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Dating Game
First Kiss Red Flags: 18 Bad Signs & What You Can Learn From a Bad Kiss
Having a first kiss is exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. So, you need to know the signs of a bad first kiss and how to avoid it. A lot of people might dismiss a relationship based on a terrible first kiss. It’s true, some…
How to Date an Introvert: 41 Must-Knows Before & During the Relationship
Dating an introvert can be a wonderful experience, but you need to understand them carefully beforehand. Remember, quiet doesn’t always mean shy. Many people think of themselves as introverts because they like movies, reading, and…
How to Smell Good: 25 Secrets to Attract Anyone With Your Delicious Scent
If you know how to smell good, you can make a great impression on anyone without even saying a word! Attract your crush with scent alone using our tips. You can’t deny that smelling good is important when you’re trying to meet someone…
Ghosting: What It Is, 63 Signs, Reasons to Ghost & How It Affects Both People
Ghosting is a very cruel thing to do to someone. However, there are times when you have to do it. Learn all about ghosting and how it affects people. Oh, ghosting. Most people have had their fair share of ghosting as both the victims and…
How to Use Tinder: 28 Tinder Tips, Tricks & Secrets to Get You All the Matches
If you’re wondering how to use Tinder, then look no further. We have all the answers you need to be successful on the dating app to find your person. If you want to know how to use Tinder, it’s not that difficult. In fact, it’s a lot…
Define the Relationship: 30 Signs It’s Time to DTR & How to Talk About It
Things have been going great and you can’t get enough of your new beau. But, when to define the relationship? Do it too soon and you may risk a backlash! When you’re dating someone, there comes a point when you start wondering when…
Where to Go on a First Date: 85 Best First Date Ideas That Are Fun & Romantic
If you want to impress your date, then here are 85 really good and unique first date ideas to wow them— be it escape rooms, picnics, board games, and trivia nights. Then they will be begging you for a second and a third! Congratulations,…
What Does a Third Date Mean to Girls Or Guys? 32 Tips to Read Their Mind ASAP
The whole dating milestone situation can be super-confusing. If you’re wondering what a third date means, you’ve come to the right place. Are you confused by the dating game? Who isn’t?! After all, there are so many unspoken rules.…
15 Warm Ways to Respond to ‘I Love You’ If You Don’t Feel Like Saying It Back
Someone told you that they love you. Great! Right? Not so great if you don’t feel the same. Here’s how to respond to “I love you” without saying it back. Knowing how to respond to “I love you” isn’t always as easy as saying it back.
How to End a Date the Right Way without Feeling Awkward
You know how to get a date and you know what to do on it. But, how to end a date? Maybe not. Even worse, how to end a first date? Learn how! Dating is fun. You get to meet someone new and you get to have fun. At times, a new date…