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Dating Game
27 Cool Ways to Ask Someone to Hang Out Over Text & Not Sound Needy
You like a person, but you still need to know how to ask someone to hang out over text. Here are some ways to do it that will get you a “yes.”
Starting something new with someone is a little scary. Hell, it’s actually terrifying. You’re…
Dating Checklist: How to Make One & Why It Can Benefit Your Life
Having a dating checklist may sound high maintenance, but is it actually beneficial to helping you find your ideal match?
What is a dating checklist? It is just like any other checklist! It is the list of the things you need. Your grocery…
How to Kiss Someone for the First Time & 17 Secrets to Make Sparks Fly
That first kiss is always a scary yet exhilarating moment. Will it be amazing? A disaster? Learn how to kiss someone for the first time and get it right.
The first kiss is a big deal. Now, it’s not a deal-breaker if it doesn’t go just as…
80 Dating Questions to Ask Them Before You Get Past the Talking Stage
If you’re not sure what to talk about when you meet someone for the first time, try these fun dating questions. It’s a great way to get to know someone.
Dates can be either the most exciting or the most stomach-churning…
How to Tell if a Girl Is Gay: 25 Signs, Myths & Facts to Guess the Truth
You have a crush on her, but you’re not sure of her sexual orientation. So, you want to know how to tell if a girl is gay. Here are some clues for you.
This is a very common question that people ask. They all want to know how to tell if a…
How to Confirm a Date Over Text By Playing It Cool & Not Look Desperate
Everyone has wondered how to confirm a date without sounding desperate. Don’t worry, we have all the tips you need to stop worrying and make that happen.
Ah, the first date. Full of butterflies in the stomach, confusion, excitement, and…
Are Some People Meant to Be Alone & Single? 18 Signs You’re That One
Whether you like being in a relationship or not, you might be wondering, are some people meant to be alone? Read on to see if you might be one of them.
Sometimes there are people you meet that just make you ask, are some people meant to…
25 Subconscious Signs of Attraction that Show Up Between Two People
You like someone, but you aren’t sure if they like you back. But, if you know the subconscious signs of attraction to look for, you can figure it out.
Odds are you know when you like someone, but before that happens there is a feeling of…
23 Secret Signs of Female Bisexuality to Read a Bi Girl & How to Date Her
Sexuality is complicated. If you think that you might be a bisexual girl, or are you wondering about the signs of female bisexuality, then read on.
Some people are very sure of their sexuality from a young age. Other people don’t…
How to Text Your Crush Without Being Annoying or Boring Them
Have you ever wanted to know how to text your crush without being annoying? We have everything to turn around your dating life effortlessly.
When it comes to knowing how to text your crush without being annoying, it comes down to knowing…