15 Intense Signs of Chemistry that Reveal an Instant Connection

You just met them, but sparks are flying already! But how do you know it’s intense signs of chemistry? Well, it’s time you found out.

If you felt an immediate connection with someone you just met, don’t ignore it. Instead, investigate those emotions because it shows a mutual understanding. What are the intense signs of chemistry you need to remember, you ask? Well, wait no further. I’m about to tell you everything you need to know.

The magic of chemistry

You either have chemistry with someone or you don’t. There’s no in-between and not something you can force. There are some people you just click with, while others turn you off.

There have been a couple of times where I met a guy, and the chemistry was mind-blowing. We couldn’t keep our eyes off each other, the conversation was amazing. It was like we were made for one another.

Okay, fast forward and none of those relationships worked out—except for one, and we’re still together. In other words, intense chemistry isn’t just this feeling of wanting to sleep with someone. It’s also a sign you share something deeper. [Read: Have you found your twin soul?]

What you need to know about the intense signs of chemistry

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Sometimes when you really like someone, you can’t tell if they really like you or not. Your mind becomes a little cloudy. Plus, you feel impatient, and I completely understand. So, you want to know if there are intense signs of chemistry between you. Everyone loves a little intensity.

#1 You’re immediately comfortable around them. Usually, when we have a crush, we’re very nervous and uncomfortable around them. But when it’s mutual chemistry, you’re automatically comfortable around them. You feel safe and judgment-free. Remember, chemistry is all about shared energy, and it’s clear you two are vibing. [Read: How to read people and understand what they’re thinking instantly]

#2 You can be yourself. Whatever you say, whatever is on your mind, you feel free to say it to them. When we’re uncomfortable, we’re constantly analyzing what we said and what we should say in the future. But when it’s intense chemistry, there’s no pressure to try to be someone you’re not. In fact, you’ve never felt freer than when you’re around them. 

#3 Endless banter. Who doesn’t love the banter with someone they can have a good conversation with? Not everyone loves engaging in small talk, many people want to share a deeper conversation with someone. When the conversation just flows effortlessly, and you feel light, that’s a great sign they understand you on a deeper level. [Read: How to tell if there’s serious chemistry between two people]

#4 Eye contact. Never underestimate the importance of eye contact. Most of us communicate non-verbally. When you’re at a bar, how do you know if someone likes you? They look at you. Eye contact is a great way to is if there’s chemistry. If both of you are staring at each other intensely, well, it’s clear there’s something going on.

#5 You get each other’s humor. When you hang out with someone who you don’t share chemistry with, you may not understand their humor and vice versa.

Laughter is one of the best ways to connect with someone, and if you two share a similar sense of humor, well, that’s a sign of intense chemistry. Good chemistry is when you can both laugh together at the same jokes.

#6 It’s all about one another. Whether at a party or out with friends, you’re always focused on each other. You make sure both your needs are being met, and share affection when you can. Chemistry isn’t just about the sexual connection you share; it’s deeper than that. You genuinely care about one another.

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#7 Time is relative. When you’re with them, you’re not looking at your watch or checking your phone. When you spend time together, no one is keeping track of the clock. Whether it’s five hours or ten minutes, time flies when you are together. If there’s a real connection, then you  are in your own world.

#8 You can’t wait to see them. The minute you leave them, you’re waiting to see them again. The butterflies in your stomach are going wild, and the anticipation is killing you until you see them again. You don’t want to be away from them; you feel like something is pulling you to them every time.

#9 You love to tease each other. You may think teasing sounds childish, but when you’re with someone you like, teasing can be used as a form of flirting. If you share an intense chemistry, there’s going to be a lot of flirting. But, that’s not a bad thing, I mean, who doesn’t love flirting with someone they like? [Read: 20 clear signs of chemistry in the very first conversation]

#10 You have butterflies. Your stomach is going wild whether you’re beside them or apart. You’re nervous, in a good way, and your stomach is reminding you of that. If you’re feeling butterflies, don’t ignore that. This is a sign of great chemistry going on.

#11 You annoy each other. But in a Notebook type of way. You will pick on each other for no real reason. Rather, you are testing the boundaries and trying to get a reaction from one another. If you hear people telling you that you’re an “old married couple,” well, you have a real connection going on between you two. 

#12 You can handle silence. There’s an awkward silence, but then there’s a good silence, the silence that’s needed. If you can’t sit beside someone in complete silence and feel comfortable, well, then something is off. Intense chemistry isn’t just about talking. It’s also about how you share those quiet moments together.

#13 The feeling doesn’t go away. If you share intense chemistry, it’s not going away that fast. When two people feel close to one another, that’s a bond which isn’t easy to break. This isn’t a feeling that’s going to just disappear overnight. It’ll last for a long time.

#14 And then there’s sex. I can’t pretend this part doesn’t matter. Intense chemistry is deep, but it’s also sexual. When you are around each other, there’s a constant sexual tension floating in the air. You want to rip their clothes off, and they can’t stop licking their lips when they look at you. [Read: How to create sexual chemistry that sticks] 

#15 There’s a flow. Here’s the thing, when you are together, things just flow. You feel comfortable; they feel comfortable. There’s nothing forced. And this flow doesn’t usually happen unless there’s intense chemistry, and this is rare. If you feel this flow, then ride the wave and don’t overanalyze it.

[Read: How your body’s chemistry affects love]

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Sharing chemistry with someone is an amazing experience and definitely something you need to enjoy. Are you sharing these intense signs of chemistry with someone special?

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