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Broken Hearts
18 Secrets to Get Through a Rough Patch in a Relationship & Grow Closer
You and your partner aren’t connecting like you used to, so you need to know how to get through a rough patch in a relationship. Here’s how you do it.
All relationships go through their ups and downs. But when you are in the down…
I Have Trust Issues: 18 Baby Steps to Start Dating & Open Your Heart to Love
When you have been hurt many times, it’s hard not to be paranoid when you date new people. So, here’s how to date when you have trust issues.
Trust issues run deep. They cannot be explained or willed away. They are caused by patterns,…
41 Signs & Proper Ways to End a Long Term Relationship & What to Do Next
It’s never easy to end a long-term relationship. Here’s how you can be mature about it and minimize the damage as much as you can.
Most things come to an end, and long-term relationships are not always exceptions. There’s no “good way” to…
19 Steps to Get Over a Crush on a Friend & Why We Fall for Them Easily
If you want to know how to get over a crush on a friend, it isn’t always easy. You might think it’s impossible, but it’s not. Here’s how you do it.
Crushing on a friend is the worst, especially when you know the feelings are not…
When to Leave a Relationship? 29 Honest Signs It’s Time to Say Goodbye
If you’re arguing constantly and nothing seems to work, it’s important to think about when to leave a relationship. Not all love is meant to last.
No relationship is perfect. There are ups and downs, arguments, and falls out. But…
42 Red Flags & Signs It’s Time to End Your Relationship & Move On for Good
A toxic or unhappy union is no fun. Learn when to end a relationship and understand when it’s time to move on. Embrace the future and be happy.
When you enter into a romantic relationship with someone, you don’t expect it to fail.…
Love Sucks! 36 Reasons Why We Hate It and Yet Crave for It
Do you think that love sucks? Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. If you don’t know what true love is, read on to find out – because it doesn’t suck.
Love, it’s a beautiful thing, right? It’s what makes the world go ‘round,…
10 Most Important Stages of a Breakup & How to Get Through Each Of Them
Breakups are inevitable when it comes to our search for love. Here are 10 stages of a breakup and how to get through them.
No matter which stage of a breakup you’re in, we can all agree that breakups suck. Especially when you’ve been with…
20 Real Ways to Get Over Being Dumped, Nurse Your Ego & Find Closure
If you want to know how to get over being dumped, you can. It’s not always easy to recover from heartbreak, but if you use these tips, you can do it.
Saying that a breakup is painful can be an understatement. Aside from the…
20 Signs You’re Not Attracted to Your Partner & How to Spark It Up Again
Are you feeling that you’re not attracted to your partner as much as before? Attraction fades over time, but there are ways to reignite that spark.
As relationships continue, the attraction at some point will fade. For some, the…