20 Very Real Soulmate Signs You’ve Met the One Destined for You

Whether you’re single or taken, it’s hard to know if the person you like is the one. Use these soulmate signs and let them guide you to your true love.
When you feel like you’ve met “the one,” it’s still hard to be entirely sure. So what are the soulmate signs that show you’ve met the love of your life?
Whether you believe in soulmates or not, it’s what we’re all looking for at heart, isn’t it? Your perfect match, your other self – your soulmate. The one who can read you like a book even when you’re sealed shut.
We hear about this kind of match-up all the time in songs and cinema, two souls who are meant to be together in life and in love and who often, against all the odds, are led by fate to find each other.
But we meet people all the time who we’re romantically interested in, and we never enter a relationship thinking that the other person is definitely NOT the one we’re meant to be with. So how are we supposed to know? What giveaway signs might show us that this person is indeed our soulmate and life love.
[Read: What are twin souls? The definitive sign you’ve found this person]
What is a soulmate really?
Everyone talks about soulmates, but does anyone even know what it means these days? You may be in search of one, but do you know the exact old-school meaning of a soulmate? Well, there are two meanings and no one living can ever tell you which one is true, or even if either of them are true. Read this article on soulmates to know what sure what it means to be a soulmate, and the different things you can do to attract them into your life.
Is there such a thing called destiny when it comes to soulmates?
Call it what you want, coincidences or destiny, but sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason why your partner and you were drawn towards each other. And sometimes, in the most unlikely of circumstances. You go out to meet someone else, and you accidentally meet the one you spend the rest of your life with. You bump into someone on a street, and then you see them again, and again.
These coincidences don’t have to be the soulmate signs you’re looking for. Nor does it mean that the person you’re dating isn’t your soulmate because you met in the most likely of circumstances, in the most boring way.
Life is full of coincidences and energies, and whether you choose to believe them or not, that’s up to you. But sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if there was a bigger power at play to bring you two together.
Irrespective of how you met, or how cute your meet cute story was, there are other ways and signs to know if you’ve met your soulmate and the love of your life. [Read: How to create a perfectly romantic meet cute in your life]
The most accurate signs you’ve met your soulmate
The following list of twenty soulmate signs are not comprehensive, and you probably need to be ticking at least nine or ten of them to be sure, but at least they’ll give you some idea of whether you’ve hit Cupid’s jackpot in your search for the love of your life. [Read: The 10 types of love you’ll experience in your lifetime]
#1 You feel like you’ve been together forever. You could have known them for months, weeks, or even just days. But at some deep down subconscious level you feel like you’ve known them all your life and beyond. A surefire sign that you’ve finally found the person that you’re meant to be with.
#2 You’re always talking about them. Now there are two aspects to this. At the beginning of the relationship, you can’t stop talking about them to anyone and everyone. A sign that they’ve entered your mind and heart so pervasively that you struggle to find any other comparison quite so pleasingly perfect. You just can’t stop thinking of them.
And then, a few months into the relationship, you see a sudden shift. You think about them all the time, they’re constantly in your thoughts. But it’s not obsessive, and you don’t see the need to talk about them with others. You feel a calm sense of euphoria about being in a relationship with them. And you see no need or reason to talk about your relationship with others. You’re blissfully happy, and someone else’s opinions or their feedback makes no difference to you. You have no second thoughts, no need for validation, or proof to their love for you. [Read: Are you in love? 21 signs to decode that feeling of falling in love]
#3 Sparks fly. You can’t really put your finger on it, but every time you’re near each other, there’s an energy in the air that’s almost visible. Even the slightest touch sends jolts of chemical electricity jarring through your body. A definite sign that you’ve found your soulmate.
