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How To
How to Play Mind Games With a Guy Over Text & Drive Him Crazy!
Learning how to play mind games with a guy over text puts you firmly in control of the situation. It drives him just a little bit crazy too!
Ah, the modern texting game. It’s confusing. It’s a battle of wills. If you let it, it will…
How to Know if a Guy Is Into You or Not: Subtle Cues Guys Give Away
Are you wondering how to know if a guy is into you or not? If you’re confused, I’ve got you covered with these signs that reveal his heart.
Figuring out how to know if a guy is into you or not can be complicated. Some guys are major…
How to Make a Man Miss You & Stay On His Mind without Chasing Him
You think about him all the time, but you want to know how to make a man miss you too. There are a couple of things you can do to keep you on his mind.
You know the quote, “absence makes the heart grow fonder?” Well, it’s true. If you want…
How to Stop Fighting with Your Boyfriend and Hurting Each Other
Regularly arguing with your guy? Does the smallest thing start a row? Learn how to stop fighting with your boyfriend and feel the love.
From time to time, it’s normal to have an argument or fall out with your boyfriend. Nobody can be all…
How to Win a Guy Back When You Messed Up a Perfectly Good Thing
You messed up, and you messed up so good your man doesn’t want to be with you anymore. But here’s how to win a guy back. There is hope!
You want to learn how to win a guy back because you messed up and feel guilty for what you did. And,…
How to Walk Away From Being a Side Chick & Be Someone’s #1 Instead
You’ve been a side chick for so long, and you’re tired of it. On the other hand, you don’t seem to know how to walk away from being a side chick.
You’re tired of just being the side chick, and you’re ready to be number one in a guy’s life.…
How to Respond When a Guy Says He Likes You Without Breaking Him
Learning how to respond when a guy says he likes you in the right way is key… if you want to develop close relationships and avoid upsetting anyone!
Humans like to have their egos stroked. When someone tells you that they like you and…
How to Get a Guy Interested in You By Being Your Wonderful Self
Wondering how to get a guy interested in you? It’s not as hard as you think. An important first step is to stop overthinking it all. Just be wonderful you!
When you like someone, it can be hard to focus on anything else. And what you’re…
How to Tell Your Boyfriend You Need More Attention Like an Adult
At first, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Now, the affection has fizzled. Here’s how to tell your boyfriend you need more attention.
Oh, I remember the honeymoon phase of my relationship. It was intense, passionate, and…
The Signs He’s Trying to Get You Pregnant Without Telling You
You really like the guy you’re seeing, but he always talking kids. Though you’re not ready, you’re seeing the signs he’s trying to get you pregnant.
I didn’t know this was an actual thing until lately. What guy would try to get his partner…