16 Signs She Is Falling in Love with You & Wants Something Serious

You’re into her. And you want to tell her you’re falling for her, but you want to know the signs she is falling in love with you first.

Many guys are completely in the dark on knowing the signs she is falling in love with you. They’re not sure what she’s thinking or what the next move should be.

I completely understand! It’s no easy task to decipher a woman’s mind. At the same time, I think you’re overthinking things. I know many women aren’t direct. This is a problem, as you’re left to code what they’re trying to say. This is why so many guys I speak to have trouble understanding women.

I get that men are more direct and straightforward when talking about their feelings and their needs. But if you’re reading this, you’ll know how to read her mind in no time. [Read: 13 obvious gender differences in communication]

How to read the signs she is falling in love with you

Truthfully, most women aren’t as complicated as you may think. You’re just not looking at the right things. Women actually do let you know how they feel. Maybe we’re not as direct or obvious as men, but we do drop pretty big hints.

Step one? Look at the right signs. They’re a lot more obvious than you probably assume. So, let’s get started and figure out whether she’s dropping any signs she is falling in love with you or not.

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Okay, fellas, this one is for you.

#1 She says “I love you.” Well, I know you may think this is a clear sign, not necessarily. Of course, these are big words to say to someone, so if she does tell you this, she has feelings for you. Sometimes, people will say “I love you’ because they’re feeling emotions and don’t know how to describe it. Though she may not really love you, it’s a clear sign she’s falling for you. [Read: Understanding the 5 big differences of love vs in love]

#2 She’s all smiles. Whether you call or see her, you can feel the smile miles away. She’s so happy and excited to talk to you. When we’re falling in love, we can’t stop smiling around the person. They make us happy. If she’s smiling when she’s around you, she’s falling for you. You have her hooked.

#3 She wants to spend all her time with you. Any free moment she has during her day she tries to spend it either seeing or communicating with you. If she’s spending her weeknights and weekends hanging out with you, she’s falling for you. She could be doing other things, but she’s investing her free time with you. [Read: 12 real signs of true love in a relationship]

#4 She’s not talking to other guys. As a woman, she has other guys who are interested in her for sure. And she may be talking to them, but since she started seeing you, that’s all stopped. This doesn’t mean she’s cutting her male friendships, but she’s not interested in starting new ones or anything else that could lead to something more.

#5 She opens up to you. When it comes to men, women are a little reserved in the beginning. We may be interested in you, but we’re scared to get hurt. So, we pull back a bit until we trust you. If she’s opening up to you, it’s because not only does she trust you, but she sees you as someone special in her life. 

#6 It’s all about we. Every sentence that’s about you and her starts with we. She’s including you in her life and announcing that you are a pair. She’s not going to use “we” if she’s unsure about you. This pronoun really indicates how she sees you. It’s the next step forward.

#7 She deleted her dating apps. Whoa whoa whoa. Did she delete her dating apps? You know what this means. If you’ve seen her going on her phone and noticed her dating apps have disappeared, well, that’s because she’s not into meeting anyone else. If she deletes the apps connecting her to meeting other men, it’s one of the strongest signs she is falling in love with you. [Read: Understanding the difference between dating someone and being in a relationship]

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#8 She appreciates your quirks. We’re all flawed and have our own weird quirks. There are going to be some people that don’t like your quirks, and that’s just something you need to accept. But if she loves your little quirks and flaws, she’s falling for you big time.

#9 She loves teasing you. What can I say? We love teasing the guy we’re falling for. In some way, it’s a defense mechanism, and on the other hand, it’s always a way to be flirtatious and play a little hard to get. If she’s playfully teasing you, she’s into you. Now, if she’s downright mean, well, that’s not teasing, that’s just bullying.

#10 She makes plans for both of you. She goes out of her way to buy concert tickets for the both of you or books a trip somewhere and gets you a ticket as well. She’s not shyly asking you if you would be interested in doing something with her. She automatically includes you in her plans, and that’s a great sign she’s falling for you. [Read: 15 signs she’s clearly head over heels in love with you]

#11 She shares her news with you first. Whether it’s good or bad news, you’re the first person she tells. This is a huge sign of you being an important person in her life. When it comes to news, we usually only tell our closest people. If she weren’t in love with you, she wouldn’t share important information with you, at least not right away.

#12 She asks for your advice. She’s not going to ask help from just anyone. She’s going to get advice from people she respects and appreciates. If she’s asking you for your opinion, regardless of what it’s about, she looks up to you in a positive way. 

#13 She’s *a little* possessive. Women aren’t much different from men when it comes to territory. When we like a guy, we become a little possessive. But I really mean a little possessive, if she’s going all out and stalking you, then it’s not called love, it’s an obsession. [Read: 13 signs she wants to be exclusive and is looking for commitment]

#14 She buys you things. Now, when I say things I don’t mean a Mercedes Benz. I’m talking about small tokens. Maybe she saw a t-shirt and thought you would like it. Or she surprised you with your favorite chocolate bar after a bad day at work. It’s a small gesture that means a lot.

#15 She speaks openly to you. She feels comfortable saying how she feels even when her opinion may not be in line with yours. But the point is she feels she can openly share with you what’s on her mind without being judged. When a woman feels free around a man, this is when she starts falling for him. [Read: 20 signs you’re wasting time in a one sided relationship]

#16 She talks about the future. She may not bring up marriage and children. It doesn’t have to be that far ahead. But she’ll mention doing a couple’s trip in the summer or what you should do for your birthday. When a woman talks about the future, she’s talking about committing to the relationship. Looks like she’s falling in love!

[Read: 11 biggest tests a girl puts you through before getting serious]

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Falling in love is a crazy experience and one that should be shared. After looking at the signs she is falling in love with you, what do you think? Are there signs?

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