#4 You can tell them anything. You are entirely happy confiding in your partner, and things that you would hesitate tell your best friend just come rolling effortlessly off your tongue. Another telling soulmate sign that you’ve found the one. [Read: 15 things all couples talk about in a perfect relationship]
#5 Earlier partners fade away. It’s funny how we can go through life entirely satisfied with our partners, or at least mostly satisfied, but things never quite seem to work out. Then we meet this amazing person, and all those relationships we had before, that seemed great at the time, are revealed by comparison for how entirely uninspiring and pedestrian they actually were. [Read: 10 signs your past relationship is holding you back from a much better future]
#6 You want to be better for them. Do you find yourself wanting to be a better person for your significant other, preferring to lose your bad habits and negative personality traits in order to avoid losing your love? If so then you could have found that person with whom you were truly meant to be.
#7 You trust each other. Trust is the cornerstone of all true relationships and having that in a relationship from day one, without having to be worked at in any way, is another soulmate sign.
#8 You’re great friends. Your lives fit together so effortlessly and in such a complementary fashion and as much as the sparks fly, and your hearts lift every time you see each other, you are also each other’s best friend. [Read: 10 signs you’re in love with your best friend and don’t realize it]
#9 Shared principles. You can work at compromising on your principles, but vastly differing approaches to the manner in which you both choose to live can be really quite destructive, unlike soulmates whose ethics and morals always seem to align so closely.
#10 A shared vision. Likewise, if you both have dynamically opposed perceptions of where you both want to be in ten years’ time – perceptions that are unlikely to compromise without at least a small element of resentment. Soulmates tend to have their eyes set at the same point on the horizon. [Read: 13 very strong signs your relationship is built to last]
#11 Their company fulfils you. You really feel nurtured and fulfilled simply by being with your partner, your battery charged and soul replenished. Being separated for long periods has an opposite, highly draining, effect where you feel tired and lost without them.
#12 You enjoy their flaws. What others might consider their flaws, or what you might consider flaws in others, is to you a charming part of who they are and, therefore, something you would never change. A soulmate for sure. [Read: 15 subtle rules to be a really good partner in the relationship]
#13 Talk is terrific. The conversation you have with a soulmate is always meaningful, fun or insightful. Words are never empty, even when indulging in small talk, and you never tire of anything the other has to say.
#14 No awkward silences. Perhaps an even more meaningful sign that you’ve met your soulmate is that you never actually have to say anything. Just being in each other’s presence is enough and silences are a comfortable reminder of just how much you understand and mean to each other.
#15 Instinct. There’s no real explaining this one, but at some deep level you just KNOW that the person you’re with now is the person you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with. [Read: How to ensure you have a long term relationship that lasts]
#16 You push each other. Seeing the potential in each other, you are never satisfied to let the other settle for anything less than the amazing future which they deserve. With gentle encouragement, and the odd necessary shove, soulmates will always support their partner’s direction.
#17 You can laugh together. Humor is a hugely underrated part of any relationship, and soulmates will always be able to laugh with and at each other with impunity – and never with any hint of offense being taken or given. [Read: 25 must-follow relationship rules that’ll guarantee a happy romance]
#18 You involve each other in your decisions. If you have decisions to make, no matter how big or small, and you couldn’t imagine doing so without first sharing them with your significant other, then that show of confidence, trust and love could be a sign of soulmate matching success.
#19 Synchronicity. This sign is hard to explain, but among soulmates there are often little signs, little coincidences that constantly seem to arise. You both lived at the same door number when you were kids, you both have pets with the same name, you both passed your driving test at the same time of the same year. All things that on their own mean little, but as they start to rack up seem increasingly synchronistic. Some even believe that these recurring consequences are signs from the angels.
#20 The earth moves. Good sex is by no means a sign that you are soulmates, but if you experience something that goes just a little bit deeper than any sex you’ve ever had before, that stimulates your heart and mind as much as it does your body, then that certainly may be a sign.
[Read: What is true love? 22 signs of love to know if your love is real]
If you’ve looked down the list of soulmate signs above and have spotted a number of signs that are true of your relationship, then “Congratulations!” It looks like you have indeed found your soulmate and perfect partner for life.
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