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Better Love
Relationship Feels Like Friendship? 27 Reasons & How to Dirty It Up
Everyone has high hopes for romance and wants to ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. But what if your relationship feels like friendship?
Feeling like your partner is your best friend is healthy for your relationship.…
25 Subtle Relationship Turn Offs that Provoke & Push a Couple Apart
Relationships can be blissful, but they can also be difficult. Here are 25 relationship turn offs that can ruin your relationship if you aren’t careful.
You may think you’re in a truly happy relationship, but do you ever get disappointed…
Relationship Slump: 22 Ways to Get Out & Come Out Closer than Ever
All relationships have their highs and lows. It’s just an inevitable romantic cycle. So, here are some tips for how to get through the relationship slump.
Ah, yes, the relationship slump. You never think it’s going to happen to you until…
72 Happy Conversation Starters for Couples Who are Getting Serious
Regardless of how long you have been together, you can always find something new to talk about. Here are some great conversation starters for couples.
Every new relationship is a whirlwind of sunshine, peaches, romance, and all that…
New Relationship Boundaries: 12 Lines All Couples Must Draw Early On
When you first start dating someone and become committed, it can be very exciting. But there are also some new relationship boundaries to negotiate.
New relationships are always special and exciting. Naturally, you’re not thinking about…
19 Ways to Pull Back in a Relationship When You’re Giving Too Much
Romance isn’t always easy, and sometimes you don’t get what you need from your partner. So, you might need to learn how to pull back in a relationship.
So, of all the studies that they have done about the success, or lack thereof, of…
Narcissistic Supply: How to Control a Narcissist & Cut Their Power
If you have a narcissist in your life, you won’t need telling how difficult it is to be around them. The answer? Cut off their narcissistic supply.
Narcissism seems to be a buzz term these days. The problem is, dealing with a…
Love vs Attachment: Is There a Vital Difference Between the Two?
Do you understand the key differences between being attached to someone and being in love? Let’s check out love vs attachment and understand more clearly.
Love is an all-encompassing thing, but it can also be super-confusing. It’s very…
How to Stop Being Codependent: 17 Steps to Finding Yourself Again
Learning how to stop being codependent is vital to prevent yourself from sabotaging your relationship. There’s nothing cute about codependency, after all.
Codependency is a weird state to be in. You rely on someone else for all your…
Honeymoon Phase: How to Calculate How Long It’ll Last for You Both
Have you ever asked the question – how long does the honeymoon phase last? This stage of a relationship is always exciting, but it doesn’t last forever.
Think back to the very beginning of your relationship. How you couldn’t help but…