29 Things Women Do That Will Make You Think She’s Crazy & 10 That Are Not

Are you being paranoid, or is the woman you’re dating genuinely showing those things women do that make you think she’s crazy?

things women do that make you think she's crazy

There’s always that label that men put on certain women after they break up, one that denotes she is completely insane – the ‘crazy chick’ label. This can sometimes be a cover-up for a guy’s own failures in a past relationship, or, in some cases, it might actually seem warranted. Every guy has either dated a woman or knows a buddy who has, where the relationship ended with a story of things women do that make you think she’s crazy.

Some women repeatedly find themselves saddled with this unwanted category. Take note, though, there’s a stark difference between being clinically labeled as a sociopath or a psychopath and just doing crazy things as a means to an end. In this feature, we’ll be talking about the latter. [Read: Psychopath vs sociopath vs narcissist: 27 subtle ways to tell the difference]

The “Crazy Girlfriend” Stereotype

You know how it goes – you’re scrolling through your social media, and bam, another meme about the “crazy girlfriend.” It seems like whenever things get a bit intense in a relationship, society is quick to slap on that label.

But let’s dive a bit deeper into this stereotype, shall we? We’re going to look at how this whole “crazy girlfriend” thing has become such a staple in media and culture, the real impact it has on women’s mental health and relationships, and how a simple miscommunication can turn into a full-blown label of “craziness.”

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Let’s hit the rewind button and see where this all started. From classic movies to the latest TV shows, the “crazy girlfriend” has been a recurring character. She’s often portrayed as overly emotional, unreasonably jealous, or just way too clingy.

Here’s the catch – these portrayals have been shaping our views on what’s considered “normal” in women’s behavior.

When we see these exaggerated characters, it’s easy to start believing that some intense emotions or actions are just things women do that make you think she’s crazy.

Now, let’s get real about how this stereotype affects actual women. Imagine constantly seeing yourself portrayed as irrational or unstable just because you show emotion. It’s not just a hit to self-esteem, it can seriously mess with mental health. [Read: High self-esteem: 33 Low signs, what hurts self-worth & secrets to pump it]

Women might start doubting their feelings, thinking, “Am I being too much?” or “Is this one of those things that make me look crazy?”

And guess what? This doubt and fear can strain relationships, too. When you’re worried about being labeled as crazy, you might not communicate your needs effectively, leading to even more misunderstandings.

Speaking of misunderstandings, let’s talk about how they feed into this whole “crazy girlfriend” narrative. Communication is key in any relationship, but when it breaks down, it’s easy for actions to be misinterpreted.

Say a woman is just looking for some reassurance or wanting to discuss something important. If her partner brushes this off or doesn’t understand where she’s coming from, her actions might be seen as those “crazy things women do.” It’s a classic case of a small issue snowballing into a stereotype because people aren’t on the same page.

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Insane Things Women Do in Relationships

Want to know if you’re dating a crazy chick? Or do you happen to be a woman, and want to know what you’re doing wrong in relationships? Check out these 29 things that a woman can do to make you think she’s completely cray-cray:

1. Have Sex to Trap You

A crazy woman, backed by popular opinion, tends to be amazing in bed! They’ll be the wildest, kinkiest, and quite possibly, the best you’ve ever had.

Something about it will seem a bit manipulative though, because a crazy bitch just wants commitment, and they aren’t above using sex to get it.

2. Pre-meditate a Pregnancy

In other words, they will get pregnant to trap you. This is especially true if it happens early on when you’re not even officially dating. [Read: Girlfriend is pregnant: Every guy’s must-knows, choices & how to support her]

If she has her own condom she “just happened to find lying around,” or she clamps her legs around you at the last minute when you’re hitting it unprotected, she’s the crazy type.

3. Love/hate Behavior

The love/hate behavior is indicative of crazy chicks. One minute, she loves you and tells you how amazing you are, and the next minute, you’re her enemy who can’t be trusted. Her feelings are unstable, and it’s very clear in the way she treats you. [Read: Love-hate relationship: What it is, the big signs, types & how to overcome it]

4. Wild Emotions

If her emotions swing from happy to sad, angry to giddy and all the way to horny, all in one day, she’s definitely prone to instability. Not something you want to date, unless you find rollercoaster emotions exciting.

5. You’ve Been Hacked

You notice your Facebook friends list has suddenly shortened, your followers on Instagram are suddenly all male, and e-mails from female co-workers have been deleted. These are sure signs that you’re dating a crazy lady, and she’s pretty shameless about it. [Read: 46 scary signs of a stalker, common types & how to safely get rid of one]

6. She Likes Constant Costume Changes

A woman who likes different styles of clothing is normal, but if a girl can change from hard-core emo to over-the-top diva, to demure country girl within a few days *without having to do it for her job*, something’s not right.

7. She Always Lies About Herself

She lies about her past, people she’s met, and things she’s done, all in an attempt to win you over. You find out when you realize her so-called friend Melanie is really her childhood cat’s name and that framed diploma from Harvard is a very well-done forgery. [Read: Why girls lie & 15 sneaky signs to tell if your girlfriend is lying to your face]

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8. She Doesn’t Have Real Friends

Not all women with small social circles are crazy, but if you find out that she couldn’t keep a friend because she scared them all off, you have a crazy one on your hands.

