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Girl Talk
22 Truths & Mistakes of Being the Other Woman in Love with a Married Man
It’s easy to assume that being the other woman is a dishonorable thing to do, but love is love. How can you handle being the third wheel in a relationship? The world has always been fascinated with the concept of adultery and cheating.…
Girly Drinks: 33 Best & Most Common Staples Every Girl’s Gotta Know
There’s nothing better than getting together with your friends for a girl’s night out! Try some of these girly drinks to make the night even better. Let’s face it, sometimes nights out are just better without the boys! Plus, planning a…
Can You Have Sex with a UTI? 29 Must-Know Tips, Signs & Things to Look Out
If you have a UTI, but your libido is on fire, what do you do? Is it safe to have sex with a UTI? Read on to find the answers to all your burning questions! Having a urinary tract infection *UTI* is a huge thorn in your sex life, not to…
At Home Bikini Waxing: 35 Must-Know DIY Secrets & Tips for First Timers
Want that salon wax without the salon? It’s time to learn the basics of bikini-line maintenance! Try our top tips for an at-home DIY bikini wax. Getting a professional bikini wax can be one of the most costly, painful, and downright…
16 Warning Signs Your Boyfriend Is Not Over His Ex & Still Attached to Her
Are you in love with a guy who seems to be in love with his ex? Look for these signs to find out if your boyfriend is still not over his ex. It’s very important to notice the early signs that your boyfriend is still hung up on his ex. It…
Vaginal Odor: 35 Secrets to Make Your Vagina Smell Good & Taste Even Better
Is there a nasty sniff down below? Don’t worry! You can learn how to get rid of vaginal odor, and make your pussy smell good and taste even better! Vaginas, we’ve got a smelly beef to pick with you *Mental note: smell, beef, and vagina…
Slutty Girls: What Makes One and 17 Reasons To Admire & Not Judge Them
Why are slutty girls still so shamed and judged by society? Slut isn’t an inherently bad word, so why are these women seen as social pariahs? You can’t deny that when you think of the word “slutty,” you immediately think of something…
Queefing: What It Is, 23 Reasons Why Girls Queef & Secrets to Make It Stop
Queefing. Awkward word; awkward action. Known as vaginal flatulence, this phenomenon has a lot of explaining to do. We’re here to help you find answers! Welcome to the less-than-charming world of queefing.
Imagine that you’re in the…
31 Hot Secrets to Be Beautiful and Look & Feel Way More Attractive In No Time!
Learning how to be beautiful has nothing to do with a surgeon’s knife and everything to do with your personality. But these few tips won’t hurt either! For some people, beauty is about a flawless face or a perfect body, yet for…
47 Good & Bad Types of Guys in the Dating World and Secrets to Read Them
There are many types of guys out there, but how many different types have you met? Learn the different types of guys and understand them much better! When you’ve been in the dating world for quite some time, you may notice that some…