dating a man with low self-esteem? How do you know for sure? Here are all the signs and what you can do to help him.
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Let’s be real, men really bag on women for having low self-esteem.…
Am I Taking Him For Granted? 31 Red Flag Signs Your Man Feels Hurt By You
When relationships get comfortable, we may unintentionally overlook our partner’s efforts. Are you taking your man for granted? Here’s how to find out.
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So, you’re dating a really nice guy. The way you see it,…
Mixed Signals from a Guy: 23 Signs He’s Playing & How to Play It Cool with Him
Are you getting mixed signals from a guy? If you are, then you’re not alone. Instead of always being frustrated, here is what you can do to feel better.
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So, you met this guy, and everything seemed great at first.…
Is He a Womanizer? 40 Philandering Signs to Watch & Ways to Deal with Him
Is that smooth-talking guy a womanizer or a philanderer, or is he just a really nice guy? Here are all the signs, red flags and things you must do!
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All men are different, so we shouldn’t tar everyone with the…
Midlife Crisis In Men: 16 Causes, Stages and 29 Signs & Ways to Cope with It
You have hit a milestone birthday and now you’re re-evaluating everything about your life. This is common for men who are experiencing a midlife crisis.
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They say a man’s life begins at forty. After all, it…
The Honest Truth About Why Men Are So Attracted to Women & Their Curves
There are a few physical traits about women that all men are attracted to. But ever wondered why? Find out why men love women and a woman’s body. The last time I admired a woman was a few minutes ago, as this really hot woman walked past…
67 Must-Knows to Get Engaged and Before & After Secrets No One Tells You
Getting engaged is a big deal. There are things you need to know first, questions to ask, and things you need to have in place. Does it feel like everyone is getting engaged? If so, don’t worry, good things come to those who wait. Or…