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How to Tease Your Girlfriend Sexually & Make Her Think of You All Day
If you’re looking for new ways to get your lady to desire you, you have to leave her wanting more. Learning how to tease your girlfriend will do just that.
Knowing how to tease your girlfriend can be extremely valuable. There’s something…
How to Initiate Sex & 25 Seductive Ways to Take the Lead in Bed
Knowing how to initiate sex can be the difference between feeling super-awkward about it, and getting it on like a pro. Forget the nerves!
Let’s be real, if you’ve been with the same partner for a while, sex can get a little boring. You…
Slow Blowjob: How to Blow a Guy in Slow Motion & Leave Him Quivering
The good, old blowjob is one of the best ways to make a guy crazy in bed. However, why not drive him even more insane and try the slow blowjob?
If there’s one thing the majority of guys want in the bedroom more than anything else, it’s a…
62 Horny Texts That Will Make Him Hard & Desperately Want to Bang You
Creating sexual tension with your man is key to a hot and spicy life. So, here are the best texts that will make him hard and crave your body right now.
If you want your relationship to last, you have to do certain things to keep the…
18 Sexy Ways to be Incredibly Good in Bed & Leave Anyone Wanting More
Think that learning how to be good in bed is about memorizing the kama sutra? That’s not the case. With confidence anyone can shake that headboard!
All of us want to know how to be good in bed. You obviously want to make your…
What Is Tea Bagging? A Sexy Guide to Eat His Balls & Other Sex Acts
You just heard of this interesting new sex act – tea bagging. But what is it? And what other kinds of kinky sex acts can you do after you tried that one?
Unless you try tea bagging and are completely turned off, the next time you drink…
How to Have Phone Sex: 26 Tips to Make Them Horny Listening to You
There are many ways to seduce someone – especially in our technological world. So, if you have ever wondered how to have phone sex, here are your answers.
Many people have wondered how to have phone sex, because it can be more awkward…
How to Seduce Your Husband & Make Him Lust for You Like Never Before
Marriage can be great, but sex can get boring and routine. So, here is how to seduce your husband so you can keep the home fires burning hot.
You may think that just because you’ve locked your hubby into a lifetime of love with you,…
19 Foreplay Sex Games for Couples to Get Naughty & Horny in Minutes
Need to spice up your sex life a little? It’s normal occasionally but learning a few sex games for couples or even foreplay games can bring the sizzle back!
If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you’d know that it’s not easy to…
Where to Kiss a Girl: 15 Sexiest Hot Spots to Arouse Her Instantly
If you want to turn on the lady in your life, you need to learn where to kiss a girl to get the very best results. She’ll definitely appreciate it!
A woman’s body is an incredibly sensuous creation. The slightest kiss on the right spot…