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Guy Talk
Why Being an Instagram Boyfriend Makes You Awesome and Not Whipped
The term Instagram boyfriend gets a bad rap and is actually quite an honorary role. An Instagram boyfriend isn’t about losing all self-respect or willpower.
So, what is an Instagram boyfriend? Well, he’s the guy behind his girlfriend’s…
In Love with a Married Woman? How to Know if It’s Time to End It
So, you’re in love with a married woman. Well, it’s tough, but if things aren’t going anywhere, it’s time to end the relationship and move on.
Oh gosh, being in love with a married woman is a sticky situation. It is usually highly…
12 Essential Manly Drinks and the Types of Men That Drink Them
There are some things that no card-carrying man should order from the bartender. Real men order the manly drinks in the secret menu.
But what is it that makes manly drinks? Is it the outrageous name? The lack of pretentious flavorings? Or…
Can’t Get Hard? 10 Reasons Why Your Penis is Being a Total Dick
Nothing’s more embarrassing than when you’re in the harbor but can’t get the sails up. Here are 10 reasons why you can’t get hard.
Picture this: you have the girl of your dreams laid out before you. You’re kissing and things are getting hot…
The Girl Best Friend: 18 Drama-Free Facts that Make Her a Real Gem
A girl best friend is often the best of both worlds. But don’t be deceived, while it has many benefits, there are a few drawbacks too!
What’s it like having a girl best friend? To give you an idea, it’s like a relationship without the…
11 Signs She’s Using You Emotionally & Just Playing with Your Heart
You may be seriously head over heels for her, but she’s not fully committing to you. What are the signs she’s using you emotionally?
Are you someone who will be open and vulnerable and take a risk on your love? First, you need to figure out…
Why Do Men Get Random Boners? The Science Behind the Untimely Bulge
Getting a boner is an experience all men relate to but sometimes can be puzzling and inconvenient, leaving you wondering, why do men get random boners?
Most boners usually come on cue and men are usually aware why the boner is right there.…
How to Tell if a Woman Is Checking You Out: 9 Signs You Can’t Miss
Don’t kid yourself, women do it too. The key is learning how to tell if a woman is checking you out so you’re ready to take the next step.
Traditional gender roles might lead you to believe checking out the opposite sex is an exclusively…
8 Biggest Signs of Midlife Crisis for a Man and What Causes Them
The signs of midlife crisis for a man can sometimes catch him by surprise when he thinks he should be happiest. Here are the reasons for it.
They say a man’s life begins at forty. After all, it is a time where most men are settled down…
12 Very Real Signs You’re in Love with Her And Don’t Realize It
By knowing these 12 signs you’re in love with her, you can be sure of how you feel. Then, it’s time to do something about it.
Lots of people say that when you know, you know. When love strikes you, it is an indescribable feeling and you…