Does My Husband Love Me? 20 Signs That Tell You What He Won’t

Overthinking every scenario to answer does my husband love me is the worst feeling in the world. Keep reading to find out if your worst fears are true.

does my husband love me

The truth is, marriage will always be hard. It’s not a walk in the park to commit yourself to another person. It’s normal to wonder, does my husband loves me or not. Whether your marriage is on the rocks or you’re just overthinking your marriage as a whole, it’s not easy to wonder if your husband really does love you.

If anything, you should know the answer to this even without asking him or reading this feature. If you’re doubting yourself, then maybe something feels off in your marriage. There’s a presumption that love lasts forever, but we all know from experience is that it doesn’t.

If your husband behaves differently, distant, or downright done, you might be wondering if his “I do” has turned to “I don’t.”

Is it normal to wonder does my husband love me?

It’s normal to ask yourself whether he loves you or not. Especially if you feel his words never match his actions, then you’re not crazy for asking, does my husband love me?

Maybe he doesn’t give you as much time anymore, maybe you don’t feel the love, or maybe he no longer provides you with your emotional or mental needs. If you don’t put your mind at ease, this question can make you feel like you’re on the brink of your sanity.

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When finding out if his love is still there, watch closely for his actions than his words. In fact, he could be saying he loves you through his actions, even if he doesn’t always say he loves you.

[Read: 25 signs he truly loves you even if he doesn’t say it out loud anymore]

Does my husband love me or not? 20 answers to reveal the truth

You need to realize that men have a different way of processing and expressing emotions than women do. Guys can vault, especially when a subject makes them uncomfortable. And, it isn’t that unusual for them to shut out the people they love most.

However, this isn’t often something you should take personally. If you’re wondering aloud, does my husband still love me, and he says he does, but you aren’t feeling the love, stop listening to words. Start to look for signs that he still adores you. You deserve to put your mind at ease with the following signs.

1. He still does those little things that make your life easier without being asked

If you’re constantly wondering, does my husband love me, watch for the things he does for you. Let’s face it, a guy likes to do the bare minimum, especially when it comes to his home life. If he has the initiative to do things even without being asked, then he loves you.

Guys don’t care if their shit is everywhere and the place is a mess *at least most of them*. So, if he takes out the garbage, does the dishes, and makes sure that his socks are in the laundry hamper, it might not be the “I love you” that you look for, but it is love no less. [Read: 17 regular gestures that are way louder than words to prove he really loves you]

2. If you are stuck somewhere and need help, he drops whatever to rescue you

A man in love with a woman, even a tough guy, drops whatever he’s doing to rescue his damsel in distress. It doesn’t matter how simple or big the task is, but he helps you whenever needed. Guys usually have the instinct to rescue women, but this is evidently seen when they love you.

If your husband drops everything when you have a flat tire, the dishwasher leaks, or your internet goes out, then it is because he wants to make sure you are taken care of because he is protective of you.

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3. He talks nicely about you to people in his life

If a man loves you with his entire being, he won’t hesitate to brag about your best qualities to his friends and family. When a guy is in love, he might not voice his loving thoughts every single day.

But, if he lets the truth out when he talks to people in his life and talks positively about you and your relationship, that’s pretty much golden. [Read: 25 sweet ways to make your husband feel cared for and appreciated]

4. He still reaches out to you

Communication is vital to any relationship. Men have different ways of communicating – maybe they’re more vocal, or maybe they’re touchy-feely. Whatever way it is, if your guy still tries his best to reach out to you and connect, then he clearly loves you.

If a guy doesn’t care about you, he won’t even bother with communication. If he still tries his hardest to make contact and find a way to communicate even when you both recently had a fight, that’s a really big signs he loves you and still cares about the relationship.

5. You still have sex

What happens in the bedroom is what happens in a marriage. If you still have sex, there is no reason not to believe that he loves you. While it certainly is possible to have sex without emotions involved, the fact that he’s married to you, he’s doing it out of love – not just to satisfy his needs.

A guy who doesn’t love his wife would rather masturbate than carry on a fake sexual relationship. [Read: Here’s what to do if your man prefers his hand over you]

6. He asks you about you

When asking the question, does my husband love me, you need to see if he is considerate and selfless towards you. If anything, this is the most defining trait that’s gets revealed when he loves you.

If your man goes so far as to ask you how you are, how your day was, or about anything in your life, that is sheer effort. Guys generally aren’t the greatest listeners, so if he focuses on you, that’s love right there.

7. He says he’s sorry

One of the hardest things to do in any relationship is to say you are sorry when egos are running high after an argument. If your husband still says he is sorry for what he has done and truly means it, then he cares enough to know he hurt your feelings and has sufficient remorse for apologizing for it.

This is an act of surrender, which also means he’s not letting his ego and pride get in the way of your relationship. If you’re asking, does my husband love me, watch if he says he’s sorry. [Read: 16 non-sexual touches to feel connected and loved]

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8. He hates your playdates but will still go along

Guys hate when you drag them along for the ride. Women are notorious for setting up our husbands like we do our kids. We assume that just because we like someone, our husbands will get along with their husbands.

However, he’s mostly just going with it for you. Since you insisted on doing so, then he happily goes with your playdates, even if he’d rather stay at home and watch TV.

