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Understanding Men
How to Read the Subtle Signs a Guy is Turned On While Kissing You
You’ve been kissing for a while; is he enjoying it or just doing it to pass the time? Use these signs a guy is turned on while kissing to find the truth.
This is a common question that goes through many of our minds when we’re making out…
How to Decide Your Next Step When a Guy Stops Texting You Every Day
It’s a great feeling when you’re getting attention from a guy you like, but when a guy stops texting you every day, what should you do?
The early part of a relationship, even before it reaches relationship stage, is full of giddy smiles,…
What Do Guys Think after You Sleep with Them for the First Time?
Jumping into bed with someone you’re seriously into is nerve-wracking enough, but what do guys think after you sleep with them for the first time?
When you sleep with your crush for the first time, after a few dates or maybe just one,…
Why a Baby Trap Is the Dumbest Idea You Could Use to Keep a Guy
If you think that a baby trap is the number one way to keep a guy, you need to question what you want your relationship to be.
For as long as women have been able to get pregnant *i.e. forever* there has always been the risk of a baby…
Is It Normal If Your Boyfriend Follows Sexy Instagram Models?
If you found out that your boyfriend follows sexy Instagram models, how would you feel about it? Do you think it’s normal or totally out of order?
Imagine, sitting on the sofa on Sunday morning, waking up with a cup of coffee in hand.…
12 Hot Topics to Talk About With a Guy to Hold His Attention On You
Do you run out of things to say to your crush? Learn about the best topics to talk about with a guy and you’ll never deal with an awkward silence!
We’re not all born conversationalists. But even if you find yourself brimming with things to…
When a Guy Doesn’t Want to Sleep with You: 13 Reasons Why
We think men are sex machines that will hump anything that walks, but it’s not true. There are valid reasons for when a guy doesn’t want to sleep with you.
Most women develop their self-esteem based on how desirable they are to men and…
Why Won’t He Change? Your Man Says He Will But He Never Does
You are out of patience. He says he will be better, but doesn’t live up to his word. Why won’t he change? Here’s a guide to understand him and help him.
Do you ever find yourself rolling your eyes and wondering why won’t he change?!…
What to Do When a Guy Friend Acts Weird *Or Weirder Than Normal*
Guys can be strange sometimes. What are you supposed to do when a guy friend acts weird out of the blue? First thing—don’t panic!
When your guy friend acts weird around you, there are a few potential reasons why. However, it’s also…
What to Do If Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Seem Sexually Interested in You
Everything with your relationship is going well, but there’s just one thing… your boyfriend doesn’t seem sexually interested in you. So, what do you do?
Well, this is a tough one, isn’t it? You love your boyfriend, and your relationship…