9. She Bashes Attractive Women

She’s insecure and could be crazy if she refers to every attractive woman as a “slut” or “bitch” for no other logically good reason.

10. She Thinks Everyone is Out to Get Her

If she refers to everyone from her past as having hurt her in some way, it could be all in her head. If Mely was jealous, Jeanette wanted her ex-boyfriend, and her teacher gave her bad marks because she’s too pretty, then she’s got a bad case of the victim mentality.

11. She Has a History of Stalking

She’s fessed up to stalking an ex-boyfriend, but assures you it was warranted, and that he was definitely cheating on her. [Read: 46 scary signs of a stalker, common types & how to safely get rid of one]

12. She’s Obsessively Clean

Being clean is generally a good thing, but there’s a line, right? If she asks you to wear gloves and sock covers when you come to her place, she’s venturing into the territory of obsessive-compulsive clean.

Of course, we’re exaggerating a bit here, but you get the picture. It’s one thing to prefer a tidy space, but it’s another to turn cleaning into an extreme sport.

While cleanliness can be a virtue, taken to extreme lengths, it can become one of those things women do that make you think she’s crazy, especially when it starts to affect the normal flow of living and relationships.

13. She Pops Up Uninvited

If she shows up randomly at your soccer game, your chemistry class, or the bar when you always hang out with the guys, she’s got the crazy thing down.

14. Her Exes Are “Obsessed”

She refers to all of her exes as obsessed suckers who can’t seem to get over her. But the thing is, none of her friends can confirm that her exes even care about her anymore.

15. She Fights Like It’s WWIII

When the two of you get into an argument, she’s not afraid to pull out the big guns by insulting your man parts, your dog, and your sister, and she will say just about anything to hurt you.

She’ll attack with threats like committing suicide or burning your clothes, and she might even get physically violent. [Read: Am I in an abusive relationship? 66 early signs, effects & ways to get out]

16. She Calls Too Often or She Expects You To

If she calls every half an hour to see what you’re up to, and gets upset when she doesn’t hear from you within a two-hour timeframe, she definitely fits in the category.

17. She Tries to Cause Problems With Your Family and Friends

If she tries to drive a wedge between you and your friends or family by poisoning your mind about them, she’s doing so in order to get you all to herself. She has a “you can’t trust anyone but me” attitude.

18. She Thrives on Conflict

She’ll rock the boat for no reason, pick fights out of the blue, and it will seem like nothing you do makes her happy.

19. She Always Has Your Social Media Profile Open

She comments on all your pics with lovey-dovey comments, tags you everywhere, creeps on your Instagram, and knows exactly what you did on it 5 seconds after you did it. You’ll know because she’ll confront you about it in real-time.

20. She Has Questionable Spiritual Practices

If you know she’s part of a weird cult, or you see some ritualistic items in her room, this could play out badly. But if you find a doll that looks like you, don’t walk… RUN!

21. Jealousy is an Understatement

“Did you just flirt with her in front of me?” she asks, after you were being polite with the 70-year-old cashier at the grocery store.

She sent a threatening message to one of your female cousins, telling her to back off after she noticed you wished her a happy birthday on Facebook. She’ll definitely get the crazy label. [Read: Types of girlfriends who will make your life hell]

22. She Acts a Fool in Public

She makes scenes in public and will make herself look like the victim by crying hysterically about how bad you treat her while all the passersby stop and stare.

23. She Can Cry on Command

At first, you feel bad, but when her crying routine becomes more predictable than your washroom habits, she’s a master manipulator.

24. She’s Judgmental of Everyone

If she snorts at a nice waiter and points out how he’s balding or something equally rude, she’s insecure. She’ll try compensating for it by pointing out everyone else’s flaws in an attempt to make herself look and feel superior.

25. She’s Obsessed With Your Exes

She probably stalks them via fake Facebook profiles. She asks you questions about your past and tests you based on your answers. Oh, and no detail should be spared, or you’ll never hear the end of it.

26. “You’ll Never Find Anyone Else Like Me!”

This is what she’ll tell you when she gets the feeling you’re catching on to her antics. Truth is, you probably won’t find anyone else with her specific type of crazy, and that’s a good thing!

27. She’ll Get a Little Too Close to Everyone in Your Life

She’ll try to get in with your crew and become inseparable from your family members in an effort to manipulate you. Keep a keen eye on her intentions.

28. She Gives You No Privacy

You’ll notice that receipts from your pockets end up on your dresser, things in your car have been moved around, and your phone is regularly locked from too many failed password attempts. She’s prying into your life and has clear trust issues. [Read: Obsessive love: How & why it happens, 34 signs of obsession & the bad effects]

29. She Makes You Question Your Own Sanity

This is a hallmark signature of crazy chicks. They will make you wonder if you’ve lost your mind because of how confused they will make you. Get out while you still can, and salvage what’s left of your sanity! [Read: Toxic relationship: What it is, 107 signs, causes & types of love that hurt you]

Things Women Do That Are Actually NOT Crazy

To be fair, let’s also look at the flip side. There are behaviors that get a bad rap but are actually pretty valid when you think about it.

