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Dating Game
Dating Someone Smarter Than You? 40 Highs, Lows & Must-Knows To Keep Up
Are you dating someone smarter than you? If you are, it can make you feel dumb sometimes. But don’t worry. With these tips, you can make it work.
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Dating someone smarter than you can be a double-edged sword. You…
Roles in a Relationship: The Psychology, 20 Types & 30 Secrets to Balance Them
Yep, there are various roles in a relationship that are as flexible as a yoga instructor. It’s about co-creating an ever-evolving story.
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Ever wonder why some relationships feel as harmonious as a well-rehearsed…
Groundhogging: What It Means, 39 Signs, Reasons & Rules to Stop Doing It
You’ve probably seen the movie, Groundhog Day, where one man keeps living the same day over and over. But could you be groundhogging in your love life?
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Ever felt like your love life is stuck on repeat, playing…
Online Dating: How It Really Works & 28 Secrets to Successfully Date Online
Online dating isn’t easy, but some people are great at it. Why? Well, the only difference between you and them is they know how to date online.
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Dating has witnessed an incredible evolution. From the days of…
32 Online Dating Tips for Women to Super-Boost Your Game & Catch Eyes!
For the Tinderellas out there, know these must-have online dating tips for women. From profile pics to first-date jitters, we got you covered!
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Swipe right on your love life without swiping left on your sanity!…
73 Best Tinder Pickup Lines & Openers to Catch Their Eye & Make Them Reply
Finding a match on Tinder is difficult, but coming up with pickup lines is even worse! Use this go-to list for Tinder openers and the psychology behind them.
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So, you’re swiping through Tinder, thumbs nimble, eyes…
Early Stages of Dating & 25 Expectations and Must-Knows of a New Romance
The early stages of dating can be exciting and confusing at the same time. If you don’t do the right thing, the relationship might not go anywhere.
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That first spark! Your eyes meet across a crowded room, or maybe…
Dating for Three Months: 25 Signs, Red Flags & BIG Relationship Must-Knows!
The first flourishes of love don’t last forever, but how can you tell whether your relationship is doomed after only dating for three months?
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Ever heard that saying, “Three’s a crowd”? Well, when it comes to the…
23 Signs the Person You’re Dating is Too Good to Be True & Probably a Phony
Ever hear the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is?” Here are all the ways to detect whether you’re dating a phony.
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We’ve all been there, haven’t we? You meet someone who’s basically the…
21 Must-Know Fourth Date Tips, What to Expect & Things You MUST Avoid
You’ve already gotten through the first three dates. Now what? If you’re not quite sure where to go from here, we’ve got you covered for the fourth date.
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The elusive fourth date. Aka., the Cinderella of the…