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Understanding Men
24 Subtle Signs He Misses You Badly Every Time You Aren’t Around
Sometimes it can be really hard to tell if someone actually misses you or not. Here are the signs he secretly misses you and wishes you were with him.
Whether you’re in a long distance relationship or you’ve broken up, knowing the signs he…
How to Read the Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I Love You”
If a man says he loves you, can you tell for sure if he means it? Here’s how to know a guy means it when he says “I love you” and when he’s just faking it.
So he says he loves you. And that’s all great. But is he really in love with you or…
How Guys Text Their Crush: How to Think Like a Guy & Read His Mind
These days it’s easier than ever before to communicate with whoever you want. But, do guys do it differently? Let’s explore how guys text their crush.
Knowing whether that cute guy really is flirting with you virtually, or they’re…
How to Know If He’s Texting Someone Else: 15 Signs He’s Hiding It
You’re sitting at a café together enjoying the Saturday morning, but he’s busy texting on his phone. Here’s how to know if he’s texting someone else.
If you have a gut instinct that tells you something isn’t right, it’s good to…
What Does Friends With Benefits Mean to a Guy: Do Guys Get Hooked?
Do guys get attached to FWBs? What does friends with benefits mean to a guy? Here’s how to know what it means to them and if it means something more.
When we agree to an FWB relationship, we think it’s the best of both worlds. But do guys…
Mommy Issues in Men: What It Is & the Signs to Look for in a Guy
What are mommy issues? And how does a guy behave when he has mommy issues? Here’s everything you need and the signs to recognize the mommy’s boy!
Dating a guy is complicated enough, but some things are even more difficult to navigate. What…
When a Guy Touches You on a Body Part: How to Decode his Intentions
When a guy touches a specific body part, it says a lot about his intentions. Is it your butt, face, back, legs or something else? Here’s what it means!
most women focus on what a guy means when he texts, what he says in his texts, and also…
Narcissistic Men: 15 Traits That Set Their Swollen Heads Apart
Having confidence or being self-centered is much different than narcissism. The next time you’re on a date, look for these signs of narcissistic men.
We always like to label people who love themselves as narcissistic men and…
30 Flirty, Fun Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend & Learn His Secrets
Sometimes asking silly questions can help you to get to know each other better. Not sure where to start? Try these 30 fun questions to ask your boyfriend!
There is nothing more fun than the “getting to know you” phase. If you feel like…
75 Revealing Questions to Ask a Guy You Like & Read Him Like a Book
He’s cute, funny, and smart. But do you really know him? Is he right for you? Try these questions to ask a guy you like to know everything about him!
We’ve all liked guys we barely know. Whether he is cute, smart, or just checks all your…