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Passion Pill
How to Tell When a Woman Is Coming and Recognize a Real Orgasm
She looks like it, but you’re unsure. Well, how to tell when a woman is coming isn’t taught in school. Now it’s time you learned this new skill.
Ah yes, the mysterious orgasm. No one really seems to understand the female orgasm and with…
16 Sex Moves to Surprise Your Boyfriend & Get Him Hard and Horny
If you’re looking to surprise your boyfriend, why not learn a couple of new sex moves to surprise your boyfriend? This is one gift he’ll be happy to get!
Let’s face it, no matter how much you love your partner, sometimes sex becomes a…
14 Clever and Convenient Household Things to Masturbate With
Tired of using your hands for a good time? If you don’t have a toy at your disposal, don’t worry, there are plenty of household things to masturbate with.
When it comes to masturbating, we’re usually given two options: hands or sex toy. Do…
How To Get A Girl To Sext And Actually Feel Comfortable Sexting You
Sexting has become a big part of modern dating culture. You want in on it. This is how to get a girl to sext and feel good about it.
First, let’s get one thing straight, you cannot get a girl to do anything. Stop scrutinizing these how to…
Sexually Incompatible? The Unlucky 13 Signs that Confirm Bad Sex
You really connect with your partner, but there’s one problem: sex is bad. Are you with the wrong partner or just a case of being sexually incompatible?
Before I lost my virginity, I didn’t think bad sex was possible. Everyone either had a…
15 Naughty Sexual Things to Do with Your Boyfriend & Blow His Mind
Are you looking to amp things up with your boyfriend? Well, it’s about time you learned some of the best sexual things to do with your boyfriend.
It’s normal for things to get a little routine in the bedroom. You know what they like; they…
7 Scary Signs of Sexual Incompatibility & How to Beat It Together
You meet someone new and everything is great, apart from what goes on inside the bedroom. Is sexual incompatibility really that common?
When you start a new relationship, you’re in that wonderful, loved up honeymoon phase. Everything feels…