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Get Flirty
25 Secrets to Take a Good Selfie & Look Cute Every Time You Snap a Photo!
Anyone can go from being camera-shy to photogenic so long as they learn the right tips. We’ve got all you need to be able to take a good selfie every time.
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In the world of social media, being able to take the…
29 Secrets to Get Someone to Text You First & the BIG Mistakes to Avoid!
Cracking the code of how to get someone to text first can be tricky. Yet, with the right strategy, you can subtly inspire them to take the lead.
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Let’s talk about a topic that’s as universal as it is universally…
37 Online Flirting Secrets to Read Non-Verbal Cues, Emojis & Text Boundaries
Face-to-face flirtation not your thing? No worries! Technology’s got your back. Dive into the art of flirting online.
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Remember when flirting was all about tossing your hair and making eye contact across a crowded…
Playful Banter: What It Is, How to Do It & Secrets to Keep the Flirty Talk Going
Playful banter is essential to keeping the spark alive in a relationship. We explain what banter is and how to use it when flirting in your relationship. Many people don’t realize the importance of flirting and having playful banter in…
Mixed Signals: Why People Use Them, 23 Signs, Types & How to React to It
Mixed signals are a mess. They can make you feel both exhilarated and exhausted. We’re here to tell you what they are, why they’re used, and how to deal with them! Are you getting mixed signals from someone you like? Mixed signals can be…
19 Secrets to Not Be Shy & Awkward Around Your Crush and Talk Casually
Do you stutter and get awkward every time you talk to your crush? Check out these tips on how to not be shy around your crush. We all know what it’s like to be so shy around our crushes that we don’t know what to do. It’s completely…
72 Most Effective Pick Up Lines & Really Bad Pickup Lines You’d Be Crazy to Use
Looking for the best pick-up lines for success? You’re in luck! But you need to avoid these really bad pick-up lines too, and avoid a slap! Pickup lines are notoriously associated with awkwardness and cringe. They often come off as…
19 Secrets to Tell Someone You Like Them Over Text & Not Sound Desperate
Saying “I like you” = scary. In person = scarier. Instead of sweating it, learn how to tell someone you like them over text. Admitting to someone that you like them is not an easy thing. There is a risk of being rejected, and that is…
17 Good & Bad Types of Humor and How It Affects Your Relationship with Others
Can humor affect relationships? Read these everyday types of humor that can make or break a relationship over time. Did you know that there are many different types of humor? A sense of humor is a great trait to have. But having the wrong…
Body Language Attraction: 58 Male & Female Signs and How to Read & Use It
If you don’t know if someone thinks you’re hot, then you need to know the signs of body language attraction. Here is everything to look out for. From the first impression to the kiss goodbye, body language is a vital part of the…