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Get Flirty
Promposal Ideas: 33 Cute, Creative Ways to Ask a Girl to Prom & Get a Yes
Coming up with the most inventive promposal idea is more likely to land you with a ‘yes!’ Treat your special lady to a romantic question and watch her smile. Prom is such a fantastic part of the year. Everyone gets super excited,…
17 Must-Knows to Ask a Friend Out On a Date Subtly & Not Risk the Friendship
Do you have your eye on someone who just so happens to be a friend right now? It’s tricky territory, but you can learn how to ask a friend out the right way. Are you confused about your feelings toward a friend? Do you think you…
Flirting: What It Is, 5 Different Types & How to Pick a Style that Works for You
When we are attracted to someone, it’s natural to flirt with them. But what is flirting really? Learn all about the different types of flirting and more. Everybody flirts. And while some are better at it than others, it’s something that…
Another Word for Sexy: 20 Hot & Flirty Words That Are So Much Better to Use
The word “sexy” is pretty overused, don’t you think? Why not come up with another word for sexy and enhance your flirting vocabulary? People love compliments. Well, most of them, anyway. They make us feel good and give us a self-esteem…
The Flirtiest Ways to Be a Tease, Catch Anyone’s Attention & Stay on Their Mind
Learning how to be a tease is a great way to not only grab attention but really make a statement. They won’t be able to stop thinking about you! Flirting is as much of a game as it is an art form. Some people are good at it, others need…
Infatuation vs Love: How It Feels, the Psychology & the 20 Big Differences
Are you really falling in love or could it be something else? That is what we like to call infatuation vs love. So, which is it? Have you ever been so head-over-heels in love with someone that even the sound of their name threw your…
Flirtationship: What It Is, 41 Signs & How to Know If It’s Sizzling or Fizzling
Are you in a flirtationship? Do you even know if you are or what it really is? If not, here is everything you need to know about it and what to do. Flirting is a natural human instinct. It is the precursor to dating, having sex, or…
Should You Kiss on the First Date? A Guide for Girls & Guys to Plan It Right
Kissing on the first date is a gray area. Should you go in for a smooch or wait a while? Let’s debate the whole kiss on the first date palaver! Let’s face it, most guys want to kiss the girl on the first date. Most girls are a little…
Thirst Trap: What It is, Why It Screams ‘I Want Attention’ & How to Ace It
The selfie is a rite of passage and one that does no harm. Everyone wants to get a little positive attention from time to time, and it can give you a real confidence boost. However, there is another type of selfie designed to grab maximum…
Color Heart Emoji: 16 Ways to Decode Heart Emojis, the Meaning & Use It Right
Blue heart, orange heart, purple heart, green heart, white heart, red heart, yellow heart, black heart… Do you know the different heart emojis, their meanings, and how to use a colored heart emoji in a text? Find out here! All colorful…