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Understanding Men
Why Do Men Lie? Understanding Why Men Fib the Way They Do
Why do men lie? If you’ve ever dated, spoken to, or met a man you’ve probably asked yourself this question. Well, here are some of the reasons why.
Why do men lie? And also, do men even lie? Well, they do. It’s a fact. Yes, women lie too,…
How Guys Text When They Like You: 28 Things They Do Differently
Wondering how guys text when they like you? There are a few things to watch out for. Look for these signs, and you’ll know if he has a big crush on you!
It can be hard to know how guys text when they like you. Are they just being friendly…
Mansplaining: 25 Ways to Spot a Dick When You’re Talking to One
What is mansplaining? Being spoken down to by a man? It happens all too often to women. You’re a victim of mansplaining and it’s time to cut the crap.
What is mansplaining really? Before we get there, let’s understand what “explaining”…
What Age Does a Man Emotionally Mature? 19 Signs He’s Grown a Real Pair
Tired of being the grown-up in the relationship? Welcome to the club! What age does a man emotionally mature exactly? You might be surprised …
The question we all really want an answer to – what age does a man emotionally mature? When I…
23 Strong Signs He Caught Feelings for You and Is Falling Hard Too
Guys can be confusing creatures. Does he like you or not? If you’re searching for signs he’s caught feelings for you, look no further!
To help you cope with the confusion of early love, it’s best to try and figure out where you stand. Of…
20 Signs He Just Wants to Be Friends Even If You’re Hoping For More
Spotting the signs he just wants to be friends is always disappointing. But the sooner you see them, the easier it will be to move on.
We’re here to show you the signs he just wants to be friends, but it’s going to be up to you to remove…
18 Signs a Man is Emotionally Attached to You & Ready to Get Closer
You feel it when you’re emotionally attached to a man. You know how to tell. What’s not so obvious are the signs a man is emotionally attached to you.
For you, it feels off if you haven’t heard from him. When he’s not around, you think…
23 Subtle Signs of a Controlling Boyfriend Most Girls Don’t Notice
You may think your boyfriend loves you a lot. But is it love or is it his way of controlling you? Check these subtle signs of a controlling boyfriend.
It’s always romantic and sweet when a guy cares about you. But sometimes, protectiveness…
He Won’t Commit But He Won’t Let Go. What Should You Do Now?
Men want the benefits of having a girlfriend without having to be a boyfriend. Here’s how to handle it when he won’t commit but he won’t let go.
Ah, yes, he won’t commit but won’t let go. He’s holding you hostage in relationship limbo. But…
When a Guy Says He Misses You: What It Means & 26 Signs He Means It
When a guy says he misses you, is that just his go-to line to get into your pants or is he really sincere? Do the words match his actions?
“I miss you so much.” “I can’t stop thinking about you.” Yeah, we’ve all heard those lines before.…