17 Sweet Date Ideas During COVID to Make Love Bloom Amid the Gloom

COVID is here and you’re single. That doesn’t mean you can’t date. You just need to make some adjustments. Here are some perfect date ideas during COVID.

The dating world is hard enough, and coming up with new dating ideas during COVID, well, it’s not easy! COVID has made things much harder, and dating in these stressful times is no different. Singles now have to navigate through these new challenges while socially distancing from family, friends, and dates.

Aside from having to date, being isolated from your support system can cause severe emotional and mental trauma. People are feeling lonelier than ever and yet, have to find a way to connect with others while sticking to the rules. 

For many singles, COVID has emphasized some of the downsides single people experience. Being single by choice is fine… when it’s your choice. But if you want to meet new people, well, meeting them during a deadly pandemic is certainly frowned upon.

[Read: How to meet new people during COVID – 25 fun ways to be seen and heard]

But that said, it’s all about perspective. The online dating market is booming with single people around the world flocking online to meet other singles. If you want to connect with another person, you can do so. You’re just going to have to make some minor adjustments. 

17 date ideas during COVID to keep flirting and make love bloom

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If you connect with someone online, naturally, your next move is to see them in person. Now, we don’t recommend meeting people face-to-face until you feel comfortable and safe to do so.

So, yes, you should meet them face-to-face, but do it after talking for some time. When the time is right, then make an in-person date. That said, with having to follow restrictions, what are some good date ideas during Covid? Well, you’re about to find out.

[Read: The best virtual first date ideas to really get to know each other]

#1 Host a backyard movie night. If you have a backyard, that is. You want to keep enough space from your date, so avoid having them come into your space, especially if it’s an apartment. If you have a backyard, get a projector, some snacks, and watch a movie together. Though they say movies on a first date isn’t a good idea, this isn’t your average movie night. [Read: Date night ideas during COVID to keep romance alive]

#2 A park picnic. Again, you’ll need to practice social distancing, but come on, this is one of the cutest date ideas during Covid. Set up a nice picnic *with a large blanket*, and bring along a variety of tasty snacks and drinks. Just make sure no one is double-dipping—remember, safety first! Pick a scenic location and enjoy their company. 

#3 Online wine tasting. Are you two big wine lovers? If so, do a wine tasting night online! You both buy a couple of different bottles of wine and taste them together. Talk about the wines, which ones you both like, and experience that time together. Plus, you’ll both get a little tipsy, so it’ll be a lot of fun. If wine isn’t your thing, switch up the alcohol—it doesn’t matter.  

#4 Zoom games! There’s going to be a chance when many businesses close down, there’s a lockdown, and you don’t have many options when it comes to date ideas during COVID. We don’t have much control over what happens. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy each other’s company. Zoom or Facetime with intention. Play games or ask each other 21 questions to increase the intimacy between you two. [Read: 60 get-to-know you questions for a new romance]

#5 Get sporty. There are many sports that require a decent amount of distance between players. For example, tennis, volleyball, and badminton. If you both have a sporty edge to you, why not be a little competitive with each other. Date ideas during Covid don’t need to revolve around the computer. You can get active and have fun with each other while being safe. 

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#6 Give each other a room tour. A tour! How exciting. It doesn’t matter how big your space is; the point of this is to increase the closeness between you two while staying safe. So, while you’re on Zoom, take them on a tour of your space.

Show them what your home looks like and what you enjoy doing in your spare time. This will give you both a sense of each other’s personality and living style. You never know where this relationship could lead, so it’s good information to know!

#7 Go on a grocery run. Are you out of food in your fridge? Does your date need to go grab some milk? Well, why not be spontaneous and go on a grocery run together. You can walk through the aisles, talk, and get to know each other. Who knows, maybe you two have the same taste in snacks, or maybe you could not be more opposite. But you won’t know unless you go. You don’t need to plan this one; it’s great for people who love some spontaneity in their day-to-day life. [Read: How to have fun and yet feel safe while meeting new people during COVID]

#8 Create a book club for two. You two choose one book that you’re both going to read. And then your date night will consist of you both talk about that particular book. If you’re a bookworm, then this date idea is going to hit the spot. Hopefully, your date likes reading too. Pick an interesting book and try to choose one that blends both of your interests—this book club isn’t just for you!

#9 Have takeout together. You want to take them out for dinner, but you can’t. While there are many great date ideas during Covid, you can keep things simple. Order you and your date takeout and enjoy a meal together on Zoom. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s a nice way to connect with each other and remind yourself of what dating outside the pandemic is like. 

#10 Send each other playlists and listen together. If you two are music lovers, then say yes to this date idea. You both need to pick playlists for each other, switch them and listen to them together. If you know your music history, you two can discuss bands and artists and get to know each other on that level. 

#11 Fruit picking. You’re hungry, they’re hungry, and it’s strawberry season. It may feel like an unusual date, but when it comes to date ideas during Covid, what isn’t weird? Fruit picking not only lets you pick up some tasty fruit for home, but you can connect with someone while maintaining a safe distance. This is a great idea if you two are both foodies or just want to get out of the house. [Read: How to find hope during the pandemic instead of losing it]

#12 Write each other letters. Aww, how cute! Okay, when it comes to date ideas during Covid, this is a great one! Not only is it super sweet, but it’s something physical, something you can hold onto when this pandemic is over. Sure, you can still Zoom with them, but sending each other letters adds a little extra romance into the mix. 

#13 Keep it old school with a phone call. Gasp! I know. A phone call. Okay, don’t freak out. If you like this person, you should be able to talk to them on the phone. Phone calls are great date ideas during Covid when you don’t feel like finding your angle via Facetime or switching out of your PJs. Plus, it adds a scene of mystery, don’t you think?

#14 Spa night. If you’re someone who enjoys face masks and hanging out in a bathrobe, then this could be a fun date idea, if your date is into it. You both need to get some spa-related items like face masks, essential oils, and candles and have a relaxing night together while pampering yourselves. Self-care and a date—knocking two birds with one stone.  

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#15 Do a city tour. Take your date for a walk around the city and explore areas that you haven’t been to before. Or explore popular tourist attractions as now there’s probably not many crowds around. It’s the perfect time to be a tourist in your own city, so take advantage of this opportunity. 

#16 Workout together. This may not sound sexy right now, but it is. You’re in a pandemic; there’s not much going on. So, if you’re both into working out, why not do it together? While maintaining a distance, go for a run, do a HIIT workout—whatever form of exercise you two enjoy, do it together. Plus, it’s pretty sexy seeing your date all hot and sweaty. The best part is you can’t touch them—oh, the temptation! [Read: 20 strong signs of sexual tension to know you make each other horny!]

#17 Paint and sip date. Okay, if you’re looking to bring out your creative side, then this date idea is perfect. You and your date need to grab some canvases, brushes, and paints *they don’t need to be expensive* and have a paint and sip night. Paint while on Zoom and enjoy a glass of wine together. Pick a theme for the painting, and let your creativity explode on your date. 

[Read: How to date and navigate a new normal after COVID]

Now you’re ready with some of the best date ideas during Covid. All you need to do is set a time and day and meet the person you’ve been chatting online with. Just remember to stay 2 meters apart until you’re both vaccinated! Think of all this space this way, it’ll certainly build sexual tension!

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