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Girl Talk
Alpha Female: Who She Is, 31 Big Alpha Traits & How to Be Her Or Date Her
We’ve all heard about the alpha male, but what about the alpha female and her traits? She’s a fiercely strong, independent woman, who takes no crap from no-one! You would be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t know what an alpha…
34 of the Best & Unique 30th Birthday Gift Ideas Your Man Will Absolutely Love!
What does a guy who’s new to his thirties want? If you’re looking for 30th birthday gift ideas for him, we’ve got you covered with these perfect gifts! Whether he’s your boyfriend or your husband, you can stop wracking your brain trying…
Your First Brazilian Wax: What It Is & 29 MUST-KNOWs Before, During, & After!
Here’s everything you must know about hair removal down there and your first Brazilian wax experience – the pros, cons, aftercare, and all the must-knows! Ladies, we’ve probably all thought about getting one – a Brazilian wax. If you’re…
Itty Bitty Titties: Why Men Love Small Breasts & 28 Small Boob Advantages
If you have itty bitty titties, don’t feel like you’re less of a woman compared to women with big boobs. There are a lot of reasons to love them! A lot of women want bigger boobs, especially when they are young. Maybe all of your friends…
Dry Down There All of a Sudden? 11 Fastest Ways to Go from Parched to Wet
Your vagina maintains a careful pH, but sometimes it fluctuates. If you’re wondering why you’re dry down there all of a sudden, don’t worry! It’s normal! There’s a myth that every woman walks around with a wet vagina. Listen, that’s not…
Being the Other Woman in Love with a Married Man: My Own Experience
Are you having an affair with a married man? Married men and affairs are torrid and tricky affairs. And as complicated and tricky as it can seem, it can be a lot worse, says an Anonymous Kitty as she narrates her own tryst with a married…
Being Extra: What It Means & 16 Brazen Signs You’re Extra AF and Loving It
Are you sometimes a little guilty of being extra AF? For instance, once you get worked up, is there really no stopping you from going a little over the top? Somebody wrongs you, and you’re going to talk about it for the next five days?…
Am I a Lesbian or Bisexual? 31 Signs to the Truth Without Asking Around
Questioning your sexual orientation is a personal and complicated deal. If you’re asking yourself, “am I a lesbian?” you need to do some soul-searching, as no online quiz can tell you the answer.
Human sexuality is one of those subjects…
How to Reject a Guy: 30 Ways to Turn Him Down Nicely & Not Hurt Him
He’s asked you out and you’re not interested. Now you need to know how to reject a guy without destroying his feelings. It’s hard but it can be done.
Turning down a guy is easy if you’re feeling heartless on a particular day. But on…
Why Do I Always Choose the Wrong Guy & Repeat the Same Mistakes?
YOU may be the reason you keep choosing the wrong guys. Read these 15 reasons and learn from your mistakes.
You’re probably tired of asking yourself: “Why do I always choose the wrong guy?”
We all know that the outside counts, but many…