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Dating Game
34 Must-Know Funny Emojis for Couples + the Best Flirty, Naughty Combos!
Is the eggplant emoji getting old? And there are only so many kitties you can send! Spice up your sexting with these fun emojis for couples.
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Everyone knows that the best way to communicate with someone is by…
Dry Dating: 69 Must-Knows to Try a Dry Date, Pros, Cons & the Best Date Ideas
Have you ever heard of dry dating? If not, you might want to give it a try. It’s getting popular, and it’s a lot more fun than you would think.
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What do you think of when you think of going on a date? For most…
Situationship: Why People Like It, 51 Signs, Rules & Ways to Tell If It’s For You
When you’re more than friends but less than committed partners, what are you? Let’s dive into what a situationship is and how to navigate through one.
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Have you ever found yourself stuck in a love-like scenario…
Dating in your 30s: What It Feels Like & 37 Secrets to Be Happy & Successful
Dating in your 30s is a little different from your 20s – there are still the same games, but a little more maturity in general. Here’s what you need to know.
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Dating in your 30s might sound like a nightmare,…
Dating an Artist: 31 Traits of a Creative Person & Must-Knows to Date Them
Dating an artistic person will give you a new perspective on the world. Here’s all you need to know about having a creative partner in your life!
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When it comes to dating an artist or a creative person, you’ll…
Taking a Break from Dating: How it Works, 37 Signs & Ways to Do This Right
Taking a break from dating can be a good thing. Ironically, when you do this, it’s usually the time you find someone you actually want to date!
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Finding “the one” can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.…
Dating Your Sibling’s Friend: 42 Rules, Pros & Cons You Should Never Ignore
You can’t control who you fall in love with. But you do control how you treat people. If you’re dating your sibling’s friend, learn to handle it properly.
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Ever found yourself at a family get-together, stealing…
32 Quick Questions To Ask Your Partner to Read Your Lover’s Mind in Minutes!
In a new relationship, you have so much to learn about your partner. Where do you start? Well, with these questions to ask your lover.
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When it comes to the types of questions to ask your lover, there is a pretty…
15 Tips to Pick a Romantic Restaurant & Make Your Date Feel Relaxed Instantly
You’re going on a date, but where should you go? Don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to choose the best restaurant for a date so you can really impress them!
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Have you been restaurant-hopping trying to find that…
36 Sweet & Cute Date Ideas for a Really Fun and Happy Time with Your Boo!
Regular date nights can leave you stuck in the same old routines. Try these cute date ideas and reignite that spark!
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We’ve all been at the point in a relationship when you seem to go on the same date over and…