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Dating Tips for Women
High Maintenance Woman: What Makes a Girl One, 27 Signs & How to Date Her
Are you dating a high-maintenance woman? If she exhibits these signs and occasionally seems a little difficult, it’s quite likely to be the case! Once a woman is given the tag of being high-maintenance, it’s hard to shift it. But, is it…
Will He Come Back? 20 Truthful Signs to Know If He’ll Be Back or Not
Will he come back? The only way you really know is once you let him go. But, do you want him back? Here are all the signs you need to know. Unless you want to get back with him, you shouldn’t worry about whether he’ll come back or not.…
Girlfriend Material: 15 Small Gestures that Make a Guy Feel Lucky to Date You
Knowing you are girlfriend material is one of the best feelings in the world. But how exactly can you show him that you’re not just a casual fling? You’ve been in the dating scene for so long, in fact, much too long. At first, you just…
50 Sweet, Caring Ways to Make Your Man Feel Special, Appreciated & Loved
Learning how to make your man feel special will also make your life much easier! He’ll feel lucky to be in your life, and everything will move smoothly. A successful relationship needs many things, but what matters most is knowing…
18 Serious Warning Signs of a Clingy Guy & How You Can Avoid Them
There’s nothing attractive at all about a clingy guy. So what are the signs of a clingy guy, to help you avoid dating one? There’s not much worse than a clingy guy. At first, they just seem like big sweethearts who actually show an…
30 Sweet & Cute Nicknames for Your Boyfriend He’ll Actually Like Hearing
Having endearing pet names for each other is part of being in a relationship! Here are some cute nicknames for your boyfriend – you can choose the perfect one.
Choosing cute nicknames for your boyfriend is a vital part of any…
48 Painful Yet Subtle Signs He’s Not That Into You & It’s Time To Leave
Does he flirt with you and then suddenly ask for advice about other women? Does he make plans with you and then cancel at the very last minute? There’s nothing worse than being unsure about a guy’s mixed signals. But by reading the signs…
18 Rules to Get a Guy to Text You First If You Don’t Want to Appear Too Eager
Texting can be confusing, so you want to know how to get a guy to text you first. Here is how guys text and what to do to get him to initiate them.
The dating game can be really frustrating. There are so many “rules,” and they can get…
35 Fun Ways to Keep a Guy Hooked & Happy in a Relationship with You
If you want to know how to keep a guy hooked in a relationship, then look no further. Just do these 35 things and you will keep him happy forever.
Ever since the beginning of time, women have been looked upon as property whose sole…
Does He Think I’m Not Interested? 22 Things Girls Do that Confuse Guys
You might think that playing mind games gives you the upper hand when it comes to dating. But if you do it too much, he might not think that you are not interested in him.
You may have heard that dating is like a cat and mouse…