How to Know if Someone Is Thinking about You Sexually & Desires You

You like them, but you’re unsure how they feel about you. Do they see you as a friend only? This is how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually.

You’ve met someone that you can’t take your eyes off of, but you’re not sure how they feel about you. Figuring out how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually will help you plan your next steps. If you don’t know, it can be a little bit of a problem, especially if you want to take the next step forward.

You’re sitting here with all these feelings and emotions coursing through you. You have butterflies when you see them, and your mind goes blank when they talk to you. We all experience these nerves around someone we really like.

The question is, are these feelings reciprocated? Or are you the only one who’s feeling this? It’s a good question to ask, and something to figure out for your own peace of mind. [Read: Does your crush like you back? 15 things you have to do next]

How to know if someone is thinking about you sexually

So, how do you know if someone is thinking about you sexually? Not all of us want to wait around to see. Many of us are impatient and need some hint that our feelings aren’t one-sided. So, it’s time we figured this out. Because, if you’re like me, the waiting and anticipation are killing you.

The good thing is sexual attraction can’t be faked. If the signs match up, then it’s probably true that they think about you sexually. This is good news, right? Right! So, let’s get started. Seriously, it’s time to know.

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#1 You feel it. What you’re feeling is chemistry. When you’re around them, there’s this feeling that you are more than just friends. If you have a feeling that they’re looking at you in a sexual way, well, don’t doubt yourself so quickly. Your intuition is probably right. [Read: Steamy signs of sexual tension you can’t miss]

#2 They hang around you. When people are sexually attracted to someone, they stay close to their crush. But by close, I mean close. They want to be in your personal space. This is normal when it comes to sexual attraction. If they’re not into you, they’ll keep a distance from you because they’re not interested.

#3 They’re touchy. I’m not talking in a harassing manner. Whether it’s a woman or man, they love to touch the person they’re into… subtly. Maybe you made a joke, and while laughing, they touched your arm. See, if someone didn’t like you, they wouldn’t touch you. This is a huge sign to determine someone’s thoughts about you. People don’t touch people they don’t like. [Read: What does sexual tension feel like? This is how it feels]

#4 Eye contact. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: eye contact is everything. Your eyes can tell someone countless things. If someone likes you sexually, you’ll see it in their eyes. They’ll hold eye contact longer than usual and give you flirty stares. They’ll make sure to check you out whenever possible.

#5 They’re flirting with you. Okay, some people do flirt for fun, but even those people have an underlying attraction to you. People do not flirt with people they’re not interested in. It’s that simple. If they’re flirting with you, they’re trying to build sexual tension and chemistry. This is a great sign that you’re on their mind sexually. [Read: Friendly vs flirty – 12 hints to stop reading the wrong signs]

#6 They’re nervous around you. When someone likes you, of course, they’re going to be a little nervous around you. They don’t want to screw it up and ruin their chances with you. Plus, since they want you, they’re trying to calm themselves down and act as normal as possible.

#7 Lip licking. Who would have thought lip licking would be a sign! Even though it’s a subtle act, lip licking is a huge sign they’re sexually attracted to you. Both men and women will instinctually lick their lips when they see someone they like or are thinking about a sexual act.

#8 They try to prolong interactions. When you chat, even though it looks like it’s about to end, they talk more. They don’t want to let you go. It’s cute *but if you really need to go, it can be a little annoying*.

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#9 They suggest hanging out alone. Maybe you usually hang out in groups, but recently, they’ve asked to hang out alone with you. Well, this one isn’t rocket science when it comes to figuring out how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually. If someone is thinking about you sexually, they want to hang out with you alone and create a connection, maybe even try to make a move. [Read: Are you just hanging out? The romantic signs you can’t ignore]

#10 They care about their appearance. Before they met you, they weren’t into their appearance. But since you have started hanging out, they’re more fashion-forward. They want to look good for you and impress you. Both women and men want to look their best in front of someone they like sexually. 

#11 They’re all smiles around you. When you hang out, whether alone or with other people, they’re always smiling. Both men and women smile a lot when they’re around someone they’re interested in. I mean, there are a couple of different smiles. You have the “boy/girl next door” smile and then you have the “I want to rip your clothes off” smile. Both are good. [Read: 20 subconscious signs of attraction that show up between two people]

#12 They tell you. If someone tells you they can’t stop thinking about you or you’re always on their mind, it’s not because they think about you as a friend. It’s because they’re sexually attracted to you. They want a chance to make a move. 

#13 There’s a lot of fidgeting. When you’re next to them, they play with their hair, a napkin, scratch their leg. There’s always some fidgeting going on. This isn’t because they’re bored if that’s what you’re thinking. Rather, it’s because they’re sexually attracted to you, and they’re nervous. [Read: Signs of a strong physical attraction to drive you wild]

#14 Fixing themselves. Whether man or woman, they adjust themselves around you. If it’s a guy, he’ll move his junk around. If it’s a woman, she’ll fix her cleavage or hair. Since they’re sexually attracted to you, they’re nervous about what you think of them. Also, the guy could have a boner. Sorry, just had to say it!

[Read: 13 lusty signs of sexual attraction to keep an eye on]

Learning how to know if someone is thinking about you sexually is a little hard to decipher, but by using these signs, you’ll be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

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