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Better Love
15 Signs of a Taker in a Relationship: Are You a Taker or a Giver?
We think once we’re in a relationship, both people will give 100% of themselves. It’s not always the case, here are the signs of a taker in a relationship.
Sometimes, first impressions can fool us. We meet someone who we think is amazing,…
How to React When Your Spouse Says Hurtful Things & Keep the Calm
Relationships are hard, and sometimes arguments can get out of hand. So, here’s what you need to do when your spouse says hurtful things.
In a perfect world, you would never have negative feelings towards your partner. But this isn’t a…
Sharing Expenses in a Relationship: The 7 Golden Must-Follow Rules
Money is a necessity in life, but it holds the power to destroy relationships. Learn the art of sharing expenses in a relationship to avoid problems.
If there is one subject which can cause awkwardness and trouble in a relationship, it’s…
How Not to Be Boring in a Relationship As You Start to Settle Down
Once you’ve dated for a while your relationship can grow dull, but you can learn how not to be boring in a relationship. Keep the spark alive!
Whether you’ve been together six months, six years, or sixty years, you can learn how not to be…
What Is Commitment in a Relationship & How to Know if You Have It?
It’s often hard to define, but what is commitment in a relationship? What does it look like, and how can you tell if you have it or not?
After you’ve been together for a while, it’s normal to wonder about the future. If you believe in ‘The…
Dating Someone with Low Self-Esteem: What It’s Like for Both of You
What is it like dating someone with low self-esteem? Finding the right person to commit to is hard, but some issues make things even more complicated.
Someone with low self-esteem can really drive a relationship to become unhealthy or…
Tired of Your Relationship? Why It Happens & How to Fix It ASAP
You can get tired of your relationship for several reasons, but what you do about it is what really matters. Follow these tips to respond like an adult.
All relationships go through ups and downs, and sometimes the downs are ruts. There…
How to Show Commitment in a Relationship & Make Them Feel Secure
Lasting relationships require more than just the initial chemistry. If you want a partner for keeps, learn how to show commitment in a relationship.
Learning how to show commitment in a relationship in vital to any healthy relationship.…
10 Signs an Affair Is Turning into Love Whether You’re Ready or Not
An affair is sometimes planned or not planned at all, but what happens when you start to experience the signs an affair is turning into love?
If you’re currently having an affair, I’m not the one to judge you. You know your reasons about…
How Stonewalling in a Relationship Will Ruin Something Precious
What ruins a perfectly good relationship? Well, it’s stonewalling in a relationship. What is stonewalling? How can you get it out of your union?
In relationships, effective communication is essential but hard to achieve. Being able to talk…