9. He cares when you are upset or crying

The last thing your husband should do if he loves you is to ignore it when he sees you crying or upset. If he stops being angry, ends the fight, or comes to put his arm around you when you are in tears, then he not only still cares, he still loves you.

Guys who love you have this need to be a hero and fix things for you. If he sees you in tears, he should comfort you the best way he knows how. [Read: Is he the best husband ever? The subtle things perfect husbands always do in a marriage]

10. Your threats still scare him

If you tell him that you are leaving when things get bad in an argument, what does he do? Does he try to calm the situation or does he escalate it? If a man cares for you, he’ll know when to throw in the towel, if the argument is getting out of hand.

This is typically seen in arguments and conflict, so if your threat still scares him that he’s about to lose you, he loves you. After all, what man that loves you doesn’t get scared of you walking out the door forever?

11. He sees you as an equal

Marriage is all about partnership, so if you’re asking, does my husband loves me, watch if he sees you as an equal. A relationship shouldn’t involve any power struggle, and he shouldn’t be too concerned with being above you.

If you earn more than him, for instance, he shouldn’t be putting you down. What you deserve is a man who sees you as an equal partner more than anything else. [Read: 14 ways to overcome power struggles in a relationship]

12. He respects you

The only thing stronger than love is respect. If you’re wondering, does my husband love me, watch closely for signs of respect.

Does he respect your boundaries? Does he respect your values and morals in life? Do you notice that he respects you and encourages you to have your individual life outside the marriage? Does he respect your opinions?

Respect is the basis of love and without it, then he doesn’t love you. [Read: How to show respect in a relationship and love each other better]

13. He tries his best to match his actions with words

When it comes down to the big question, does my husband love me, his actions should match his words. No matter how many promises he makes, if he can’t do his best to keep his words, his promises are pointless.

If he says he’s going to change the car tires, refill the gas, or even take you out on a proper date, and he does these things, then that’s love. Words are easy to say, but it’s much harder actually to push through with your promises.

14. He doesn’t try to control you

The thing that causes a toxic marriage is when one tries to control the other or change them. It’s an uncomfortable truth, but you can’t change people, no matter how hard you try.

You can only love them, but even love isn’t enough to turn them into a version they’re not ready to become. If your husband accepts you without any conditions, then he loves you wholeheartedly. [Read: How to make your partner better – Is that something that can be done?]

15. He does his best to make you happy

In a marriage, your husband’s goal should be inclined towards making you happy. Whether it’s making you laugh, making your favorite cup of coffee, or taking care of you when you’re sick, he does the little and big things to make you happy.

He knows you better than anyone, which also means he knows the best ways to give you that genuine smile the fits perfectly on you.

16. He lets down his walls around you

The one thing you should watch out for when asking, does my husband love me, is whether he lets himself become vulnerable around you. Men generally fear vulnerability and showing their emotions, but he breaks down his walls for you and only you if he loves you.

In fact, he probably doesn’t let anyone else see him vulnerable but you. This doesn’t just represent trust, but it illustrates how much he loves you. [Read: How to get a man to open up and share all his secrets with you]

17. He tries his best to be better

When his actions hurt you, does he seem okay with that fact, or does he try his best to change his behavior? Guaranteed that a person doesn’t change overnight, but if he gradually changes his behavior for the better, he loves you unconditionally.

A man only changes for the woman he loves and nobody else. Especially when he sees how he’s the one responsible for hurting you, him changing his behavior is only further proof of his love. [Read: How to change for your partner without compromising or losing yourself]

18. He provides you with your particular love language

If you’re asking, does my husband love me, notice if he provides you with your love language. Do you feel more loved with quality time rather than physical touch? Do you feel loved when he gives you his undivided attention – and he gives it to you?

This is a sign that he loves you and cares about you. He wants you to feel loved, and even if it’s not his chosen love language, he doesn’t want you to question his love for you.

All of us want to be loved in a certain way, and if your guy can see what makes you happy, and finds ways to express his love in those ways, he’s still a real keeper. [Read: 25 unmanly and manliest things a guy can ever do to a woman]

19. He supports and celebrates your successes

If your husband loves you, he’ll not only support your successes and ambitions, but he’ll also celebrate every one of them with you. He knows that your success is also his, and he doesn’t hesitate to show how proud he is of you.

When you get that promotion or raise, notice how he acts. Does he seem irritated by your success, or does he seem genuinely excited for this new milestone in your career?

20. He provides mutual effort

No relationship is precisely 50/50. If one of you can only give 70 percent of your effort that day, the other should complete the other 30 percent. This is how a relationship works.

If your husband always manages to meet you halfway or exerts effort in the relationship, then it’s a sign he loves you. Men don’t generally provide effort to any woman unless he cares for her.

[Read: Relationship rules – 30 must-know tips to live your best love life!]

So, does my husband still love me?

There is nothing worse than questioning, does my husband love me or not. If you want to know if he loves you, then stop asking the questions and start seeing the answers.

Listen to what his actions say instead. When determining if he loves you, watch his actions closely rather than his words.

You’ll see how much your husband adores you if he respects you, compromises for you, shows you affection, and communicates with you. These are just some of the many things on this list that you need to keep an eye on.

[Read: 19 very unfortunate signs your husband doesn’t love you anymore and is losing interest in you]

If you want to know the answer to, does my husband love me, pay attention to his behavior more than anything else. This will reveal everything you need to know.

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