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Girl Talk
My Boyfriend Likes Other Girls’ Pictures on Instagram: What Now?
Anyone with a boyfriend knows what it is like when their boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on Instagram. But what do you do about it?
Whether you catch him in the act or come across a post your boyfriend’s liked, we have all had at…
How to Get a Guy to Notice You: 19 Magic Ways to Hook Him Instantly
If you have your eye on a cute guy and you’re keen to attract his attention, learn how to get a guy to notice you and try to bag that first date!
Figuring out how to get a guy to notice you can be easy if you understand the way a guy’s…
Greaser Girl: 16 Reasons Why Being Bad Can Feel So Darn Good
Is it more fun to be a greaser girl? Not caring what anyone thinks and flying by the seat of your pants? Sure as hell sounds like it!
Back in the day, The Outsiders was required reading in most public schools. Then the hit movie…
Attention Whore: 16 Signs You’re an Insufferable Attention Seeker
Do you fear that you or someone else is being an attention whore? Keep reading to know what it means to be one and what the real signs are.
There’s an attention whore in all of us. But in almost all of us, it’s just a small part of who we…
How to Know if You’re a Lesbian: 17 Signs It’s Not Just Curiosity
Figuring out your sexuality takes time. This isn’t something you should rush. Wondering how to know if you’re a lesbian? These tips may help.
Sexuality is a journey, so it may take some time for you to figure out your sexual preferences.…
Hairy Nipples: Why Women Get Them and The Quick Fixes that Work
Many women have hairy nipples and even hairy boobs. If you have this issue, don’t worry, it’s nothing serious and can easily be sorted out. Here’s how.
Hairy nipples were probably the last kind of hairs you ever expected to crop up…
In Love With Another Man? 15 Questions to Help Make Up Your Mind
It’s official: you’re in love with another man. Before you do anything impulsively, it’s important to ask yourself the right questions to avoid regret.
When you’re in love with another man, it’s easy to make irrational decisions. You feel…
What are Daddy Issues? 19 Signs to Recognize a Girl with This Issue
What are daddy issues? You hear this term constantly without knowing the signs of daddy issues. There’s more than meets the eye on what this really means.
What are daddy issues? As the name suggests, it’s derived from a girl who has…
Why are Girls Going Commando? 15 Reasons to Ditch Your Panties
There are more and more girls going commando as of late. But why is this? Here are all of the reasons why girls – and you – should ditch the undies.
Going commando is nothing new. People have been doing it for far longer than we realize.…
50 Super Cute Things to Call Your Boyfriend He’ll Love to Hear
Pet names aren’t for everyone. Some people cringe at the thought. Get it right with these 50 cute things to call your boyfriend and avoid embarrassment.
Isn’t it cute when a girl calls her boyfriend by a pet name? Well, I suppose it…