We’ve all heard phrases like “Oh man, she’s acting crazy,” but often, these actions are just misunderstood. Let’s break down some of these so-called “crazy” things women do in relationships and see them for what they really are.

1. Emotional Expressions

Picture this: A woman gets teary over something that seems small, and instantly, it’s like, “Whoa, why’s she so emotional?” But hey, expressing emotions is normal. Sometimes, society expects women to be all calm and composed, but that’s just not real life.

Emotions are part of being human, and showing them doesn’t mean someone’s lost their marbles. It’s about understanding that different people process feelings differently, and that’s okay.

2. Desire for Commitment and Communication

Ever heard someone say, “She’s so clingy, always wanting to talk about the relationship”? Well, wanting to talk things through and seeking commitment aren’t signs of being crazy, they’re signs of caring about the relationship’s future.

It’s about wanting clarity and security, which is pretty reasonable if you ask us. Sure, it’s important to balance this with giving space, but desiring a solid, communicative relationship is definitely not “crazy.

3. Jealousy and Insecurity

Jealousy gets a bad rep, and sure, it can go overboard, but at its core, it’s often about fear and insecurity. It’s not just “crazy girlfriend” territory, it’s human nature to fear loss or feel insecure sometimes.

The key is how it’s handled. Open communication about these feelings, rather than letting them spiral out of control, can make a big difference. [Read: Insecure women: 54 signs, causes, things men do & secrets to feel secure]

4. Checking in Frequently

If she texts or calls often, it might initially seem over the top, but often, it’s just her way of checking in because she cares. It’s not always about not trusting the other person, it’s more about wanting to stay connected.

It’s just a matter of setting expectations for both of you, so there’s a common understanding of what feels comfortable in terms of communication frequency.

Balancing the need to stay connected with the importance of personal space is key. When both partners are on the same page about how often they want to check in, things are kept harmonious and misunderstandings are prevented.

5. Remembering Small Details and Bringing Them Up

Remembering little things and mentioning them later isn’t “crazy.” It’s actually pretty thoughtful. It shows she’s paying attention and values the small things about you and your relationship. It’s a way of showing care, not a sign of obsessiveness.

6. Asking For Reassurance in the Relationship

The need for reassurance isn’t one of those things women do that make you think she’s crazy. It’s natural to want to feel secure in a relationship. There are times when she needs to hear that things are okay, especially if there’s been uncertainty or instability.

7. Responding Emotionally to Significant Changes or Stress

When life throws curveballs, like major changes or stress, emotions can run high. It’s not a sign of being crazy. It’s a normal human response to tough situations.

Whether it’s a job loss, family issues, or personal challenges, these factors can significantly impact someone’s emotional state.

It’s important to remember that support and patience can make a huge difference in how these situations are navigated. Recognizing and validating these emotions, rather than writing them off as craziness, is crucial for a healthy relationship. [Read: Why are women so emotional? Reasons they feel deeper than men]

8. Seeking to Spend Quality Time Together

Wanting to spend a lot of time together isn’t a crazy thing, it’s about wanting to build and strengthen the relationship. Quality time is crucial for creating a deeper bond and understanding between partners. It’s normal for someone to look forward to these moments and value them highly.

However, it’s also important to balance this with individual space and independence. Communication about how much time spent together feels right for both partners can prevent misinterpretations and ensure that this desire doesn’t come off as overwhelming.

9. Changing Moods Due to Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormonal fluctuations can lead to mood changes, and it’s a completely natural, biological process, not a sign of instability. Understanding and empathy are vital during these times. Hormonal changes can occur due to menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or even stress.

Do not dismiss these mood swings as mere overreactions or craziness but approach them with compassion. Open dialogue about how these fluctuations affect her and what support she might need can help in navigating these times more smoothly.

10. Worrying About the Relationship’s Health

It’s natural to worry about the health and future of a relationship, especially if there have been bumps along the way. This concern is often rooted in a deep care and commitment to the partnership.

Rather than viewing this worry as irrational or crazy, it should be seen as an opportunity to address and resolve underlying issues. Open and honest communication about these worries can strengthen the relationship. [Read: 38 signs & traits of a happy, healthy relationship & what it should look like]

They Drive Us Crazy But They Also Bring Color to Our Lives

Let’s be real, sometimes women can drive us a bit nuts, but at the same time, they’re the same ones who bring so much depth, color, and emotion into our lives. It’s like they have this unique way of challenging us, making us think, and opening our hearts in ways we never expected.

[Read: How to understand women: Truths behind how they think & behave]

Sure, we might scratch our heads at some of the things they do, thinking, “Is this one of those things women do that make you think she’s crazy?” But more often than not, it’s just their way of dealing with the complex world of emotions and relationships. These “crazy” moments are often just human reactions to the ups and downs of life and love.

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