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How To
20 Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry You and Spend His Life With You
Do you think your man’s ready to settle down forever? Here are 20 signs he wants to marry you and commit to you for good.
You’ve been dating a guy for a while now. He seems great, and everything about the relationship seems perfect. But…
How to Make a Man Feel Loved: 23 Ways To Make Him Feel Desired
We’ve all watched The Notebook or Love Actually, and maybe that’s the problem. Knowing how to make a man feel loved doesn’t have to be so dramatic.
We’ve exposed ourselves to several romcoms that we forget it doesn’t take a grand gesture…
How to Turn On a Guy: 25 Seductive Moves to Turn Him On Instantly
Getting a guy to make out with you isn’t the hard part, but learning how to turn on a guy while you make out with him is the ‘hard’ part.
The primary make out session *or any thereafter* can sometimes be a little bit terrifying at first.…
“My Boyfriend Cheated on Me”: 20 Things You Need to Do ASAP
My boyfriend cheated on me… That sucks! I may not be able to take the pain away, but I can help you handle his infidelity like a pro.
It’s one of the most emotionally scarring things that you will ever go through in a relationship. “My…
How to Please Your Man in Bed: 20 Sexy Ways to Arouse Him 24/7
Wondering how to please your man in bed? Use these sexy, flirty tips on teasing and pleasing and you’ll make him desire you and want you more than ever!
Want to know how to ignite and maintain the spark inside and outside of the bedroom…
How to Tell Your Parents You Have a Boyfriend and Do it Right
Worried about how to tell your parents you have a boyfriend? Whether it’s your first relationship or a new one, telling your folks can be nerve-wracking!
So you’ve met somebody and for the first time, you’re in love! As if it’s…
27 Super Sexy Ways to Be the Sexy Wife of Your Husband’s Dreams
Want to go from sexy girlfriend to sexy wife? Want to be your husband’s personal MILF? Here’s how to be a sexy wife and the woman of your man’s dreams!
So you’re married and happy, but what about sexy? There’s no reason for those sexy…
How to Tease a Guy: 15 Ways to Make Him Realize He Likes You
Learning how to tease a guy is a great way to get him to try harder. Plus, it’s no secret that guys tend to like what they can’t have. So, tease away.
Knowing how to tease a guy is subtle yet intricate. It is all about giving and pulling…
How to Tell a Guy You Like Him in 20 Sweet Ways and Grab That Date!
Here’s the truth – most guys are blind to the fact that someone likes them! Learn how to tell a guy you like him and make the whole thing easier.
Unsure how to tell a guy you like him? You’re not alone! Unfortunately, some guys are just…
How to Be a Lady: 23 Classy Women Traits that Awe Everyone Else
What separates a classy woman from the crass? If you want to be respected and awed by everyone, use this guide on how to be a lady, a really classy one!
A classy lady takes the air out of the room when she walks in and makes all other…